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Personal Finance–Ch. 5 – Flashcards 74 terms
Blake Terry avatar
Blake Terry
74 terms
While you are still working, you should be managing your finances for retirement planning. Which of the following is not a goal of your retirement planning?
effectively passing wealth on to heirs
More test answers on https://studyhippo.com/personal-finance-reading-check-1/
Which of the following terms applies to intellectually demanding tasks such as managing finances and paying bills?
Instrumental activities of daily living
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Trade credit may be used to finance a major part of the firm’s working capital when
the firm extends less liberal credit terms than the supplier.
More test answers on https://studyhippo.com/foundations-of-financial-mgmt-ch-8-2/
What are the three basic types of decisions addressed by the study of finance?
Capital budgeting decisions, capital structure decisions, and working capital management decisions
More test answers on https://studyhippo.com/exam-1-practice-questions/
A financial executive devotes the most time to what aspect of finance?
working capital management
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10) Physical capital is purchased through investment spending, which in turn is mostly financed out of:
domestic and foreign savings.
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When the finance department aims for a 3 percent increase in return on investment in three years, what type of goal is the organization setting?
a. a long-term goal b. a tactical goal c. a short-term goal dd. an intermediate goal e. an organizational goal
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What types of assets should be financed with long-term financing?
Fixed assets and permanent current assets
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How was transcontinental railroad financed?
Privately- but not until Congress passed legistlation to finance it
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What is the primary role of finance within health services?
to plan for, acquire, and utilize resources to maximize the efficient and value of the organization
More test answers on https://studyhippo.com/chapter-1-introduction-to-healthcare-finance-chapter-2-healthcare-business-basics/
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