Durable Medical Equipment Flashcards, test questions and answers
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What is Durable Medical Equipment?
Durable Medical Equipment (DME) is medical equipment used to help people with a variety of medical conditions. This equipment can range from simple items such as crutches and walkers to complex devices like respirators and power wheelchairs. It is designed to be long-lasting, so it can be reused by the patient or another person in need of its use. DME may also include supplies and accessories that are necessary for the device to function properly. The purpose of DME is to improve health outcomes and quality of life for those with disabilities or chronic illnesses. It helps them maintain their independence, make daily tasks easier, reduce pain, increase mobility, prevent falls, reduce symptoms associated with illness or disability, and provide access to everyday activities. DME also allows patients to remain independent in their own home rather than relying on caregivers or nursing homes for assistance. Due to advances in technology over the years, there have been many improvements made in Durable Medical Equipment design making it more effective and efficient for use by individuals who require specialized care due to physical impairments caused by injury or illness. These advancements include features that allow users greater control over their environment such as adjustable reclining chairs with multiple positions; technologically advanced beds that automatically adjust position based on body size; voice control software allowing individuals with limited dexterity full command over certain functions; sophisticated lift systems enabling disabled persons increased mobility; lifts that enable wheelchair transfers between vehicles as well as lift mechanism which support bathing/showering while sitting down safely in a chair-like apparatus. Additionally modernized battery operated scooters providing greater freedom and independence than ever before are now available along with footrest accessories allowing wheelchair users secure grip on footplates when transferring into other seating arrangements such as an automobile seat etc.. Overall Durable Medical Equipment has revolutionized how people living with disabilities manage day-to-day activities and provides them improved quality of life through increased convenience safety and accessibilities .