psy ch 8 – Flashcard

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A system of descriptive and evaluative representations about the self is called A. self-concept. B. self-awareness. C. self-definition. D. ideal self.
A. self-concept.
When children talk about their own concrete, observable behaviors, they are defining A. cognition. B. self. C. others. D. none of these.
B. self.
When a 4-year-old boy is asked to describe himself, he will typically tell you about his A. relational self. B. real self. C. descriptive self. D. ideal self.
D. ideal self.
In neo-Piagetian terminology, the first stage in development of self-definition, in which children describe themselves in terms of individual unconnected characteristics and in all-or-nothing terms, is called A. deductive. B. single representations. C. representational mappings. D. ideal self.
B. single representations.
Which of the following is a part of self-definition? A. Recognizing oneself B. Parental values C. Developing a concept of the ideal self D. Developing a concept of self-centeredness
C. Developing a concept of the ideal self
The judgment children make about their overall worth is their A. self-worth. B. self-concept. C. self-esteem. D. self-description
C. self-esteem
When Austin says, "I am Spider-Man," he is demonstrating a perception of his ____________ self. A. conception B. real C. ideal D. perceived
C. ideal
A child is motivated to achieve when his or her personal self-esteem is A. high. B. low. C. medium. D. absent.
A. high
When children with high self-esteem experience failure, they A. attribute failure to themselves. B. attribute disappointments to their own choices. C. move on and do something different. D. persevere and develop strategies that will provide success.
D. persevere and develop strategies that will provide success.
Understanding their emotions helps children to do all of the following EXCEPT A. guide their behavior in social situations. B. control the way they show their feelings. C. talk about their feelings. D. control all social situations
D. control all social situations
According to research on children's understanding of emotions, when 4-year-olds do something that has been forbidden by their parents, they feel shame A. whether or not their parents see them perform the forbidden act. B. only if their parents see them perform the forbidden act. C. only if their parents punish them for performing the forbidden act. D. never, even if their parents saw them perform the forbidden act
D. never, even if their parents saw them perform the forbidden act
At what age do children first begin to take pride in their accomplishments, even when no one is around to see them doing something well? A. 4 to 5 years B. 7 to 8 years C. 10 to 12 years D. 13 to 15 years
B. 7 to 8 years
According to the text, which of the following is a reason for the difficulty that 3-year-olds have in understanding their own emotions? A. They do not recognize that they can experience different emotions at the same time. B. They only experience strong emotions when others around them show emotions. C. They don't realize that anyone besides them actually has emotions. D. They do not understand that emotions depend on innate, temperamental factors.
A. They do not recognize that they can experience different emotions at the same time.
According to Erikson, which of the following is the central issue of early childhood? A. Trust versus mistrust B. Autonomy versus shame and doubt C. Initiative versus guilt D. Identity versus role confusion
C. Initiative versus guilt
According to Erikson, the conflict between young children's urge to pursue goals and their moral judgments about those urges is A. initiative versus guilt. B. autonomy versus shame and doubt. C. industry versus inferiority. D. identity versus role confusion.
A. initiative versus guilt.
Four-year-old Marcie would like to hide her little brother's toys in the basement. However, she realizes this will make her brother cry, and she wonders if she will feel bad about this. According to Erikson, Marcie is experiencing the conflict of A. identity versus role confusion. B. initiative versus guilt. C. purpose versus will. D. industry versus inferiority
B. initiative versus guilt.
The virtue acquired through successful resolution of Erikson's developmental crisis of initiative versus guilt is A. hope. B. purpose. C. trust. D. will.
B. purpose.
According to Erikson, a child who feels comfortable trying new things, without excessive guilt or fear, is said to have acquired the virtue of A. will. B. hope. C. trust. D. purpose.
D. purpose.
Gender refers to A. role-learning. B. what it means to be male or female. C. identification with parents. D. friendship patterns between males and females
B. what it means to be male or female.
Psychological or behavioral differences between males and females are called A. sex differences. B. gender differences. C. gender stereotypes. D. gender constancy.
B. gender differences.
One of the measurable differences between males and females is that females A. have a biological advantage for survival. B. are more physically vulnerable. C. are more reactive to stress. D. are more active in utero than males
A. have a biological advantage for survival.
Research has found that the genders differ in that A. boys are more physically aggressive. B. girls are less empathetic. C. boys are more cooperative. D. girls know more about taking care of babies.
A. boys are more physically aggressive.
Mike is becoming aware that he is a boy and that boys play with trucks and trains. He is developing a gender A. need. B. role. C. desire. D. all of these.
B. role.
Learning one's gender role is called A. achieving gender identity. B. gender conservation. C. gender-typing. D. gender stereotyping
C. gender-typing.
Melissa is 4 years old, and now wants to avoid dressing "like a boy." She talks about being "a wife and mommy" when she grows up. Melissa is engaged in the process of A. sex-typing. B. gender-typing. C. sexism-generalizing. D. conflict-resolution.
B. gender-typing.
At preschool, Tommy plays with trucks and Mary plays with dolls. They are A. undergoing gender-typing. B. acquiring gender stereotypes. C. learning the sexism schema. D. becoming androgynous
A. undergoing gender-typing.
Gender stereotypes are A. preconceived generalizations about male and female behavior. B. often a result of gender conservation and identity. C. based on myths about sex differences. D. valuable methods of maintaining social stability.
A. preconceived generalizations about male and female behavior.
Gender differences are believed to be influenced by A. hormones. B. parents. C. the media. D. all of these
D. all of these
Research has linked aggressive behavior in certain animals to prenatal exposure to the hormone A. estrogen. B. progesterone. C. testosterone. D. adrenaline
C. testosterone.
A male rat has been given an injection of testosterone. Which of the following behaviors is likely to INCREASE as a consequence? A. Aggressive behavior B. Maternal behavior C. Nonspecific gender behavior D. All of these
A. Aggressive behavior
A baby boy had reconstructive surgery to have his severely damaged penis removed, and thereafter, he was raised as a girl. He rejected this female role as a teenager, providing evidence that A. gender identity requires more counseling. B. gender assignment works when the social support is increased. C. gender identity may be rooted in biological features. D. gender identity occurs in early childhood.
C. gender identity may be rooted in biological features.
Ruthann has a condition called congenital adrenal hyperplasia, which has caused her to A. prefer the gender-specific behavior of other girls. B. prefer the type of rough-and-tumble play activities that boys generally prefer. C. show decreased spatial skill orientation. D. seek out female playmates and reject playing with boys.
B. prefer the type of rough-and-tumble play activities that boys generally prefer.
According to __________, male competitiveness and aggressiveness and female nurturance develop during childhood as preparation for these adult roles. A. evolutionary theory B. Piagetian theory C. behaviorism D. learning theory
A. evolutionary theory
Freud referred to the adoption of the characteristics, values, and behaviors of the parent of the same sex as A. gender identity. B. gender-typing. C. identification. D. androgyny.
C. identification.
Jessica imitates her mother's gestures, speech, and behaviors. Which of the following terms describes this? A. Identification B. Reinforcement C. Role conflict D. Gender constancy
A. Identification
According to Kohlberg, children learn their gender through A. identification with the same-sex parent. B. imitation of adult models, reinforcement for acceptable behaviors and punishment for socially inappropriate behaviors. C. their own active mental classification and organization of behavior to be consistent with that cognitive image. D. maturation and hormonal changes due to puberty
C. their own active mental classification and organization of behavior to be consistent with that cognitive
Brooke becomes upset because a stranger mistakes her for a boy. Kohlberg would say that she has developed A. gender awareness. B. gender constancy. C. penis envy. D. cognitive dissonance.
B. gender constancy.
Tina realizes that she will never be a boy. According to Kohlberg, she has developed A. identification. B. gender awareness. C. gender stability. D. penis envy.
C. gender stability.
Danielle knows that she is a girl, but she becomes angry when she is told that she cannot grow up to be a father. "I will, too!" she cries. According to cognitive-developmental theory, she has not yet achieved A. gender stereotyping. B. gender constancy. C. penis envy. D. an Electra complex.
B. gender constancy.
Which of the following behavior patterns is INCONSISTENT with Kohlberg's views regarding the acquisition of gender roles? A. A young boy has acquired gender constancy and refuses to play dolls with his sister. B. A young girl has not yet achieved gender constancy and claims to want to be a daddy when she grows up. C. A young boy has not yet achieved gender identity, and when asked if he is a boy or girl, he says he doesn't know. D. A young boy who has not yet achieved gender constancy asks to be given only toys for boys and no girl toys for his birthday
D. A young boy who has not yet achieved gender constancy asks to be given only toys for boys and no girl toys for his birthday
According to Sandra Bem's gender-schema theory, how do children adopt gender-appropriate behavior? A. Through identification with same-sex parent after resolution of sexual conflict B. As a result of imitation and reinforcement C. As a by-product of achieving gender constancy D. By following society's behaviors that are matched to their gender.
D. By following society's behaviors that are matched to their gender
Don is beginning to understand how his culture classifies males and females. Based upon this knowledge, Don is developing patterns of behavior based upon his organized knowledge of male-appropriate and female-appropriate behavior. According to Bem, the patterns of behavior that Don is beginning to develop are organized around A. sexism schema. B. gender constancy. C. gender schema. D. gender identity.
C. gender schema.
According to traditional social learning theory, children acquire gender roles by observing models. Children then A. pick models that are powerful and nurturing. B. always pick the same sex parent. C. avoid patterning themselves after peers. D. focus only on indirect teaching by parents.
A. pick models that are powerful and nurturing
Social learning theory holds that a child identifies with a parent A. as a consequence of the phallic stage. B. after resolving the Electra or Oedipus complex. C. through observation and imitation, along with reinforcement. D. because of guilt associated with the stereotyping from parents
C. through observation and imitation, along with reinforcement.
Some studies have found that parents affect children's knowledge about gender more than their gender A. identity. B. schemas. C. behavior. D. constancy.
C. behavior.
Billy sees his father working with power tools. As a consequence, Billy grows up enjoying work with power tools himself, and he perceives this kind of work to be "masculine." The sequence of events is consistent with the ___________________ theory of identification. A. psychoanalytic B. gender-constancy C. social learning D. conflict-resolution
C. social learning
With regard to the social learning theory of gender-typing, research has indicated that A. boys do not imitate their mothers, only their fathers. B. most parents punish fighting and reward helpfulness in girls but not in boys. C. children imitate their parents as well as many other adults. D. children are more resistant to their parents than to other adults.
C. children imitate their parents as well as many other adults.
In socializing children, parents generally A. treat boys and girls about the same until age 2 or 3. B. give girls more latitude than boys with regard to gender roles. C. show less tolerance for "tomboys" than for "sissies." D. have little influence on gender-role development
B. give girls more latitude than boys with regard to gender roles
____________ are most likely to encourage ____________ to engage in gender-typed activities appropriate for their sex. A. Mothers; sons B. Fathers; sons C. Mothers; daughters D. Fathers; daughters
B. Fathers; sons
Which of the following preschool children is most likely to show strong gender-typing? A. Leila, whose mother works full time outside the home B. Jim, who lives with his divorced mother C. Jacob, whose father becomes upset when he plays with dolls D. Marla, whose father includes his wife in all major decisions
C. Jacob, whose father becomes upset when he plays with dolls
In egalitarian households, the _____________ role in gender socialization seems especially important. A. father's B. mother's C. neighbors' D. None of these
A. father's
Which of the following statements about the images of males and females on television is true? A. More females are shown than males. B. Gender stereotypes are more pronounced on television than in real life. C. Gender-typing on television approximates real-life gender roles. D. Gender stereotyping on television has been largely eliminated in recent years.
B. Gender stereotypes are more pronounced on television than in real life.
Frankie is a second-born son in a family of four. Frankie's gender development will likely A. become more like his mother's. B. become more like his father's. C. become more like his older brother's. D. be a combination of all family members
C. become more like his older brother's.
Social learning theory would predict that watching current television programs will __________ gendertyping. A. increase B. decrease C. eliminate D. have no impact on
A. increase
Social learning theory would predict that a boy's peers will provide A. reinforcement for gender-typed behavior. B. inconsistency in gender behavior. C. approval of opposite sex gender-typed behavior. D. no impact on gender-typing.
A. reinforcement for gender-typed behavior.
According to social cognitive theory, A. parents are the only source of reinforcement of children's behavior. B. parents and peers in combination influence socialization. C. children only learn socialization after they begin school. D. socialization is a complex system involving parents, peers, and other agents.
D. socialization is a complex system involving parents, peers, and other agents.
While engaged in play, young children do all of the following EXCEPT A. stimulate their senses. B. coordinate sight with movement. C. practice being quiet. D. acquire new skills
C. practice being quiet.
Play that involves repetitive muscular movements involving gross motor skills is called _____________ play. A. functional B. constructive C. pretend D. generic
A. functional
Rich spends a considerable amount of his playtime making things out of blocks, coloring and painting, and making art projects. Rich is engaged in ______________ play. A. functional B. constructive C. pretend D. generic
B. constructive
Stacy and Mindy enjoy organized games, play hours of Monopoly, and have become champions at marbles. The girls are engaged in ______________ play. A. functional B. constructive C. pretend D. formal
D. formal
A high level of solitary play may indicate that a child has A. high levels of maturity. B. a physical disability. C. experienced child abuse. D. high levels of passivity
A. high levels of maturity.
According to the text, which of the following statements regarding solitary play is TRUE? A. Children in the 1920s exhibited more solitary play than children do today. B. Solitary play seems associated with independence and maturity. C. Children who engage in solitary play are at high risk for social problems. D. Children who engage in solitary play are less mature than children who engage only in social play
B. Solitary play seems associated with independence and maturity.
Two children are playing in the same area. One child plays with blocks and the other plays with cars, dolls, and balls without any attempt to alter each other's play. They are engaged in which kind of play? A. Associative B. Parallel C. Solitary D. Cooperative
B. Parallel
Stacy has an imaginary friend, Mindy. Stacy can be expected to be a(n) ______________ child. A. happy B. imaginative C. cooperative D. All of these
D. All of these
The tendency toward sex segregation in play seems to be A. cultural. B. universal. C. uncommon. D. decreasing.
B. universal.
In research described in your textbook, the Korean American preschool emphasized ____________, which was NOT encouraged in Anglo-American preschools. A. independent thinking B. socialization C. collaboration with teachers D. academic skills development
D. academic skills development
A method of molding character, teaching self-control, and encouraging acceptable behavior is called A. development. B. discipline. C. distrust. D. description
B. discipline.
If punishment is used, it is best administered A. as soon as the unacceptable behavior begins. B. only after an unacceptable behavior has been completed. C. only after the behavior has been repeated several times. D. by someone with whom the child has little contact.
A. as soon as the unacceptable behavior begins.
If punishment is used, it is most effective when combined with A. no explanation. B. a full explanation. C. a short explanation. D. a postponed explanation, so that the child will have time to think about it.
C. a short explanation.
Linda has been caught throwing rocks at a neighbor's house. Her parents wish to stop this behavior through punishment. To be most effective, it would be best to have which of the following people administer the punishment? A. Her mother, who is usually nurturing and affectionate toward Linda B. Her father, who is usually cold and distant toward Linda C. A relative who is kind, but whom Linda does not know very well D. Punishment would be equally effective from any of these three people.
A. Her mother, who is usually nurturing and affectionate toward Linda
Punishment that is consistent, immediate, and related to the offense is called ____________ punishment. A. prudent B. imprudent C. appropriate D. effective
D. effective
Ellen has just run across the street against her parents' wishes. Her parents firmly explain to her that she must not do that again because she could get hurt. Ellen's parents are using _______________ as a form of discipline. A. inductive techniques B. power assertion C. withdrawal of love D. corporal punishment
A. inductive techniques
Demands, threats, denial of privileges, and spanking are considered ______________ forms of discipline. A. withdrawal of love B. power assertive C. inductive D. negatively reinforced
B. power assertive
An important goal of parental discipline is to help the child develop self-discipline. The most effective disciplinary strategy to achieve this goal is A. induction. B. power assertion. C. withdrawal of love. D. physical punishment.
A. induction
Research on corporal punishment indicates that it A. is more effective than other types. B. is harmless and does not alter development. C. is counterproductive and should be avoided. D. improves cognitive functioning by teaching children to obey.
C. is counterproductive and should be avoided
Which kind of parental style emphasizes control and unquestioning obedience? A. Authoritarian B. Permissive C. Authoritative D. Egalitarian
A. Authoritarian
When Barbara asks her father why she is not allowed to play in the street, he says, "Because I say so, and if you don't do what I say, you will get a spanking." This illustrates the ______________ style of parenting. A. permissive B. authoritarian C. authoritative D. longitudinal
B. authoritarian
Which kind of parent tends not to set rules but allows children to monitor their own behavior? A. Authoritarian B. Permissive C. Authoritative D. Egalitarian
B. Permissive
Five-year-old Chad's parents let him go to bed whenever he chooses. He can explore the neighborhood and go to anyone's house anytime he wishes. Which style of parenting is this? A. Authoritarian B. Permissive C. Authoritative D. Egalitarian
B. Permissive
Which of the following describes the behavior of authoritative parents? A. They allow children to make judgments about proper behavior. B. They rely on strict rules. C. They never impose punishment. D. They rely on children's fear of losing their love
A. They allow children to make judgments about proper behavior.
Research suggests that the most self-reliant, self-controlled, and contented children have parents who are A. authoritarian. B. permissive. C. authoritative. D. egalitarian.
C. authoritative
Prosocial behavior is A. motivated by concern for another person. B. motivated by reward and punishment. C. a form of social learning. D. the main goal of socialization.
A. motivated by concern for another person.
Factors that have consistently been related to prosocial behavior include A. gender of the child. B. parent's income. C. age of the child. D. social status of the family.
C. age of the child.
Jenny offered to share her peanut butter and jelly sandwich (her favorite kind) with another child who has no lunch. Jenny is most likely to be A. at least 6 years old. B. from a high-income family. C. advanced in moral reasoning. D. in an Electra complex.
C. advanced in moral reasoning.
A cognitive capability that is related to the occurrence of prosocial behavior is A. obedience. B. detachment. C. empathy. D. gender identity.
C. empathy.
Parents of prosocial children tend to do all of the following EXCEPT A. encourage reflection on actions. B. emphasize ethical principles. C. emphasize obedience. D. set high standards.
C. emphasize obedience.
Parents of prosocial children tend to discipline them by A. reasoning. B. scolding. C. spanking. D. withdrawing affection
A. reasoning.
Which method of discipline seems to promote prosocial behavior in children? A. power assertion B. withdrawal of love C. proactive D. inductive
D. inductive
Tommy Jon knocks over another child while running to the street to see a circus parade. Tommy Jon is displaying A. instrumental aggression. B. classical aggression. C. displaced aggression. D. hostile aggression
A. instrumental aggression.
Nia's little sister has repeatedly knocked down a tower of blocks Nia has carefully constructed. Finally, Nia teases her little sister until she cries. Nia is displaying A. regressive aggression. B. relational aggression. C. displaced aggression. D. operational aggression.
B. relational aggression.
Relational aggression among girls A. becomes more frequent with age. B. is seldom seen in early childhood. C. is used as an instrument to attain a goal. D. is hard to provoke.
A. becomes more frequent with age.
Which of the following statements about aggression in early childhood is NOT true? A. It usually centers on disputes about toys and control of space. B. It surfaces mostly during social play. C. It increases between the ages of 2 and 5. D. It gradually shifts from physical to verbal conflict
C. It increases between the ages of 2 and 5.
Two-year-olds who show the most aggression are A. the least sociable. B. the least competent. C. the most empathetic. D. likely to be the most aggressive at age 5.
D. likely to be the most aggressive at age 5.
John and Mary are the parents of a normally aggressive 2-year-old. What can John and Mary expect over the next 3 years regarding future levels of aggression in their child? A. A steady increase in the level of aggression until about 5, then a rapid decline in aggression. B. The level of aggression will remain constant over the next 3 years and even throughout adulthood. C. The level of aggression will gradually decline especially with inductive parenting techniques. D. The level of aggression will decline rapidly at 3 years if the parents use corporal punishment.
C. The level of aggression will gradually decline especially with inductive parenting techniques.
All of the following are examples of relational aggression, also called indirect or psychological aggression, EXCEPT A. spreading rumors. B. name-calling. C. withholding friendship. D. hair-pulling.
D. hair-pulling.
Fears in early childhood are A. abnormal and indicate child abuse. B. more common in boys than girls. C. likely to eventually disappear. D. symptoms of a deeper psychological problem.
C. likely to eventually disappear
Fears develop during early childhood because young children A. are developing inner conflicts and anxieties. B. have trouble separating reality from fantasy. C. are learning that there are many things to be afraid of. D. All of these
D. All of these
Which of the following helps children deal with their fears? A. Instilling a sense of trust and normal caution B. Ridicule C. Coercion D. Logical persuasion
A. Instilling a sense of trust and normal caution
The earliest, most frequent, and most intense disputes among siblings are over A. relationships with parents. B. bedtime rituals. C. territoriality. D. property rights
D. property rights
The main pattern of relationships between brothers and sisters early in life is one of A. conflict and rivalry. B. affection, interest, and companionship. C. each tending to his or her own self-interests. D. constant squabbling.
B. affection, interest, and companionship
As younger children reach their ____________ birthday, siblings become less physical and verbal in their relationships. A. fourth B. fifth C. sixth D. seventh
B. fifth
A statistical analysis of studies of only children shows that they tend to be A. spoiled. B. lonely. C. weaker academically than students with siblings. D. better students than children with siblings.
D. better students than children with siblings.
Which of the following does NOT describe only children? A. They are more mature. B. They are more motivated to achieve. C. They are better adjusted socially. D. They have higher self-esteem.
C. They are better adjusted socially.
Which country has mandated that families have only one child? A. Japan B. China C. Korea D. India
B. China
Children begin to have friends at about age A. 2. B. 3. C. 5. D. 7.
B. 3.
In a study cited in the text, young children rated all of the following as important features of friendship EXCEPT A. doing things together. B. sharing or helping. C. living in the same neighborhood. D. getting to play with the friend's toy.
D. getting to play with the friend's toy.
Generalizing from the text, an important characteristic of young children who are popular with their peers is their A. tendency to stay on the sidelines and watch other children socialize. B. ability to control the expression of anger. C. possession of more toys and other material goods than less popular children. D. tendency to report the misdeeds of others to an adult.
B. ability to control the expression of anger.
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