Research Paper

Solve Location-Allocation Problems Using Genetic Algorithm Computer Science Essay Example

Locating a facility into the best place is a decision making problem. The best place depends on criteria like the optimal distance, the capacity of the facility, population density, optimal cost etc. Facility allocation can be based on one criterion like optimal distance or adding various combinations of criteria like optimal distance and capacity of […]

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The Art and Process of Forensic Autopsy Essay Example

The field of justice is being influenced by the impact of modern technology on forensic science. This article specifically discusses the significance of forensic autopsy in murder investigations within this field. Forensic pathologists perform autopsies that provide crucial information about criminal cases, including the cause, time, and manner of death. By conducting a thorough external […]

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Studying The Future Prospective Of Nanotechnology Computer Science Essay Example

This article examines the current influence of nanotechnology on the consumer market, delving into its technical aspects and highlighting early successes in the application of nanomaterials. The text discusses advancements in various industries such as automotive, biomedicine, household appliances, and healthcare. It also mentions specific nanostructured materials like nanowires, nanotubes, nanobubble, and nanochips. Additionally, it […]

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Describe Functions of Management Essay Example

Task: Describing the Functions of Management with Examples The concept of management involves the organization and coordination of a business’s activities to achieve specific goals. It is considered one of the factors of production, along with machinery, materials, and money. According to Peter Drucker (1909-2005), a renowned management expert, marketing and innovation are key tasks […]

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Development of Psychology in China Essay Example

When we started this class, we started learning the history of psychology, its theories, and its development. I couldn’t help but notice that the course curriculum is focused on European and American psychologists and their theories, which gives us a very westernized view of psychology and the nature of humans and their humanity. Studying psychology […]

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Discuss the Concerns Raised by Users Regarding Argumentative Essay Example

Introduction AASB 117 Leases mandates lessees to categorize leases as either finance leases or operating leases. The accounting treatment differs significantly under each approach, leading to concerns from investors and other users of financial statements about the usefulness of the provided information. This essay will systematically evaluate the criticisms and usefulness of lease accounting treatment. […]

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The Fetch Execute Cycle Computer Science Essay Example

Introduction Within this report about Computer Hardware, the report will cover the main concepts of computer hardware. Within this report there will be information about the main concepts of a computer system also. These main concepts will include Processors, Memory (Primary and Secondary), Input and output devices under the user types and networking, and support […]

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Japan Luxury Market Essay Example

McKinsey Consumer and Shopper Insights Standing Tall: Japan’s Resilient Luxury Market Brian Salsberg Naomi Yamakawa Photograph: Abbie Chessler 2 In the immediate aftermath of the tsunami, earthquake and nuclear disaster that hit Japan last year, killing 19,000 people and battering the nation’s already shaky confidence, it was hardly surprising that people didn’t feel like shopping. […]

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Psychology And Depression Essay Example

Depression is an illness, that strikes all ages, all races and all genders. It has no limit on how severe or how slight it will hit. Depression has been with us for as long as people have been around. In biblical times, depression was there, being noted several times in the Old Testament as “manic-depression.” […]

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Desision Support Systems Essay Example

In recent years, computer technology has been integrated with formal argumentation models to aid in human decision-making. However, this integration raises conceptual and social-ethical questions that still need to be addressed. This article examines these questions by focusing on two current proposals for computer-mediated argumentation and decision-making, specifically assessing substantive quality, inclusiveness, and noncoerciveness in […]

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What are the causes of terrorism and how can it be stopped? Essay Example

“Terrorism and guerrilla warfare, whether justified as resistance to oppression or condemned as disrupting the rule of law, are as old as civilization itself. The power of the terrorist, however, has been magnified by modern weapons, including television, which he has learned to exploit.” (Guerrillas and Terrorists) There are many definitions and forms of terrorism: […]

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Waterford Crystal Essay Example

Waterford Glass was started by two brothers, George and William Penrose, in 1783.  It was the most notable of all Irish crystal companies. In 1799, the Penrose brothers sold Waterford Glass to the Gatchell family.  The crystal industry was prosperous until 1825.  Irish glass manufacturers began to slowly close due to high export duties, the […]

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Status of Women – College Essay Example

As member of the National Commission for Women, Dr Hameed conducted public hearings from Kerala to Kashmir, Calcutta to Surat. Everywhere, it was the same story, as women spoke of community objections to sending girls to school after puberty, the dangling threat of triple talaaq, zero maintenance, multiple marriage and absence of child support. The […]

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Racial Autobiography Curriculum Unit Essay Example

In Northeastern University’s Race & Ethnicity course the idea of “colorblindness” was discussed at length as being something as powerfully ineffective as racism itself. At Malden High School students of differing racial groups sort of “coexist,” which is something I hope this action plan will begin to change through students’ awareness of racial identity development. […]

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Police Dogs Breah Ratlif Animal Science Essay Example

Cute, fun, loving, cuddly, outgoing; these are only a few words to describe the animals that we have come to know and love as a part of our families. Dogs have been man’s best friend for hundreds of years and were the first animal to be domesticated because they are great as companions, highly intelligent, […]

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The Process Of Time Table Construction Computer Science Essay Example

Designing a timetable for a specific university can be daunting because of the vast selection of courses and subjects available. The main reason for the complexity in time-table scheduling is the possibility of deadlock caused by multiple constraints that must be met. Resolving this problem involves a considerable amount of logical thinking, which can be […]

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The real-time transport protocol Essay Example

Abstract This paper provides an overview of the Real-time Transport Protocol (RTP) and emphasizes its emphasis on security, particularly confidentiality and authenticity. The procedure involves taking a media file as input, encrypting it, generating a message digest for the encrypted data, and sending it to the user. When the recipient receives the data, they verify […]

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Legendary Badminton Players Essay Example

Badminton has a rich history and it has consistently been a fan favorite. Despite changes in players, teams, and rules, the game has always provided unforgettable moments. Fans should be aware of several legendary players who made history through their memorable performances. Among the most renowned American players is David G. Freeman, a native of […]

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TTS Systems for Android Essay Example

ABSTRACT There are various TTS (Text to Speech) systems currently available for personal computers and web applications. In the Smart Phone Platform, there are only a few TTS systems available for the Bangla Language. Android is currently a popular platform for smartphones. Several Bangla TTS systems exist with different mechanisms and techniques, utilizing various tools. […]

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Transportation Problem In Supply Chain Management Computer Science Essay Example

Transportation plays a very important role in Supply chain Management and my analysis is on the problem that why this department is suffering from transportation crises what are the barriers that are coming in the middle of these problems, I have noticed that the communication network is not properly establish in supply chain so the […]

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Cloud Literature Review Narrative Essay Example

Project Aim – The aim of this project is to analyze emerging business opportunities of the “Cloud Computing” business. Purpose- The purpose of the project is to help inform BT’s corporate strategy teams about emerging opportunities for Group Investment. BT would like to understand how different value chains will form around specific socio-economic and technology […]

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Sustainability Is a Very Relevant Concept and a Very Important Skill Essay Example

In the last thirty years, America has witnessed an environmental revolution. New laws like the 1963 Clean Air Act and the 1974 Safe Drinking Water Act forged new ground in political environmentalism. Social phenomena like Earth Day, organized by Dennis Hayes in 1970, and the beginning of large-scale recycling, marked by Oregon’s 1972 Bottle Bill, […]

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