Psychology Short Answers – Flashcards

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In a survey, psychologists select a random sample of research participants in order to ensure that a) the participants are representative of the population they are interested in studying. b) there will be a large number of participants in the research study. c) the study will not be influenced by the researcher's personal values. d) the same number of participants will be assigned to each of the experimental conditions.
a) the participants are representative of the population they are interested in studying.
Dr. Caleigh conducts research on the relationship between adults' language skills and their capacity to solve mathematical problems. Dr. Caleigh is most likely a _________ psychologist. a) cognitive b) biological c) clinical d) social
a) cognitive
Random assignment minimizes ________ between experimental and control groups. Random sampling minimizes ________ between a sample and a population. a. similarities; differences c) similarities; similarities b. differences; similarities d) differences; differences
d) differences; differences
Which psychological perspective is most likely to be concerned with identifying the powers and the limits of human reasoning? a) cognitive b) behavioral c) neuroscience d) behavior genetics
a) cognitive
Illusory correlation refers to A.the perception of a relationship between two variables that does not exist. b. a correlation that exceeds the value of +1.00. c. a relationship due solely to a placebo effect. d. a correlation attributable to random sampling.
a) the perception of a relationship between two variables that does not exist.
The scientific attitude of humility is most likely to be undermined by a. hindsight bias. c) random assignment. b. correlational evidence. d) operational definitions.
a) hindsight bias.
The specialist most likely to have a medical degree is a a) clinical psychologist. c) developmental psychologist. b) social psychologist. d) psychiatrist.
d) psychiatrist.
8. Which psychologists are MOST likely to be involved in applied research? a) industrial-organizational psychologists c) social psychologists b) developmental psychologists d) biological psychologists
a) industrial-organizational psychologists
The most foolproof way of testing whether a newly introduced method of psychological therapy is truly effective is to use a. survey research. c) correlational research. b. naturalistic observation. d) experimental research.
d) experimental research.
Professor Smith told one class that drinking alcohol has been found to increase sexual desire. He informed another class that drinking alcohol has been found to reduce sexual appetite. The fact that neither class was surprised by the information they received best illustrates the power of a) replication. c) the double-blind procedure. b) hindsight bias. d) the placebo effect.
b) hindsight bias.
Which lobes of the brain receive the input that enables you to feel someone scratching your back? a) parietal b) temporal c) occipital d) frontal
a. parietal
A brief electrical charge that travels down the axon of a neuron is called the a) synapse. b) agonist. c) action potential. d) neurotransmitter.
c) action potential.
A picture of a dog is briefly flashed in the left visual field of a split-brain patient. At the same time a picture of a boy is flashed in the right visual field. In identifying what she saw, the patient would be most likely to a) use her left hand to point to a picture of a dog. b) verbally report that she saw a dog. c) use her left hand to point to a picture of a boy. d) verbally report that she saw a boy.
d) verbally report that she saw a boy.
A simple, automatic, inborn response to a sensory stimulus is called a(n) a) neural network. b) action potential. c) neurotransmitter. d) reflex.
d) reflex.
The inability to recognize familiar faces even though one can clearly see and describe features of the faces is associated with damage to the right ________ lobe. a) frontal b) parietal c) occipital d) temporal
d) temporal
When a person speaks, brain waves and bloodflow are especially likely to reveal increased activity in the a) hypothalamus. b) left hemisphere. c) amygdala. d) right hemisphere.
b) left hemisphere.
The sensory cortex is most critical for our sense of a) sight. b) hearing. c) touch. d) smell.
c. touch
At the age of 22, Mrs. LaBlanc was less than 4 feet tall. Her short stature was probably influenced by the lack of a growth hormone produced by the a) pancreas. b) thyroid. c) adrenal gland. d) pituitary gland.
d. pituitary gland
The ability to simultaneously copy different figures with the right and left hand is most characteristic of those whose ________ has been cut. a) angular gyrus b) reticular formation c) corpus callosum d) motor cortex
c. corpus callosum
The part of the peripheral nervous system that controls the glands and the muscles of the internal organs is called the a. somatic nervous system. c) limbic system. b. reticular formation. d) autonomic nervous system.
d. autonomic nervous system
The best way to detect enlarged fluid-filled brain regions in some patients who have schizophrenia is to use a(n) a) EEG. b) MRI. c) PET scan. d) brain lesion.
b. MRI
The knee-jerk reflex is controlled by interneurons in the a) limbic system. b) spinal cord. c) brainstem. d) cerebellum.
b. spinal cord
The study of the links between physiology activity and psychological events is called a) neurology. b) cognitive psychology. c) endocrinology. d) biological psychology.
d) biological psychology
The hypothalamus influences the ________ to send messages to the ________. a. cerebellum; amygdala c) motor neurons; sensory neurons b. pituitary; endocrine glands d) thalamus; angular gyrus
b) pituitary; endocrine glands
1. The use of barbiturates ________ anxiety and ________ nervous system activity. a) increases; decreases c) decreases; decreases b) decreases; increases d) increases; increases
c) decreases; decreases
Arlette often consumes up to six cocktails in a row before she experiences any noticeable symptoms of intoxication. This suggests that Arlette has developed a) narcolepsy. b) tolerance. c) dissociation. d) hallucination.
b. tolerance
A periodic, natural loss of consciousness that involves five distinct stages is known as a) the circadian rhythm. b) narcolepsy. c) dissociation. d) sleep.
d. sleep
During the course of a full night's sleep, people are most likely to spend more time in a. Stage 4 sleep than in Stage 2 sleep. c) Stage 3 sleep than in REM sleep. b. REM sleep than in Stage 4 sleep. d) REM sleep than in Stage 2 sleep.
b) REM sleep than in Stage 4 sleep.
At 3 o'clock in the morning, John has already slept for 4 hours. As long as his sleep continues, we can expect an increasing occurrence of a) hypnagogic sensations. b) muscle tension. c) REM sleep. d) Stage 4 sleep.
c. REM sleep
Morphine and heroin are a) amphetamines. b) opiates. c) hallucinogens. d) barbiturates.
b. opiates
The need to take larger and larger doses of a drug before experiencing its effects is an indication of a) withdrawal. b) dissociation. c) tolerance. d) narcolepsy.
c. tolerance
When cocaine is snorted, free-based, or injected, it produces a rush of euphoria by a. producing hallucinations. b. blocking the reuptake of dopamine, serotonin, and norepinephrine. c. increasing the occurrence of alpha waves. d. triggering a state of dissociation.
b) blocking the reuptake of dopamine, serotonin, and norepinephrine.
One of the dangers of using Ecstasy at all-night dances is a) increased appetite. b) dehydration. c) lethargy. d) pupil constriction.
b. dehydration
Mrs. Roberts, who suffers from AIDS, has been given an ordinarily illegal drug at the university hospital. Considering her specific medical condition, it is likely that she has received a) LSD. b) cocaine. c) marijuana. d) heroin.
c. marijuana
The greatest danger of viewing drug addiction as a disease is that this may lead drug addicts to a) feel increased feelings of shame. b) hide the drug abuse from public view. c) feel powerless to overcome the addiction. d) become victims of social hostility and prejudice.
c) feel powerless to overcome the addiction.
A stage hypnotist can best increase the hypnotizability of select audience members by first providing them with a a) memory quiz that encourages them to recall their own early life experiences. b) strong expectation that they will be hypnotically responsive. c) caffeinated beverage that temporarily boosts mental alertness. d) simple promise that they will not be publicly humiliated.
b) strong expectation that they will be hypnotically responsive.
Chemical substances that alter perceptions and moods are called ________ drugs. a) neuroadaptive b) narcoleptic c) psychoactive d) hypnagogic
c) psychoactive
Prior to age 9, children's dreams seem more like a slide show and less like an active story in which the dreamer is an actor. This best illustrates that the content of dreams reflects children's a) latent content. b) change blindness. c) night terrors. d) cognitive development.
d. cognitive development
Girls typically play in ________ groups than do boys and, during their teens, girls spend ________ time with friends than do boys. a) larger; more b) smaller; less c) larger; less d) smaller; more
d) smaller; more
The social roles assigned to women and men a) are virtually the same in all cultures. b) have been virtually the same in all historical time periods. c) differ widely across cultures. d) differ widely across historical time periods but not across cultures.
c) differ widely across cultures.
Individualism is to collectivism as ________ is to ________. a) norm; role c) independence; interdependence b) nature; nurture d) identical twin; fraternal twin
c) independence; interdependence
The study of the relative power and limits of genetic and environmental influences on behavior is known as a) a pruning process. c) behavior genetics. b) evolutionary psychology. d) gender typing.
c) behavior genetics.
Women are most likely to be sexually attracted to men who seem shy. c) interested in casual, uncommitted sex. emotionally reactive and intense. d) mature and affluent.
d. mature & affluent
The reproductive advantage enjoyed by organisms best suited to a particular environment is known as a) self-regulation. b) behavior genetics. c) natural selection. d) collectivism.
c) natural selection
Compared with people in individualist cultures, those in collectivist cultures are a) less likely to display signs of humility and more likely to defer to others' wishes. b) more likely to display signs of humility and less likely to defer to others' wishes. c) less likely to display signs of humility and less likely to defer to others' wishes. d) more likely to display signs of humility and more likely to defer to others' wishes.
d) more likely to display signs of humility and more likely to defer to others' wishes.
Gender identity refers to a) one's biological sex. b) the sense of being male or female. c) the set of expected behaviors for males and for females. d) how masculine a boy is or how feminine a girl is.
b. the sense of being male or female
Frans avoids talking with food in his mouth because other people think it is crude and inappropriate. This best illustrates the impact of a) individualism. b) schemas. c) stereotypes. d) norms.
d. norms
According to evolutionary psychologists, our predisposition to overconsume fatty junk foods illustrates that we are biologically prepared to behave in ways that promoted the ________ of our ancestors. a) gender typing b) personal space c) reproductive success d) neuroticism
c) reproductive success
Professor Assad suggested that a cautious attitude toward sexual encounters has proven to be more reproductively advantageous to women than to men because the birth process is time-consuming. This suggestion best illustrates the logic of a(n) ________ theory of sexual behavior. a) evolutionary b) social learning c) Freudian d) role
a) evolutionary
Evolutionary psychologists are most likely to emphasize that human adaptiveness to a variety of different environments has contributed to human a) gender typing. b) genetic mutations. c) gender schemas. d) reproductive success.
d. reproductive success.
Gender differences in verbal fluency are consistent with evidence that parts of the a) frontal lobes are thicker in men than in women. b) parietal lobes are thicker in men than in women. c) frontal lobes are thicker in women than in men. d) parietal lobes are thicker in women than in men.
c) frontal lobes are thicker in women than in men.
Since 1960, Americans have experienced a(n) a) increase in the incidence of depression and a decrease in work hours. b) decrease in the incidence of depression and an increase in work hours. c) increase in the incidence of depression and an increase in work hours. d) decrease in the incidence of depression and a decrease in work hours.
c) increase in the incidence of depression and an increase in work hours.
Critics of evolutionary psychology are most likely to suggest that it underestimates the a) impact of genetic predispositions on human sexual behavior. b) impact of cultural expectations on human sexual behavior. c) variety of traits that contribute to reproductively successful behaviors. d) extent to which certain gender differences in sexual behavior are common to all cultures.
b) impact of cultural expectations on human sexual behavior.
The home environment most clearly has a greater influence on children's ________ than on their ________. a) temperament; political attitudes c) religious beliefs; personality traits b) extraversion; table manners d) gender identity; gender schemas
c. religious beliefs; personality traits
When people with autism watch another person's hand movements, they display less ________ than most others. a) infantile amnesia b) egocentrism c) mirror neuron activity d) stranger anxiety
c) mirror neuron activity
The stability of personality traits is greater among a) boys than among girls. c) adults than among children. b) men than among women. d) preschoolers than among adolescents.
c) adults than among children.
The ability to learn a new computer software program is to ________ as knowledge of state capitals is to ________. a) concrete operations; formal operations c) crystallized intelligence; fluid intelligence b) formal operations; concrete operations d) fluid intelligence; crystallized intelligence
d) fluid intelligence; crystallized intelligence
If research suggested that a pregnant mother's use of an artificial sweetener caused harm to the fetus, the artificial sweetener would be considered a(n) a) FAS. b) form of DNA. c) schema. d) teratogen.
d. teratogen
Sixteen-year-old Brenda questions her parents' values but does not fully accept her friends' standards either. Her confusion about what she really wants and values in life suggests that Brenda is struggling with the problem of a) autonomy. b) identity. c) initiative. d) integrity.
b. identity
Some mothers feed their infants when they show signs of hunger, whereas others fail to respond predictably to their infants' demands for food. These different maternal feeding practices are most likely to contribute to differences in infant a) autism. b) attachment. c) conservation. d) egocentrism.
b. attachment
An awareness of your distinctive status as an international student in a university far from your homeland best illustrates a sense of a) stranger anxiety. c) social identity. b) postconventional morality. d) insecure attachment.
c) social identity.
An elaborate ceremony used to celebrate a person's emergence into adulthood is an example of a a) schema. b) critical period. c) secure attachment. d) rite of passage.
d. rite of passage
A teratogen is a(n) a) fertilized egg that undergoes rapid cell division. b) unborn child with one or more physical defects or abnormalities. c) chromosomal abnormality. d) substance that can cross the placental barrier and harm an unborn child.
d) substance that can cross the placental barrier and harm an unborn child.
At age 12, Sean is happy, self-reliant, and has a positive self-image. It is most likely that Sean's parents are a) permissive. b) conservative. c) authoritarian. d) authoritative.
d. authoritative
People experience rapid physical growth and sexual maturation during a) late adolescence. b) puberty. c) the preoperational stage. d) late childhood.
b. puberty
The ability to think logically about hypothetical situations is indicative of the ________ stage of development. a) conventional b) preconventional c) preoperational d) formal operational
d. formal operational
Researchers have discovered that the midlife transition between early and middle adulthood is characterized by unusually high levels of a) job dissatisfaction and career change. c) anxiety and emotional instability. b) marital dissatisfaction and divorce. d) none of these feelings or events.
d. none of these feelings or events
The egocentrism of preschoolers was most strongly emphasized by a) the Harlows' attachment theory. b) Kohlberg's moral development theory. c) Piaget's cognitive development theory. d) Erikson's psychosocial development theory.
c) Piaget's cognitive development theory.
Four-year-old Karen can't remember anything of the first few months of her life. This is best explained by the fact that a) the trauma of birth interfered with the subsequent formation of memories. b) most brain cells do not yet exist at the time of birth. c) experiences shortly after birth are a meaningless blur of darkness and light. d) she lacked language skills for organizing her early life experiences.
d) she lacked language skills for organizing her early life experiences.
Providing children with a safe haven in times of stress contributes most directly to a) conservation. b) stranger anxiety. c) object permanence. d) secure attachment.
d. secure attachment
In 1879, in psychology's first experiment _____ and his students measured the time lag between hearing a ball hit a platform and pressing a key. A. jean piaget b. wiliam james c. sigmund frued d. wilhelm wundt
d. Wilhelm Wundt
A prominent psychology text was published in 1890. Its author was A. Wilhelm Wundt B. Mary Whiton Calkins C. Carl Rogers D. William James
D. William James
In the early 20th century, ________ redefined psychology as "the science of observable behavior" A. John B. Watson B, Abraham Maslow C. William James D. Sigmund Freud
A. John B. Watson
The perspective in psychology that focuses on how behavior and thought differ from situation to situation and from culture to culture is the A. cognitive perspective B. Behavioral perspective C. Social-cultural perspective D. Neuroscience perspective
C. Social-cultural perspective
In the history of psychology, a major topic has been the relative influence of nature and nurture. Nature is to nurture as A. personality is to intelligence B. biology is to experience c. intelligence is to biology d. psychological traits are to behaviors
B. biology is to experience
A psychologist using the behavioral perspective would be most likely to study a. the effect of school uniforms on classroom behaviors b. the hidden meaning in children's themes and drawings c. the age at which children can learn algebra d. whether certain mathematical abilities appear to be inherited
a. the effect of school uniform on classroom behaviors
A psychologist treating emotionally troubled adolescents at a local mental health agency is most likely to be a(n) a. research psychologist b. psychiatrist c.industrial-organizational psychologist d clinical psychologist
d. clinical psychologist
A psychologist conducting basic research to expand psychology's knowledge base would be most likely to a. design a computer screen with limited glare and assess the effect on computer operators' eyes after a day's work b.treat older peope who are overcome with depression c. observe 3-and 6-year olds solving puzzles and analyze differences in their abilities d. interview children with behavioral problems and suggest treatments.
C. Observe 3-and 6-year olds solving puzzles and analyze differences in their abilities
Hindsight bias refers to our tendency to A. perceive events as obvious or inevitable after the fact B. be more confident than correct in estimating distances c.overestimate our ability to predict the future d. make judgement that fly in the face of common sense.
A. perceive events as obvious or inevitable after the fact
As scientists, psychologists view theories with curiosity, skepticism, and humility. This means that they a. approach research with a negative cynicism b. assume that an article published in a reputable journal must be true c. believe that every important human question can be studied scientifically d. are willing to ask questions and to reject claims that cannot be verified by research
d. are willing to ask questions and to reject claims that cannot be verified by research
A newspaper article describes how a "cure for cancer has been found." A critical thinker probably will a. dismiss the article as untrue b. accept the information as a wonderful breakthrough c. question the article, evaluate the evidence and assess the conclusion d. question the article but quickly accept it as true if the author has an excellent repuation
c. question the article, evaluate the evidence and assess the conclusion
the predictions implied by a theory are called a. operational definitions b. correlations c. hypotheses d. replications
c. hypotheses
Which of the following is NOT one of the techniques psychologists use to observe and describe behavior? a. a case study b. naturalistic observation c. correlational research a. phone survey
c. correlational research
You wish to take an accurate poll in a certain country by questioning people who truly represent the country's adult population. Therefore, you need to ensure that you question a. at least 50% males & 50% females b. a small but intelligent sample of population c. very large sample of population d. random sample of population
d. random sample of population
A study finds that the more childbirth training classes women attend, the less pain medication they require during childbirth. This finding can be stated as a(n) a. positive correlation b. negative correlation c. cause-effect relationship d. illusory correlation
b. negative correlation
Knowing that 2 events are correlated provides a. a basis for prediction explanation of why the events are related c. proof that as one increases, the other also increases d. an indication that an underlying third factor is at work
a. a basis for prediction
Some people wrongly perceive that their dreams predict future events. This is an example of a(n) ______ correlation. a. negative b. positive c. illusory d. naturalistic
c. illusory
Descriptive and correctional studies describe behavior, detect relationships and predict behavior. But to explain behaviors, psychologists use a. naturalistic observation b.experiments c.surveys studies
b. experiments
To test the effect of a new drug on depression, we randomly assign people to control and experimental groups. Those in the experimental group take a pink pill containing the new medication; those in the control group take a pink pill that contains no medication. Which statement is true? a. the medication is the dependent variable b. depression is the independent variable c. participants in the control group take a placebo d. participants in the experimental group take a placebo
c. participants in the control group take a placebo
A double-blind procedure is often used to prevent researchers' biases from influencing the outcome of an experiment. In this procedure, a. only the participants know whether they are in the control group or the experimental group b. experimental and control group members will carefully matched for age, sex, income, and education level. c. neither the participants nor the researchers know who is in the experimental or control group d. someone separate from the researcher will ask people to volunteer for the experimental group or the control group
c. neither the participants nor the researchers know who is in the experimental or control group
A researcher wants to determine whether noise level affects the blood pressure of elderly people. In one group she varies the level of noise in the environment and records participant's blood pressure. In this experiment, the level of noise is the a. control condition b. placebo c. dependent variable d. independent variable
d. independent variable
The laboratory environment is designed to a. exactly re-create the events of everyday life b. re-create psychological forces under controlled conditions c. create opportunities for naturalistic observation d. minimize the use of animals and humans in psychological research
b. re-create psychological forces under controlled conditions
Which of the following is true regarding gender differences and similarities? a. differences between the genders outweigh any similarities b. despite some gender differences, the underlying processes of human behavior are the same. c. both similarities and differences between the genders depend more on biology than on environment. d. gender differences are so numerous, it is difficult to make meaningful comparisons
b. despite some gender differences, the underlying processes of human behavior are the same.
In defending their experimental research with animals, psychologists have noted that a. animals' psychology and behavior can tell us much about our own b. animals experimentation sometimes helps animals as well as humans c. advancing the well-being of humans justifies animals experimentation d. all of theses statements are correct
d. all of the above
The neuron fiber that carries messages to other neurons is the a. dendrite b. axon c. cell body d. myelin
b. axon
The tiny space between the axon of a sending neuron and the dendrite or cell body of a receiving neuron is called the a. axon terminal b. branching fiber c. synaptic gap d. threshold
c. synaptic gap
The neuron's response to stimulation is an all-or-none response, meaning that the intensity of the stimulus determines a. whether or not an impulse is generated b. how fast an impulse is transmitted c. how intense an impulse will be d. whether the stimulus is excitatory or inhibitory
a. whether or not an impulse is generated
When an action potential reaches the axon terminal of a neuron, it triggers the release of chemical messengers called a. dendrites b. synapses c. neural impulses d. neurotransmitters
d. neurotransmitters
endorphin's are released in the brain in response to a. morphine or heroin b. pain or vigorous exercise c. the all-or-none response d. all of theses are correct
b. pain or vigorous exercise
The autonomic nervous system controls internal functions, such as heart rate and glandular activity. The word autonomic means a. calming b. voluntary c. self-regulating d. arousing
c. self-regulating
The sympathetic nervous system arouses us for action and the parasympathetic nervous system calms us down. Together, the 2 systems make up the a. autonomic nervous system b. somatic nervous system c. central nervous system d. peripheral nervous system
a. autonomic nervous system
The neurons of the spinal cord are part of the a. somatic nervous system b. central nervous system c. autonomic nervous system d. peripheral nervous system
b. central nervous system
The most influential endocrine gland, known as the master gland is the a. pituitary b. hypothalamus c. kidney d. adrenal
a. pituitary
_____ secrete(s) epinephrine and norepinephrine, helping to arouse the body during times of stress. A. adrenal glands B. The pituitary glands C. the hypothalamus D. Neurotransmitters
A. adrenal glands
The brainstem is the oldest and innnermost region of the brain. The part of the brainstem that controls heartbeat and breathing is the a. cerebellum b. medulla c. cortex d. thalamus
b. medulla
The thalamus receives information from the sensory neurons and routes it to the higher brain regions that control the senses. The thalamus functions like a a. memory bank b. balance center c. breathing regulator d. switchboard
d. switchboard
The lower brain structure that governs arousal is the a. spinal cord b. cerebellum c. reticular formation d. medulla
c. reticular formation
The part of the brain that coordinates voluntary movement is the a. cerebellum b. medulla c. thalamus d. reticular formation
a. cerebellum
The limbic system, a doughnut-shaped structure at the border of the brain's older parts and cerebral hemispheres, is associated with basic motives, emotions, and memory functions. 2 parts of the limbic system are the amygdala and the a. cerebral hemisphere b. hippocampus c. thalamus d. pituitary
b. hippocampus
A cat's ferocious response to electrial brain stimulation would lead you to suppose the electrode had touched the a. hippocampus c. pituitary c. hypothalamus d. amygdala
d. amygdala
The neural structure that most directly regulates eating, drinking and body temperature is the a. endocrine system b. hypothalamus c. hippocampus d. spinal cord
b. hypothalamus
The initial reward center discovered by Olds and Milner was located in the a. hippocampus b. brainstem c. hypothalamus d. spinal cord
c. hypothalamus
If a neurosurgeon stimulated your right motor cortex, you would most likely a. see light b. hear sound c. feel a touch on the right arm d. move your left leg
d. move your left leg
Which of the following body regions has the greatest representation in the sensory cortex? a. Knee b. toes c. forehead d. thumb
d. thumb
The "uncommited" areas that make up about 3/4ths of the cerebral cortex are called a. occipital lobes b. fissures c. association areas d. Wenicke's area
c. association areas
Judging & planning are enabled by the ____ lobes. a. occipital b. parietal c. frontal d. temporal
c. frontal lobes
Plasticity- the brain's ability to reorganize itself after damage- is especially evident in the brains of A. split- brain patients b. young adults c. young children d. right-handed people
c. young children
An experimental flashes the word HERON across the visual field of a man whose corpus callosum has been severed. HER is transmitted to his right hemisphere and ON to his left hemisphere. When asked to indicate what he saw the man a. says he saw HER but points to ON. b. says he say ON but points to HER c. says he saw HERON but points to HER d. says he saw HERON but points to ON.
b. says he say ON but points to HER
Studies of people with split brains and brain scans of those with undivided brains indicate that the left hemisphere excels in a. processing language b. visual perceptions c. making inferences d. neurogenesis
a. processing language
Damage to the brain's right hemisphere is most likely to reduce a person's ability to a. recite the alphabet rapidly b. make inferences c. understand verbal instructions d. solve arithmetic problems
b. make inferences
Failure to see visible objects when our attention is occupied elsewhere is called a. parallel processing b. awareness unconsciousness c. inattentional blindness d. subconscious processing
c. inattentional blindness
We register and react to stimuli outside of our awareness by means of ____ processing. When we devote full conscious attention to stimuli, we use ______ processing. a. parallel; serial b. serial; parallel c. selective; complete d. complete; selective
a. parallel; serial
Our body temperature tends to rise and fall in sync with a biological clock, which is referred to as a. the circadian rhythm b. narcolepsy c. REM sleep d. hypnagogic sensation
a. the circadian rhythm
During stage 1 light sleep, a person is most likely to experience a. sleep spindles b. hallucinations c. night terrors or nightmares d. rapid eye movements
b. hallucinations
The brain emits large, slow delta waves during the deepest stage of sleep, called a. Stage 2 b. Stage 4 c. REM sleep d. paradoxical sleep
b. stage 4
During sleep we pass through a cycle of 5 stages, each with characteristic brain waves. As the night progresses, the REM stage a. gradually disappears b. becomes briefer and briefer c. remains about the same d. becomes progressively longer
d. becomes progressively longer
Which of the following is NOT one of the theories that have been proposed to explain why we need sleep? a. sleep has survival value b. sleep helps us recuperate c. sleep rests the eyes d. sleep plays a role in growth process
c. sleep rests the eyes
Two sleep disorders are narcolepsy and sleep apnea. With narcolepsy, the person ______; with sleep apnea, the person _______. a. has persistent problems falling asleep; experiences a doubling of heart and breathing rates b. experiences a doubling of heart and breathing rates; has persistent problems falling asleep c. intermittently stops breathing; suffers periodic, overwhelming sleepiness d. suffers periodic, overwhelming sleepiness; intermittently stops breathing
d. suffers periodic, overwhelming sleepiness; intermittently stops breathing
In interpreting dreams, Frued was most interested in their a. information-processing function b. physiological function c. manifest content, or story line d. latent content, or hidden meaning
d. latent content, or hidden meaning
The activation-synthesis theory suggests that dreams a. are the brain's attempts to make sense of random neural activity b. provide a rest period for overworked brains c. serve as a safety valve for unfulfilled desires d. reflect the dreamer's level of cognitive development
a. are the brain's attempts to make sense of random neural activity
The tendency for REM sleep to increase following REM sleep deprivation is referred to as a. paradoxical sleep b. deep sleep c. REM rebound d. slow-wave sleep
c. REM rebound
People who are hypnotizable and will carry out a hypnotic suggestion typically a. have rich fantasy lives b. have low self-esteem c. are subject to hallucinations d. are faking their actions
a. have rich fantasy lives
Most experts agree that hypnosis can be effectively used to a. elicit testimony about a "forgotten" event b. re-create childhood experiences c. relieve pain d. block sensory input
c. relieve pain
Hilgard believed that hypnosis involves dissociation, or a. an extension of social pressure b. heightened suggestibility c. a state divided consciousness d. conscious enactment of hypnotic role
c. a state divided consciousness
Continued use of psychoactive drug produces tolerance. This usually means that the user will a. feel physical pain & intense craving b. be irreversibly addicted to the substance c. need to take larger doses to get the desired effect d. be able to take smaller doses to get the desired effect
c. need to take larger doses to get the desired effect
The depressants include alcohol, barbiturates, a. and opiates b. cocaine and morphine c. caffeine, nicotine and marijuana d. and amphetamines
a. and opiates
Because alcohol ____, it may make a person more helpful or more aggressive. a. causes alcoholic blackouts b. destroys REM sleep c. produces hallucinations d. lowers inhibitions
d. lowers inhibitions
Nicotine and cocaine stimulate neural activity, speed up body functions and a. induce sensory hallucinations b. interfere with memory c. induce a temporary senses of wellbeing d. lead to heroin use
c. induce a temporary senses of wellbeing
Long-term use of ecstasy can a. depress sympathetic nervous system activity b. deplete the brain's supply of epinephrine c.deplete the brain's supply of dopamine d. damage serotonin-producing neurons
d. damage serotonin-producing neurons
Near-death experiences are strikingly similar to the hallucinations evoked by a. heroin b.cocaine c. LSD d. alcohol
Use of marijuana a. impairs motor coordination, perception, reaction time, and memory. b. inhibits people's emotions c. leads to dehydration and overheating d.stimulates brain cell development
a. impairs motor coordination, perception, reaction time, and memory.
Social-cultural explanations for drug use often focus on the effect of peer influence. An important psychological contributor to drug use is a. inflated self-esteem b. the feelings that life is meaningless and directionless c. genetic predispositions d. overprotective parents
b. the feelings that life is meaningless and directionless
The threadlike structures made largely of DNA molecules are called a. gene complexes b. nuclei c. chromosomes d. cells
c. chromosomes
When the mother's egg and the father's sperm unite, each contributes a. one chromosome pair b. 23 chromosomes c. 23 chromosome pairs d. 30,000 chromosomes
b. 23 chromosomes
Fraternal twins result when a. a single egg is fertilized by a single sperm and then splits b. a single egg is fertilized by 2 sperm and then splits c. 2 eggs are fertilized by 2 sperm d. 2 eggs are fertilized by a single sperm
c. 2 eggs are fertilized by 2 sperm
Adoption studies seek to understand genetic influences on personality. They do this mainly by a. comparing adopted children with non-adopted children b. evaluating whether adopted children's personalities more closely resemble those of their adoptive parents or their biological parents c. studying the effect of prior neglect on adopted children d. studying the effect of children's age at adoption
b. evaluating whether adopted children's personalities more closely resemble those of their adoptive parents or their biological parents
Personality tends to be stable over time. For example, a. temperament is a product of learning and therefore be unlearned b. temperament seems to be biologically based and tends to remain stable throughout life c. temperament changes significantly during adolescence d. fraternal twins tend to have more similar temperaments then do identical twins
b. temperament seems to be biologically based and tends to remain stable throughout life
Evolutionary psychologists are most likely to focus on a. how we differ from one another b. the links between social expectations and behavior c. natural selection of the fittest adaptations d. random assignment of genes over several generations
c. natural selection of the fittest adaptations
Normal levels of stimulation are important during infancy and early childhood because during these years, a. rich environment can overrride a child's genetic limits b. experience stimulates the growth of billions of new brain cells c. experience activates and preserves neural connections that might otherwise die from disuse d. experience triggers the rapid development and production of human growth hormones
c. experience activates and preserves neural connections that might otherwise die from disuse
Children and youth are particularly responsive to influences of their a. peers b. fathers c. teachers and caregivers d. mothers
a. peers
Personal space, the portable buffer zone people like to maintain around their bodies, differs from culture to culture. These differences are examples of a. genetic variation b. individual influences c. cultural norms d. collectivist influences
c. cultural norms
Individualist cultures tend to value ____; collective cultures tend to value ____. a. interdependence; independence b. independence; interdependence c. group solidarity; uniqueness d. duty to family; personal fulfillment
b. independence; interdependence
Human developmental processes tend to ___ from one group to another because we are members of ____. a. be the same; the same ethnic group b. be the same; the same species c. differ; different species d. differ; different ethnic groups
b. be the same; the same species
A fertilized egg will develop into a boy if it receives a. an x from its mother b. an x from its father c. a y from its mother d. a y from its father
d. a y from its father
"Gender roles" refers to our a. sense of being male or female b. expectations about the way males and females should behave c. biological sex d. hormonally influenced differences in brain development
b. expectations about the way males and females should behave
As a consequence of the gender assigned to us by society, we develop a gender identity, which means that we a. exhibit traditional masculine or feminine roles b. are socially categorized as male or female c. have a sense of being male or female d. have an ambiguous sex
c. have a sense of being male or female
Which of the following is NOT one of the three major issues that interest developmental psychologists? a. nature/nature b. reflexes/unlearned behaviors c. stability change d. continuity/stages
b. reflexes/unlearned behaviors
Body organs first begin to form and function during the period of the _____; within 6 months, during the period of the _____, the organs are sufficiently functional to allow a chance of survival. a. zygote; embryo b. zygote; fetus c. embryo; fetus d. placenta; fetus
c. embryo; fetus
Teratogens are chemicals that pass through the placenta's screen and may harm an embryo or fetus. which of the following is NOT a teratogen? a. oxygen b. heroin c. alcohol d. nicotine
a. oxygen
Stroke a newborn's cheek and the infant will root for a nipple. This illustrates a. a reflex b. nurture c. differentiation d. continuity
a. a reflex
Maturation, the orderly sequence of biological growth, explains why a. children with autism have difficulty inferring others' thoughts and feelings b. most children have begun walking by about 12 months c. early experiences have no effect on brain tissue d. object permanence is present at birth
b. most children have begun walking by about 12 months
Between ages 3 and 6, the human brain experiences the greatest growth in the ____ lobes, which we use for rational planning and which continues developing at least into adolescence. a. parietal b. temporal c. frontal d. occipital
c. frontal
Which of the following is true of motorskill development? a. it is determined solely by genetic factors b. the sequence, but not the timing is universal c. the timing, but not the sequence, is universal d. it it determined solely by environmental factors
b. the sequence, but not the timing is universal
During the preoperational stage, a young child's thinking is a. abstract b. negative c. conservative d. egocentric
d. egocentric
Children acquire the mental operations necessary to understand conservation during the a. sensorimotor stage b. preoperational stage c. concrete operational stage d. formal operational stage
c. concrete operational stage
Although Piaget's stage theory continues to inform our understanding of children's thinking, many researchers believe that a. Piaget's "stages" begin earlier and development is more continuous then he realized. b. children do not progress as rapidly as Piaget predicted c. few children really progress to the concrete operational stage d. there is no way of testing much of the Piaget's theoretical work
a. Piaget's "stages" begin earlier and development is more continuous then he realized.
Faced with a new babysitter, an 8-month-old infant often shows distress, a behavior referred to as a. conservation b. stranger anxiety c. imprinting d. maturation
b. stranger anxiety
In a series of experiments, the Harlows found that monkeys raised with artificial mothers tended, when afraid, to cling to a. the wire mother b. the cloth mother c. whichever mother held the feeding bottle d. other infant monkeys
b. the cloth mother
From the very first weeks of life, infants differ in characteristics emotional reactions, with some infants being intense and anxious, while others are easygoing and relaxed. These differences are usually explained as differences in a. attachment b. imprinting c. temperament d. parental responsiveness
c. temperament
Adolescence is marked by the onset of a. an identity crisis b. puberty c. separation anxiety d.parent-child conflict
b. puberty
Primary sex characteristics relate to ____; secondary sex characteristics refer to ______. a. ejaculation; menarche b. breasts and facial hairs; ovaries and testes c. emotional maturity; hormone surges d. reproductive organs; nonreproductive traits
d. reproductive organs; nonreproductive traits
According to Piaget, the ability to think logically about abstractions indicates a. concrete operational thoughts b. egocentrism c. formal operational thought d. conservation.
c. formal operational thought
According to Kohlberg, preconventional morality focuses on _____; conventional morality is more concerned with _____. a. upholding laws and social rules; self-interest b. self-interest; basic ethical principles c. upholding laws and social rules; basic ethical principles d. self-interest; upholding laws and social rules
d. self-interest; upholding laws and social rules
In Erikson's stages, the primary task during adolescence is a. attaining formal operations b. forging an identity c. developing a sense of intimacy with another person d. living independent of parents
b. forging an identity
Some developmental psychologists now refer to the period from age 18 to mid-twenties and beyond (up to the time of social independence) as a. emerging adulthood b. adolescence c. formal operations d. true maturity
a. emerging adulthood
By age 65, a person would be most likely to experience a cognitive decline in the ability to a. recall and list all the important terms and concepts in a chapter b. select the correct definition in a multiple choice question c. evaluate whether a statement is true or false d. exercise sounding judgement in answering an essay question
a. recall and list all the important terms and concepts in a chapter
Freud defined the healthy adult as one who is able to love and work. Erikson agreed, observing that the adult struggles to attain intimacy and a. affiliation b. identity c. competence d. generativity
d. generativity
Contrary to what many people assume, a. older people are much happier than adolescents b. men in their 40s express much greater dissatisfaction with life than women do the same age c. people of all ages report similar levels of happiness d. those whose children have recently left home-the empty nesters-have the lowest happiness of all groups
c. people of all ages report similar levels of happiness
Developmental researchers who emphasize learning and experience tend to believe ____; those who emphasize biological maturation tend to believe ___. a. nature; nurture b. continuity; stages c. stability; change d. randomness; predictability
b. continuity; stages
Although development is lifelong, there is stability of personality over time. For example, a. most personality traits emerge in infancy and persist throughout life b. temperament tends to remain stable throughout life c. few people change significantly after adolescence d. people tend to undergo greater personality changes as they age
b. temperament tends to remain stable throughout life
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