Psych Lesson 7 – Flashcards

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You would be most likely to use operant conditioning to teach a dog to: A. fear cars in the street B. dislike the taste of dead birds C. wag its tail whenever it is emotionally excited D. retrieve sticks and balls.
D. retrieve sticks and balls.
Toddlers taught to fear speeding cars may also begin to fear speeding trucks and motorcycles. This best illustrates: A. latent learning B. secondary reinforcement C. shaping D. generalization E. spontaneous recovery.
D. generalization
Chunking refers to: A. getting information into memory through the use of visual imagery B. the effortless processing of familiar information to get it into long-term memory storage C. the combined use of automatic and effortful processing to ensure the retention of unfamiliar information D. the organization of information into meaningful units.
D. the organization of information into meaningful units.
Our ability to learn by witnessing and imitating the behavior of others best illustrates: A. respondent behavior B. prosocial behavior C. operant conditioning D. observational learning.
D. observational learning.
After learning to fear a white rat, Little Albert responded with fear to the sight of a rabbit. This best illustrates the process of: A. secondary reinforcement B. latent learning C. shaping D. generalization E. spontaneous recovery.
D. generalization
A stimulus that acquires reinforcing power by association with another reinforcer is called a _____ reinforcer. A. negative B. primary C. partial D. secondary E. positive
D. secondary
Which of the following is an unconditioned response? A. playing jump rope B. shivering in cold weather C. running through a maze to get a food reward D. clapping after a thrilling concert performance
B. shivering in cold weather
An aversive consequence that decreases the recurrence of the behavior that precedes it is a: A. negative reinforcer B. punisher C. conditioned stimulus D. delayed reinforcer E. secondary reinforcer.
B. punisher
Research on the misinformation effect indicates that: A. events from the distant past are especially vulnerable to memory distortion B. people can easily distinguish between their own true and false memories C. hypnotic suggestion is an effective technique for accurate memory retrieval D. it is very difficult to lead people to construct memories of events that never happened.
A. events from the distant past are especially vulnerable to memory distortion
Words, events, places, and emotions that trigger our memory of the past are called: A. context effects B. déjà vu C. iconic traces D. retrieval cues E. schemas.
D. retrieval cues
John B. Watson believed that psychology should be the science of: A. genetic predispositions B. cognitive processes C. observable behavior D. all the above.
C. observable behavior
Semantic encoding refers to the processing of: A. sounds B. visual images C. meanings D. unfamiliar units.
C. meanings
According to the text, learning: A. always produces an improvement in behavior B. requires the ability to think abstractly C. enables us to adapt to our environment D. does not occur in simple animals
C. enables us to adapt to our environment
An animal trainer is teaching a miniature poodle to balance on a ball. Initially, he gives the poodle a treat for approaching the ball, then only for placing its front paws on the ball, and finally only for climbing on the ball. The trainer is using the method of: A. successive approximations B. delayed reinforcement C. partial reinforcement D. classical conditioning E. secondary reinforcement.
A. successive approximations
The ability to distinguish between a conditioned stimulus and similar stimuli that do not signal an unconditioned stimulus is called: A. shaping B. acquisition C. discrimination D. generalization E. latent learning.
C. discrimination
Children learn to fear spiders more easily than they learn to fear guns. This best illustrates the impact of _____ on learning. A. spontaneous recovery B. secondary reinforcers C. shaping D. cognitive processes E. biological predispositions
E. biological predispositions
The predictability rather than the frequency of CS-UCS associations appears to be crucial for classical conditioning. This highlights the importance of _____ in conditioning. A. shaping B. discrimination C. generalization D. cognitive processes E. partial reinforcement
D. cognitive processes
Which of the following provides convincing evidence that past experiences are permanently and accurately stored in memory? A. the detailed reports of childhood experiences given by adults under hypnosis B. the recovery of painful unconscious childhood memories by Freud's adult clients C. Penfield's discovery that electrical stimulation of the brain activates vivid recollections of the distant past D. none of the above
D. none of the above
Which of the following substances is likely to facilitate the formation of new memories? A. alcohol, which often makes people feel relaxed and uninhibited B. Valium, a prescription drug that reduces tension and anxiety C. marijuana, which sometimes produces feelings of euphoria D. epinephrine, a physically and emotionally arousing hormone
D. epinephrine, a physically and emotionally arousing hormone
Kathy performs better on foreign language vocabulary tests if she studies the material fifteen minutes every day for eight days than if she crams for two hours the night before the test. This illustrates what is known as: A. chunking B. the serial position effect C. mood-congruent memory D. the spacing effect E. automatic processing.
D. the spacing effect
When grocery shopping with his mother, four-year-old Hakim sometimes throws temper tantrums if his mother refuses his requests for a particular snack food. Parent training experts would suggest that his mother should: A. threaten to punish Hakim if he continues his tantrums B. offer to buy the snack food Hakim wants only if he quiets down and behaves himself C. continue shopping while ignoring Hakim's tantrums D. return any snack foods that are already in her cart to the store shelves. E. personality psychology
C. continue shopping while ignoring Hakim's tantrums
Kathleen developed an intense fear of flying five years ago when she was in a plane crash. The fact that today she can again fly without distress indicates that her fear has undergone: A. spontaneous recovery B. extinction C. generalization D. discrimination.
B. extinction
A fixed-ratio schedule of reinforcement is one in which a response is reinforced only after a(n): A. specified time period has elapsed B. unpredictable time period has elapsed C. specified number of responses have been made D. unpredictable number of responses have been made.
C. specified number of responses have been made
Participants in an experiment were asked how fast two cars in a filmed traffic accident were going when they smashed into each other. Many of these participants subsequently recalled seeing broken glass at the scene of the accident. This experiment best illustrated: A. proactive interference B. the self-reference effect C. the spacing effect D. the misinformation effect E. state-dependent memory.
D. the misinformation effect
After finding his friend's phone number, Alex was able to remember it only long enough to dial it correctly. In this case, the telephone number was clearly stored in his _____ memory. A. echoic B. short-term C. flashbulb D. long-term E. implicit
B. short-term
The more depressed Betty feels, the more easily she remembers many of the sad events in her life. This best illustrates: A. the self-reference effect B. the spacing effect C. retroactive interference D. mood-congruent memory E. source amnesia.
D. mood-congruent memory
An event that increases the frequency of the behavior that it follows is a(n): A. conditioned stimulus B. respondent C. unconditioned stimulus D. reinforcer E. operant.
D. reinforcer
The process of encoding refers to: A. the persistence of learning over time B. the recall of information previously learned C. getting information into memory D. the motivated forgetting of painful memories E. a clear memory of an emotionally significant event.
C. getting information into memory
Experiments have shown that children who are promised a payoff for playing with an interesting toy subsequently lose interest in the toy. These experiments provide an example of: A. spontaneous recovery B. respondent behavior C. observational learning D. negative reinforcement E. overjustification effect.
E. overjustification effect.
Elaine recalls last year's Paris vacation more positively than she evaluated it when it occurred. This best illustrates: A. the self-reference effect B. source amnesia C. proactive interference D. rosy retrospection E. the spacing effect.
D. rosy retrospection
Ebbinghaus discovered that the rate at which we forget novel information is initially _____ and subsequently _____. A. slow; stays slow B. slow; speeds up C. rapid; stays rapid D. rapid; slows down
D. rapid; slows down
The disruptive effect of prior learning on the recall of new information is called: A. state-dependent memory B. retroactive interference C. the serial position effect D. the spacing effect E. proactive interference.
E. proactive interference.
A mnemonic device is a: A. mental picture B. test or measure of memory C. technique for encoding language sounds D. memory aid E. word, event, or place that triggers a memory of the past.
D. memory aid
Garcia and Koelling's studies of taste aversion in rats demonstrated that classical conditioning is constrained by: A. cognitive processes B. biological predispositions C. environmental factors D. continuous reinforcement E. latent learning.
B. biological predispositions
The hippocampus plays a critical role in _____ memory. A. iconic B. explicit C. echoic D. implicit
B. explicit
Response-stimulus associations are to _____ as stimulus-stimulus associations are to _____. A. latent learning; observational learning B. generalization; discrimination C. operant conditioning; classical conditioning D. secondary reinforcement; primary reinforcement E. acquisition; extinction
C. operant conditioning; classical conditioning
The use of physical punishment may: A. lead to the suppression but not the forgetting of undesirable behavior B. demonstrate that aggression is a way of coping with problems C. lead people to fear and avoid the punishing agent D. all the above.
D. all the above.
Resistance to extinction is most strongly encouraged by _____ reinforcement. A. delayed B. negative C. secondary D. partial
D. partial
A retention of skills and dispositions without conscious recollection is known as _____ memory. A. state-dependent B. flashbulb C. short-term D. implicit E. sensory
D. implicit
Studies of the conditioned eye-blink response in rabbits suggest that implicit memories are stored in the: A. hypothalamus B. cerebellum C. motor cortex D. hippocampus E. association areas.
B. cerebellum
"The magical number seven, plus or minus two" refers to the storage capacity of _____ memory. A. short-term B. explicit C. flashbulb D. implicit E. sensory
A. short-term
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