Research Workshop: Writing an Argumentative Essay – Flashcards

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Removing animals from the wild and placing them in zoos can contribute to the endangerment of their species.
Read this claim from an argumentative essay about zoos. Zoos help to protect endangered animals, and they are necessary for animal conservation. Which statement best represents a counterclaim to this claim?
to give homeless people relief from their everyday hardships.
Read the sentence from an argumentative essay about homelessness. There should be services to give homeless people a break from the stuff they have to deal with in their everyday lives. Which is the best revision of the underlined portion of the sentence?
College tuition has almost doubled in the last twenty years; however, more than half of all recent college graduates are currently unemployed or in jobs that do not require a college degree.
Read the excerpt from an argumentative essay about college tuition. Is a college education worth the price today? Which revision offers the most improvement in sentence fluency?
body paragraphs.
Evidence to support a claim in an argumentative essay should be part of the
thesis, reasons, evidence, counterclaim, conclusion
Which list best describes the organization of an argumentative essay?
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why is the funding for American public schools so inadequate?
Read the sentence that appears in an argumentative essay about American public education. If education is so important to American society, then why is funding for American public schools so pathetic? Which revision exhibits the best word choice for the underlined portion of the sentence?
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Genetically modified foods should not be sold to consumers until proper tests can prove their safety.
Which sentence from an argumentative essay about genetically modified foods best states a claim?
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("We the People")
Which citation format is correct if a student is quoting from an article entitled "We the People" that is published on a website and has no author information?
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Increasing taxes would place an unnecessary hardship on the citizens and should be avoided.
Which sentence best demonstrates an appropriate style for an argumentative essay?
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Which citation format is correct if a student is quoting from an article entitled "Making Healthier Food Choices" that appears on a website and is written by author Lindsay Metcalf?
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Although it does not seem like one vote can make a difference, every eligible person should vote.
Read the excerpt from an argumentative essay about voting. It does not seem like one vote can make a difference. Every eligible person should vote. Which revision offers the most improvement in sentence fluency?
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(Gardener 45)
Which citation format is correct if a student is quoting a line on page 45 of a book titled Prison by Horace Gardener?
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body paragraph
Read this sentence from an argumentative essay that supports restricting high-sugar foods. Consuming too much sugar over time can lead to diabetes and cardiovascular disease. Where would be the most appropriate place in the essay for this sentence?
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Which of the following parts of an argumentative essay belongs in the introduction?
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Taxpayers have spent millions of dollars on programs to improve education.
Read the sentence that appears in an argumentative essay about American public education. Millions of dollars have been spent by taxpayers on programs to improve education. Which revision offers the most improvement in sentence fluency?
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Specialists can breed animals at zoos to help increase their population.
Read this claim from an argumentative essay about zoos. Zoos help to protect endangered animals, so they are necessary for animal conservation. Which piece of evidence, if true, would best support this claim?
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