Research Paper

Violence in Electronic Media Essay Example

There are many positive effects of the media too, but the ratio of the negative effect is more. We need to find ways to optimize the role of media in our society and also need to understand how to reverse the negative effects into positive ones. Keywords: Media, Children, aggression, India. Introduction One of the […]

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Computer Health Hazard Manual Essay Example

With time, PC computing power Increased, varieties of software become available at minimal costs, and MIR Management responded by acquiring more computers to fill up gaps whenever realized. Currently, almost all MIR offices are equipped with at least a computer set. There have been fears on the potential health problems that computer users may face, […]

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Data Reduncy and other Database Management Issue Essay Example

Data redundancy is a condition created within a database or data storage technology In which the same piece of data is held in two separate places. Or in the case of a flat file database, there are records with partly duplicated data. For example Jones, 48, Male, Teacher Jones, 48, 3 Advent Drive Jones, employee […]

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Service Failure Recovery Essay Example

Although customer satisfaction is one of the ultimate goals of this company it is not always successful in achieving this. Service failures will always occur due to the nature of the business that we are in. This report reviews existing literature on the subject and shows that there have been many different philosophies written on […]

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Green entrepreneurship Essay Example

Today, the ethical high ground is held by those companies which appreciate environmental and social responsibilities. Especially in the Western countries that are prosperous and educated, there are increasingly interest by the society in environmental responsibilities. The entrepreneurs who are able to cultivate this trend and create organisations based on environmental awareness are considered innovators. […]

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International Marketing Investment Strategy: A Three-Stage Model Essay Example

As competition grows, more and more companies are realizing the need to expand globally to remain competitive and achieve growth. This has led to the rise of a larger number of multinational firms, as noted by Pugel in 1988. Successful expansion into foreign markets has been achieved by many companies, as reported by Business Week […]

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Honda’s US market Essay Example

The question asked on this case study is whether prescriptive strategy is to be modified or whether as Pascale suggests, redefine the strategic process completely. In some cases the prescriptive strategy works adequately, but in the case of Honda, they had to change their approach due to the unsuccessful launch of the program in the […]

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Nationalism, Sexuality, Violence, and Cricket Essay Example

In his essay From Game to War, Alan Dundes creates a strong link between the aggressiveness males show both on the field of war and on the filed of play. He believes that this instinct that is shown in sports to check, push, trip, tackle, and hit one’s opponent is the same instinctual characteristic shown […]

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Introduction to Electronic Banking Essay Example

Banking institutions play a crucial role in economies, serving as vital components that drive and facilitate economic growth. They are closely intertwined with the economy’s overall health and are often considered to be engines for promoting economic growth. In order to adapt to a dynamic and fiercely competitive environment, banks recognize the necessity of innovation […]

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Demand Chain Management Essay Example

Introduction Demand chain management is an evolved version of supply chain management theory that places greater emphasis on market demand rather than just the efficient supply of goods. This concept is increasingly important as manufacturers seek to enhance their competitiveness through the adoption of mass customization strategies. Manufacturers need customer information to produce according to […]

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Designing Adaptive Organizations Essay Example

How would you define organizing? Why is It Important? Organizing Is the deployment of organizational resources to achieve strategic goals It is Important because It follows from strategy. Strategy defines what to do, and organizing defines how to do it. The organizing process leads to the creation of organization structure, which defines how tasks are […]

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What is strategy and does it matter for a large organisation Essay Example

Strategy is the long-term direction and planning that a company carries out in order to determine how it can best compete and to succeed. Johnson and Scoles (2006) define strategy as “the direction and scope of an organisation over the long term which achieves advantage of the organisation through its configuration of resources within a […]

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Iphone repositioning Essay Example

The way the public communicates has changed throughout the years. From letters to e-mails, from a call to a text, technology is forever changing. As new developments are introduced from big companies such as Apple and Microsoft, we continue to ask ourselves “What will they think of next?” However, there is no doubt that cell […]

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China New Future Essay Example

The purpose of this report is to analyze my company, China New Future. Our goal is to achieve a yearly growth rate exceeding 34% throughout the simulation’s operational timeframe. Unfortunately, I was unable to achieve my goal. Therefore, in this report, I will analyze the reasons behind my failure and suggest ways to achieve the […]

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Elements Of Strategic Management Process Argumentative Essay Example

Strategic Intelligence is a subset of Competitive Intelligence and is seen as an ongoing process that helps in decision-making by offering timely and actionable intelligence. The main difference between SSL and CLC lies in their focus; SSL primarily aids strategic decision-making by monitoring important strategic aspects. Additionally, SSL considers a broad time frame, including past, […]

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Strategies for the twenty-first century A period of uncertainty Essay Example

Since the start of the 21st century, there has been uncertainty in the airline industry regarding the possibility of a downturn similar to previous decades. However, there have been discouraging signs. In the mid-1990s, international airlines were successful but in 1998 their financial results began to decline. By 1999, profits for these airlines decreased from […]

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Should the Internet Replace the Book Essay Example

Should the Internet Replace the Book As the Chief Tool of Learning? BY poxa389 At present, the Internet and other technology are well-developed and keep improving. People use those new tools to do everything, and try hard to make human life easier and more perfect. From business to finances; Industry to entertainment; services to education, […]

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Computer Evolution Essay Example

Computers have become an integral part of modern society, permeating every aspect of our lives. They are used for more than just calculations, with applications ranging from supermarket scanners to telephone switching centers to automatic teller machines (ATMs). Understanding the origins and future of computers is crucial to fully appreciating their impact on our lives. […]

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Gizmo: Greenhouse Gases Essay Example

The sunlight passes through the glass windows of the car and heats the alarm Inside. The hot air Is trapped Inside the car by the windows and does not mix with cooler outside air. How would things be deferent if the cars windows were left open? Answers will vary. [If the car’s windows were left […]

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Designing A Pay Structure Analysis Essay Example

If It Is found that cheating and/or plagiarism did take place In the writing of this paper, I understand the possible consequences of the act/s, which could Include expulsion from Indiana Wesleyan university. Write a paragraph for the introduction. There are several ways to design a pay structure. Each organization has to determine what approach […]

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Gastritis and Its Consequence Essay Example

The inflammation of the stomach lining known as gastritis can result from a variety of factors, including excessive alcohol consumption, prolonged use of anti-inflammatory medications like Aspirin or Ibuprofen (also referred to as Nasals), major surgery, traumatic injury, burns or severe infections. Gastritis can be caused by chronic exposure to Helicobacter pylori bacteria, long-term bile […]

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The Relationship Between Emotional Intelligence And Conflict Essay Example

Conflict Is not something new to us. Every single day we might Involve In the conflict. Conflict has occurred since the existence of human beings. Conflict occurred either In person or between other Individuals. Conflict can happen when we faced negative situation with family, colleagues, supervisor, customers and others. The early approach of conflict assumed […]

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