Romeo & Juliet: Act V Study Questions – Flashcards

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S1-What news does Balthasar bring Romeo?
Balthasar arrives in Mantua and tells Romeo that Juliet is dead.
S1-What does Romeo mean when he says, "Then I defy you, stars!"?
This statement refers to fate. He is going to "tempt fate" by returning to Verona where he has been banished from. His goal is to be with Juliet and he is willing to risk being captured and killed before arriving at her tomb.
S1-What actions does Balthasar's news prompt Romeo to do?
Romeo has been prompted to return to Verona.
S2-What does Friar John tell Friar Laurence?
Friar John tells Friar Lawrence that he was unable to deliver the message to Romeo. According to Friar John, there was a suspected outbreak of plague and he was prevented from entering the city because he was quarantined. (Friar John was visiting the home of a sick person suspected of plague.)
S2-After hearing this news from Friar John, what does Friar Laurence intend to do?
After hearing the news from Friar John, Friar Lawrence intends to go to the tomb and wait for Juliet to wake up. After she wakes up, he will hide her in his cell (room) until Romeo arrives for her.
S3-Why is Paris at Juliet's tomb?
Paris is at Juliet's grave to mourn her loss. He is placing flowers at the entrance of the tomb.
S3-Romeo gives Balthasar two reasons for entering the Capulet's tomb. What are those two reasons?
Romeo tells Balthasar that he is going into the tomb to look at Juliet and to remove from "her dead finger a precious ring."
S3-Why does Paris think that Romeo has come to the tomb?
Paris suspects that Romeo has arrived at the tomb to defile the bodies of Juliet and Tybalt.
S3-What is it about Juliet that should have told Romeo that she was not dead?
Romeo should have noticed that she still had "crimson in thine lips and in thy cheeks." When a person dies, they would appear gray and ashen in color.
S3-Why doesn't Friar Laurence stay in the tomb with Juliet after she awakens?
Friar Lawrence stays in the tomb after Juliet awakens to comfort her when she realizes that Romeo is dead. He intends to escort her out of the tomb and place her in the convent for her own safety.
S3-Why does Juliet kiss Romeo after he is dead?
Juliet kisses Romeo hoping that she will be able to get the remaining poison from his lips.
S3-When Montague first arrives on the scene, what does he tell those gathered?
When Montague arrives on the scene, he informs everyone, "my wife is dead tonight, grief of my son's exile hath stopped her breath tonight."
S3-Relate the events that lead to Romeo and Juliet's death as they are told by Friar Laurence near the play's end.
Friar Lawrence recounts the entire story of Romeo and Juliet being married, Tybalt's death occurring on the same day, banishment, and eventually the poisoning. The Friar also states that he came up with this plan in answer to Juliet's request to get out of the marriage to Paris.
S3-What information does Romeo's letter give?
Romeo's letter confirms the Friar's story. In addition to retelling what the Friar had told the Prince, Romeo added the part about buying the poison from a poor pharmacist and intending to take his life to be with Juliet.
S3-How do Montague and Capulet plan to honor the memories of their children?
Both Capulet and Montague agree to honor the memories of their children. Montague will raise a statue of gold in the likeness of Juliet and Capulet will make a statue of Romeo to lie beside her.
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