3rd Person Limited Flashcards, test questions and answers
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What is 3rd Person Limited?
In third person limited, the narrator is external to the story and limited to one character’s perspective. The reader is privy to all of that character’s thoughts and feelings, but has no access to any other characters’ perspectives. This style of writing creates a sense of intimacy between reader and protagonist while also allowing the author to control how much information the reader receives. Third person limited can provide readers with insight into a single character’s psychology, giving them an understanding of their hopes, fears, motivations and inner conflicts. It allows for a level of depth that isn’t possible in first person narrative, as readers are able to observe how events shape the protagonist from outside their own headspace. This can create tension as readers piece together hints about what will happen next without being able to directly access another characters’ thoughts or motives. At the same time, this limited point-of-view can limit suspense by reducing surprise moments throughout the story. By focusing on only one perspective at a time, it may be difficult for authors to build up complex plot points or create scenes with multiple characters interacting simultaneously without changing point-of-view or introducing new characters late in the story who have not been previously established within its framework. Overall, third person limited gives authors an effective way to explore an individual’s internal struggles while also providing insight into their behavior and relationships with other characters in a story arcmaking it a popular choice among many writers today.