Research Paper

Effects of Computer Essay Example

This thesis explores the English grammar proficiency of first-year students in the College of Arts at the Polytechnic University of the Philippines. It analyzes its implications for effective English teaching and is being submitted to the Faculty of the College of Languages and Linguistics at Polytechnic University of the Philippines, located in Sta. Mesa, Manila. […]

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Development Broadcasting in India and Beyond Essay Example

The March 2007 issue of the Journal of Broadcasting and Electronic Media contains an article entitled “Development Broadcasting in India and Beyond: Redefining an Old Mandate in an Age of Media Globalization,” authored by Elfriede Fursich and Seema Shrikhande. The article examines the challenges faced by public broadcasting agencies in many Asian countries, given the […]

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Real Numbers Essay Example

In mathematics, a real number is a value that represents a quantity along a continuum, such as 5 (an integer), 3/4 (a rational number that is not an integer), 8. 6 (a rational number expressed in decimal representation), and π (3. 1415926535…, an irrational number). As a subset of the real numbers, the integers, such […]

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Alice Walker’s Themes of Womanism, Community, and Regeneration Essay Example

Alice Walker’s Themes of Womanism, Community, and Regeneration Alice Walker is considered one of the most influential African American writers of the 20th century, because of her raw portrayal of African American struggles and the injustices towards black women. She was the first African American female novelist to win both the Pulitzer Prize and the […]

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Shopping Malls versus Neighborhood Stores Essay Example

There are hardly any similarities between shopping malls and neighborhood stores. Shopping malls and neighborhood stores cater to the needs of people ranging from food, hardware/construction needs, etc. Both hold the same objective of providing the needs of people within the area in the most convenient way possible. In addition to that, shopping malls both […]

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Life of William Shakespeare Paper Essay Example

This article delves into the life story of William Shakespeare, specifically highlighting his celebrated plays and poems. Throughout his career, Shakespeare penned a multitude of renowned plays such as Hamlet, Romeo and Juliet, and Macbeth. Alongside his theatrical works, he also crafted notable poems like the Sonnets. Despite the passage of many decades since his […]

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To What Extent Is Jesus’s Attitudes Towards Outcasts a Departure from Judaism? Essay Example

To what extent was Jesus’ attitude towards outcasts a departure from Judaism? From reading Luke (bible) we can see that some of Jesus’ attitudes towards outcasts demonstrated a departure from Judaism. In Judaism, in particular, in that period it was wrong for a person deemed “unclean” which implies diseased or not of a Jewish background […]

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Enterprise Rent-a-Car: Measuring Service Quality Essay Example

Abstract This case study is dealing with research and different ways of tracking customers’ satisfaction as well as customer insight. What decisions has Enterprise made with regard to primary data collection-research approach, contact methods, sampling plan and research instruments? Enterprise made a decision to use a survey approach of its customers. Enterprise wants to know […]

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Transformational Vs Transactional Leadership Essay Example

Leadership and Team Development – Fall 2011 Abstract This research paper addresses various aspects of transformational and transactional leadership styles. It mainly presents a comparative overview of these leadership styles. Further, it talks about an example of each transformational and transactional leadership in real-world. This leads to mentioning various applications that each leadership style finds […]

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Careless Garbage Disposal Essay Example

Disposing garbage is just one of the hundred things we do everyday. But how sure are that we’re doing it the right way? What could be the consequences if we carelessly dispose our rubbish anywhere? Improper way of dumping wastes can cause floods because it makes the sewer clog. It can also pollute bodies of […]

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Descriptive Research Method Essay Example

Descriptive Research Methods (Ch. 12) Case Studies: The importance of case studies is highlighted in the article, which focuses on a thorough examination of one or a few individuals or events. The uniqueness of each case, as seen in “Three Faces of Eve” and “Mind of a Mnemonist,” adds to the fascinating quality of these […]

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Humanities – Realism Essay Example

For this paper I will be discussing “Realism” as my subject. “Realism, in art, the movement of the mid-19th cent. formed in reaction against the severely academic production of the French school. Realist painters sought to portray what they saw without idealizing it, choosing their subjects from the commonplaces of everyday life. Major realists included […]

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Starbucks Paper Essay Example

History In 1971, Seattle Washington, three men joined together and founded the Starbucks Coffee Company. The three men responsible are Jerry Baldwin, Zev Siegel, and Gordon Bower. Starbucks was launched with the idea that coffee was brewed at home. Therefore, Starbucks only sold gourmet coffee beans and brewing/roasting necessities. Ten years later, Howard Shultz became […]

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Things Fall Apart Pt. 1 Study Questions Answers Essay Example

This deepens/extends the meaning of Achebe’s title and novel because the main center of the Igbo tribe was losing its strength and conflicts were bound to happen because of this. Okonkwo was quite popular throughout the villages. After a wrestling match he began to gain fame. He was tall, huge, and had bushy eyebrows with […]

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Changing Nature of Skill Essay Example

Question: Employers are redefining the definition of skill, placing greater importance on soft skills rather than technical ones. This shift has significant implications for employers, employees, and society as a whole. Skill is now viewed as a dynamic concept, and although many individuals have a basic understanding of it, providing an exact definition remains challenging […]

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Single Sex Schools Should Not Be Banned Essay Example

Single sex schools should not be banned Do you want your children study in single sex schools? Single sex schools are the schools that have all same gender students. There are many very famous single sex schools in America like Wellesley College, Smith College, and Mount Holyoke College, which are recorded in the long history […]

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Anime: Japanese Culture Essay Example

Entertainment can be enjoyed in various ways, and one such form is Manga and Anime, which originated in Japan in the 19th century and has since gained global popularity. Manga, commonly known as graphic novels, presents stories in a comic book format (CITE KIMBERLY BOLAN). In the article “Manga and Anime: Fluidity and Hybridity in […]

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Policies of sex trafficking in Netherlands and Thailand Essay Example

Both Thailand and the Netherlands are facing a significant issue with sex trafficking. This is due to the fact that numerous foreign prostitutes lack proper immigration documentation, which could be an indication of trafficking. According to research, approximately 33% of trafficked prostitutes in the Netherlands originate from non-European continents like Asia and Africa. The lack […]

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Sex on Television and its Negative Impact on Society and Teenagers Essay Example

One of the lasting testaments of modern technology still persists until today, and that is the television. From the time the television was introduced, until today, it has grown bigger and a much more complex social component that created jobs, broadened many different industries and have become important and integral part of the modern family […]

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Piercing the Veil in Taxation Matters Essay Example

Piercing the veil is one of the most discussed and litigated doctrines in all of corporate law. A company has a corporate personality distinct from its members. From the juristic point of view, it is a legal person distinct from its members. This is the principal laid down in Salomon v. Salomon & co. ltd. […]

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Tourism as a Cultural Phenomenon Essay Example

Tourism is global phenomenon that has evolved tremendously in the past century. These transformations have depended on and benefited from the emergence of Western Capitalism and capitalist economies (Chambers 2010: 15). Initially restricted to the tourism of the “preserve of elites” (Urry 1991: 4) the “Grand Tour” has over time become an easily accessible universal […]

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Shakespeare or Fakespeare? Essay Example

“According to novelist Henry James, William Shakespeare is the greatest and most successful deception ever perpetrated on an unsuspecting world,” (Anderson) declared. Shakespeare is globally recognized as a playwright of immense talent, celebrated for his plays, sonnets, and poems. Nonetheless, there exists a theory, originally proposed by J., suggesting that Shakespeare was actually a pseudonym […]

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