Research Paper

Management of Cancer Pain Essay Example

The adverse impact of pain on different aspects of life, such as mood and daily task performance, is noteworthy. Based on the World Health Organization’s findings, those who experience persistent pain have a higher chance of developing depression or anxiety compared to those without pain, with a four-fold increase in likelihood. Additionally, they are twice […]

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What In Temperate Deciduous Forests Or Tropical Rainforests Essay Example

The tropical rain forest is one of the largest natural vegetation throughout the wet tropics, and one of the world’s most widespread biomes. The rainforest biome is located in the tropics, mainly within the equatorial climate belt. The tropical Rainforest form an integral part of the earth’s biosphere, covering around 2% of the earth’s surface […]

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Decline of Myth and Religion in Modern Times

The decline of the role of myth and religion as the primary manifestation of the positivist thinking developed by exponents such as Kant and deterministic science has been ongoing. The length of time that humanity has been disordered varies based on individual perspective and interpretation. Lord Scarman’s report on modern society contended that unemployment is […]

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Rosetta Stone Essay Example

The Rosetta Stone In 1799, Napoleon Bonaparte and his army invaded Egypt, Napoleon’s army was helping to repair a fort near the Egyptian town of Rosetta. In the process of dismantling the wall, a member of the expedition discovered a slab of stone with inscriptions from 196 B. C. E. , of three languages; hieroglyphics […]

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Effects of Music on Studying Essay Example

Music is known to be food to the soul. Many studies have investigated the effects of music on attention needed for studying. A great deal of studies conducted was to investigate the effects of music, most specifically the Mozart Piece, on the enhancement of intelligence. Music produce soothing effects on the mind, it increases focus […]

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Culture of Entrepreneurship vs. Employment Essay Example

Culture of Entrepreneurship versus Employment Melanie Venezuela-De Camp, PhD April Joan S. Bagman, MBA Ana Liz R. -ran, MBA Abstract This paper is part of the results of a larger graduate tracer study done for a large university. It looks into the culture of entrepreneurship versus employment among recent graduates of the business school of […]

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Early History of Manchester United – College Essay Example

During the early 1900s, “Dirty Old Town” or Mean Magical was a popular anthem for Manchester, describing witnessing a train setting fire to the night and smelling spring on sailors’ wind across the docks. The chorus reflected living conditions of workers in Manchester in 1878, which is also when Manumit was founded. Newton Heath LYRE […]

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The Chemistry of Fireworks Essay Example

The Chemistry of Fireworks BY craggy A firework is an incendiary device or material that can be used forestalling reinstatement. There are chemicals located in the nose of the rocket that explode, producing the colors seen. The art of fireworks, first originated in ancient China, with thefts explosive being made from a mixture of black […]

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Hawthorn Craft market Essay Example

The Hawthorn Craft Market, operated by the council, has been relocated to the Atrium adjacent to the library at Swinburne University from its previous location at Hawthorn Town Hall. This market, established in 1979, is one of Melbourne’s longest-running markets and features about 100 stalls offering handmade crafts and locally grown produce. Visitors can explore […]

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Dorchester ltd case study Essay Example

To complete the ME Strasbourg Management of Arts Organizations course, students must form teams of five and select an artistic organization or project for strategic analysis. The chosen organization should be able to provide sufficient information within a 20-page report. Following this, each student will answer one of five questions posed by the instructor, with […]

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Marketing Capstone Essay Example

My wife and I have taken on the task of creating a marketing plan for the opening of a new antique store in our neighborhood. We believe that this venture has great potential for profitability, based on three key reasons. Firstly, our passion for antiques has granted us with expertise in authenticating, pricing and preserving […]

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Employee Loyalty Essay Example

Abstract: Researching the relationship between Company Culture and Employee Loyalty will help company’s leader be able to structure a business in which employees contribute most to its development. In this research, the four questions will be focused are: What is the Company culture? What is the employee loyalty? Will the innovation in Company Culture results […]

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Marketing Decisions and Business Strategy Essay Example

“Making Sure That Marketing Decisions Match the Business Strategy” – Commenting on this statement, it is noted that strategies often fail due to poor execution. In order for companies to effectively execute and stay ahead of the competition, a successful business strategy is essential. The key to success lies in maintaining strategic direction and consistently […]

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Media Studies – Teen Spirit assessment Essay Example

Imagine the scenario – it is the year 1955, and starting from the early 1900s, there had been an increasing desire for moving images. The film industry witnessed the emergence of several genres such as Horror, Sci-fi, Children’s, Animated and comedy in the 1950s. This period marked the rise of a new sub-genre that catered […]

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Conditions That Led Hitler and Castro to Rise in Germany and Cuba Essay Example

Both Germany and Cuba had once popular leaders in the form of Hitler and Castro, respectively. Despite Hitler and Castro having similar speaking abilities, fierceness, and strength, their rise to power was due to a combination of political conditions and socioeconomic realities. These factors included weak leadership, communism, social and economic issues, and a need […]

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Wye Valley Coursework Essay Example

I visited Russell’s Inclosure. Located at 6110 on the OS map Wye Valley and Forest of Dean, Russell’s Inclosure is situated 80 – 120 metres above sea level, 4 kilometres east of Coleford, and 3/4 kilometres north east of Cinderford. A map displaying its location can be found below. The hypothesis proposes that the ecosystem […]

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A Brief Introduction to Outsourcing Management Essay Example

Introduction: In recent years, outsourcing has become a popular business trend where companies opt to outsource part or all of their activities/functionality to external suppliers. This involves transferring previously in-house produced tasks to the supplier who then takes on the prime responsibility of fulfilling the task (Finn, 2007). While some companies perceive outsourcing as a […]

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Economic Sustainability Essay Example

Economic Sustainability The business of staying in business Deborah Doane & Alex MacGillivray New Economics Foundation March 2001 Executive Summary Although sustainability is now generally understood to be a combination of environmental, social and economic performance, this report finds that economic sustainability is the most elusive component of the “triple bottom line” approach. There is […]

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Social Classes in Maycomb, to Kill a Mockingbird Essay Example

This is also one of the highest-ranking Jobs in Macomb society Scout and Gem are his children and therefore also part of this social class by birth. Another person in this same social class is Miss Maude Atkinson. She grew up with the Finch’s and is an old friend of theirs. She is now Attic’s […]

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Auteur Theory Essay Example

An auteur is someone who has a consistent visual style; Auteur theory was never thought of as a theory of film until Andrew Sarris translated the popular writings in Cahiers du Cinema known as ‘la politique des auteurs’ into ‘the auteur theory’, thinking that it would make it easier but it had the opposite effect. […]

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Football information services: fanzines, Match of the Day and the modem Essay Example

The definition of research according to the Collins Gem English dictionary (2004) is a ‘systematic investigation to discover facts or collect information’, while Collis and Hussey (2003, p1) offer a more comprehensive explanation that it is a ‘process of enquiry and investigation’. This process follows a systematic and methodical approach to increase existing knowledge. Thoroughness […]

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Visual Merchandising: Shop Window Displays Essay Example

The way a store displays its merchandise in their window has a distinct effect on attracting customers through the door. According to Mary Portas (1999), shop windows are the ‘art of the high street. ‘ Visual merchandising is the method of displaying products to promote a store with an aim to attracting potential customers. The […]

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