Possible Essay Topics – AP World History – Flashcards

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Analyze similarities and differences in gender roles and family relations during the period circa 1850-2000 in TWO of the following areas. Middle East Sub-Saharan Africa North America
Sim - Cult of Domesticity ==> domestic work, home, cook, clean, kids Diff - opportunities ==> divorce, jobs, voting, drive, dress
Compare the outcomes of decolonization process in TWO of the following regions during the mid-to-late 20th century. Middle East Sub-Saharan Africa Southeast Asia
ME and Sub-Saharan Similarity: Sought independence from europe anti west (A) promise were made during WWI/II Differences: Econ exploit ? africa Ethnic + Racial tensions Rwanda Burundi Sundan Oil resource ? middle east west rely on only valuable piece
Compare emergence of nation-states in the nineteenth century Latin America with the emergence of nation-states in ONE of the following regions in the twentieth century Sub-Saharan Africa Middle East
LA/AFRICA Similarities: Forced to break w/ europe Post WWII (A) europe did not have the strength or the money to keep them as colonial states Economy exploit after independent Democratic difficulties post independence Differences: How nationstates were created (AFRICA) Berlin Conference- regulated european colonization & trade during new imperialization period [so countries wouldn't fight over who got which part of africa] (LATIN AMERICA) Simon Bolivar- tried to create united states in la but failed due to the geography ; regionalism of the country LA/MIDDLE EAST Similarities: Western economy exploit Post independence- military control Difference: Latin America revolution vs Europe remove mandate
Compare the outcomes of the movements to redistribute land in TWO of the following countries , beginning with the specified dates Mexico 1910 China 1911 Russia 1917
Sim : collectivization, done by state, both programs failed Difference : China = rural , Russia = urban
Compare the effects of the First World War in TWO of the following regions East Asia Middle East South Asia
EA - not happy post ww1(Japan wanted more) japan decides to join axis=facism=world power high levels of nationalism = conquest China/korea under japanese attack = occupation ME - not happy post ww1 = Balfour + mandate system arab nationalism = anti west + new countries created Turkey + Israel created Still under European influence not world power = mandates S Asia - not happy post ww1 = remain brit colony indian nationalism=anti british= gandhi =self-determination not world power - colony
Analyze continuities and changes in the cultural beliefs and practice in ONE of the following regions from 1450 - present. Latin America Sub - Saharan Africa
SUB SAHARAN AFRICA Continuities: Islam Africanized 5 times praying Allah Muhammad (A) Gives hope, legitimizes rulers Polytheism/Animalism Believing in more than one god Animal sacrifices (A) to keep gods happy (WHC) Latin America Sacrifice Animals Humans (A) keep gods happy (WHC) Latin America Language/Dress Bantu language Changes: Introduction to Christianity Africanized African rituals ? holidays, animal sacrifices, relics, shammon priests Mass conversion (WHC) East Asia, Latin America LATIN AMERICA Continuities: Polytheism Changes: Introduction of Christianity Syncretic blending (WHC) Sub Saharan Africa Sacrifice Humans ? Animals Switches to animal when europe shows up (A) make gods happy (WHC) Sub Saharan Africa
Analyze continuities and changes in nationalist ideology and practice in ONE of the following regions from the first World War to the present: Middle East Sub- Saharan Africa Southeast Asia
MIDDLE EAST Continuities: Rise anti west sentiment Mandate Balfour declaration Self determination Changes: Collapse of Ottoman empire New state ? israel Increased fundamentalism - unify Arab Spring SE ASIA Continuities: Communism unify force Change: Win vs west SUB-SAHARAN AFRICA Continuities: Political boundaries set by Europe ? Issues Self determination (WHC) pan africanism Change: Government - Democracy - Military - Democracy Fundamentalism ANC= support Europe ? mass movement
Analyze continuities and changes in long-distance migrations from 1900 - present. Be sure to include specific examples from at least TWO different world regions.
Long distance migrations from eastern regions, such as, Europe and Africa to the America's remained a consistent trend, as well as the motivation for migrating Chinese migration ? South East Asia and the United States/Americas Profit motive to migrate ? mercantilism, colonialism, capitalism, imperialism labor specialization economic trouble in homeland; in search of jobs/occupations; economic opportunity (voluntary/unforced) Warfare also had an effect on migration powers when people tried to escape from it Population pressure also affected the migration of many individuals Changes in the diversity of people migrating due to a banning of the Atlantic slave trade and indentured servitude becoming an opportunity for people from other places; especially people from east and south Asia, than Africa to immigrate to the America's Chinese Exclusion Act Irish and Western European wave of migration ? North America Potato Famine (1845-1849); emigrated directly from their homeland to escape poverty and death Failed revolutions brought many intellectuals and activists to exile in the United States (Irish Rebellion 1787 vs. British) Push;; Bad times and poor conditions in Europe drove people out; Pull;; Land, relatives, freedom, opportunity (political and economic), and jobs lured and sparked interest for the move Russian Trans Siberian Railway transported millions to Asia "The Middle Passage"; African slaves being transported for plantation/agricultural work across the Atlantic Ocean to the Americas (North and South America); part of the triangular slave trade that took part during this time (Atlantic slave trade) Many people in Europe chose to migrate to the Americas during the Industrial Revolution in search of work Indentured Servants Labor System: Young people paid for their passage to the New World by working for an employer for a certain number of years Worked as: farmers, apprentices to craftsmen
Analyze continuities and changes in labor systems from 1450 -1900 Ce in ONE of the following: Latin America Sub-Saharan Africa North America
LA cont - Haciendas , mining change - slavery ==; wage labor (WHC - Africa) (A) - Enlightenment ideals
Analyze continuities and changes in world trade from 1500 CE - 1900 CE
Cont - west dominates Change - new trade routes, Suez + panama canal, slave trade ends (Brazil last to end)
Analyze continuities and changes in the political and cultural life in ONE of the following regions during 1450-1750 CE: Europe Latin America Sub-Saharan Africa
LA Cont - political control Change - religion, animism ==; Christianity
Compare the experiences of TWO of the following civilizations as they encountered Europeans between 1450 -1750 CE. Sub-Saharan Africa Mughal India Americas Qing China
Mughal + Qing Sim - don't borrow western ideals Diff - trade control ==> Europe control India, China control itself
Compare the demographic and environmental effects of the Columbian Exchange on the Americas, with the Columbian Exchange's demographic effects on ONE of the following regions between 1492 - 1750 CE. Africa Asia Europe
Sim - Deforestation Diff - Demographics
Compare the historical processes of empire-building in TWO of the following land-based empires during the time period 1500 -1750 CE. Qing China Ottoman Russia Mughal
Qing + Mughal Sim - Strong capable emperors, centralized bureaucracy Diff - view on patriarchy ==; Mughal attack it , Qing enforce it
Compare the effects of racial ideologies on North American societies with those of Latin American societies from 1500 - 1830 CE.
Sim - Racism Diff - Racial mixing
Analyze political change and continuity in ONE of the following regions within the specified time period: East Asia 200 CE - 1000 CE OR Mediterranean 600 CE - 1450 CE
East Asia Cont - Mandate of Heaven, desire centralized govt, Confucian Ideology Change - Dynasties, Han, sui, tang, song - Warring state period (WHC)
Analyze similarities and differences in how TWO of the following empires used religion to govern before 1450 CE. Byzantine Empire Islamic Caliphates Maurya/Gupta Empires
Islamic Caliphates: Umayyad and Abbasid Political-Political Admin Theocratic centralized caliph=advisors, spies, gov Sharia law-interactions between Muslims, family, non-Muslims Culture Islamic Beliefs Public Works Islamic architecture ? minarets, arches Some math and science advancements Economic-Trade Both trade on Silk Road-cotton, gold, innovations, gunpowder, compass, rudders,sail tech, foods Byzantine/Rome: Political Caesaropapism - theocracy, church ; state combined Emperor Justinian - *Justinian Law Codes (basis of Western Law), built Hagia Sophia, reconquered parts of Mediterranean Collapse - Ottomans took Constantinople in 1453, after area was *weakened by the Crusades ; Muslims in previous centuries* Culture Hagia Sophia - huge church, *greatest example of Christian architecture* Schism of 1054 - Pope of Catholic church ; Patriarch of Eastern Orthodox excommunicate in *disagreements* over *Pope's power* (Eastern Orthodox rejected the idea that Pope was sole and final authority Cyrillic Writing - alphabet that slaves can read Facts - depictions of Jesus, Virgin Mary, saints, biblical scenes, *Greek learning was preserved but not used as it was a threat to church and state* Economic Commerce is the whole system of an economy *traded on Silk Road & Indian Ocean with India & China Maurya & Gupta: Political- Maurya was centralized, Gupta was decentralized Maurya had a Strong military. Guptas was weak Empire: Maurya ? Fragmented Provincial States ? Gupta Culture: Hinduism - Polytheistic, Glue + Stability Gupta had the Golden Age: Hindu Literature / Science / Math-Pi-Zero Economic Silk road - Cotton Spices China - Silk, Porcelain, Tea Mediterranean - Gold, Olives, Glassware
Analyze similarities and differences in TWO of the following trade networks in the period 600 CE - 1450 CE. Your response may include comparisons of biological, commercial or cultural exchanges. Indian Ocean Silk Road Trans-Saharan Trade Network
Silk Road: Differences: Goods Traded and Received Mediterranean: Iron, Gold, Glassware, Persian Rugs East Asia: Silk, Porcelain, Tea South Asia: Cotton and Spices Central Asia: Horses, Animal Furs Connections The Silk Road connected China with the Western Europe Similarities: Traders South Asia and East Asia traded on both Indian Ocean and Silk Road Indian Ocean: Differences: Goods Traded and Received East Africa: Animal Skins, Ivory, Gold, Slaves Middle East: Iron, Gold, Persian Rugs, Islam South Asia: Cotton, Spices, Sugar East Asia: Silk, Porcelain, Tea, Gunpowder Southeast Asia: Gold, Spices, Nutmeg Connections The Indian Ocean trade route connected Asia to Africa Similarities Traders Middle East traded on both Indian Ocean and Trans-Saharan Trans-Saharan: Differences: Goods Traded and Received West Africa: Ivory, Gold, Slaves Saharan: Salt, Islam North Africa/Middle East: manufactured goods (cotton, etc) Similarities Traders Middle East traded on both Indian Ocean and Trans-Saharan
Compare the role of TWO of the following religions in unifying diverse peoples between 600-1450 CE Islam Christianity Hinduism
Sim - community creators, structure/order, caste system, moral code Difference - tolerance ==> Islam = Yes, Christianity = No
Compare European (600 -1000 CE) and Japanese (1200 - 1600 CE) feudalism
Similarities: Origins ? protection and safety (EUROPE) outside invasions (JAPAN) in land conflicts [bandits, landlords rebel emperors] (A) to keep country & citizens safe from outside/internal problems/attacks Structure ? extremely decentralized, reciprocal, mutual obligations (EUROPE) king, lords, knights, peasants (JAPAN) emperors [only figurehead, no real power], shoguns, daimyo, samurai, peasants Differences: Classes ? europe more fluid and less strict than japan (EUROPE) knights and lord same level of respect/superiority (JAPAN) strict classes and there is clear separations, samurai never owned any land Women ? more opportunities in japan than europe (EUROPE) chivalry, put on pedestal & competed for (JAPAN) take care of house/business affairs, trained in self defense/suicide family honor Ending of feudalistic europe & japan ? united states & internal conflicts (EUROPE) decrease in invasions + stability = increase in nation states, trade = decrease in manorialism, diseases [black death] (JAPAN) 1854 arrival of the united states = forced to sign unequal treaty Contracts/Law vs Loyalty/Respect (EUROPE) contracts and laws spelled out specific obligations, defended individual rights- parliaments (A) to give citizens a sense of security & keep country in line/order (JAPAN) loyalty and respect, bushido- absolute loyalty, seppuku- ritualistic suicide [knights don't- against religion + not that crazy], peasants decapitated if they do not bow to social betters, superior class wisdom/mortality
Analyze continuities and changes in the political, cultural OR economic life in ONE of the following regions from 600 - 1450 CE Mediterranean World East Asia Sub-Saharan Africa
EAST ASIA Continuities: Internal Trade Silk Road (A) get goods from other countries in order for own country to thrive Government Centralized bureaucracy Religion Confucianism Public Works Grand Canal during Sui (A) traveling and trading made easier Changes: Trade Drops out of Indian Ocean Trade (A) junk ships were too expensive to make ; they still had silk road, middle kingdom syndrome, growing nomadic threat Government Yuan (Mongols)- mixed muslims with the chinese for government officials Religion Buddhism ? was a threat during tang dynasty (tried to eradicate it by 800s) By song dynasty ? neo confucianism, syncretic blending
Analyze continuities and changes in the commercial life of the Indian Ocean region from 650 CE - 1750 CE
Continuity: Goods Traded East Africa: Animal Skins, Ivory, Gold, Slaves Middle East: Iron, Gold, Persian Rugs South Asia: Cotton, Spices, Sugar East Asia: Silk, Porcelain, Tea, Gunpowder Southeast Asia: Gold, Spices, Nutmeg Islam still helped facilitate trade Use of Monsoons; Monsoons were used to "take" you to your desired destination. Dhow ships. Change: China drops out; 1433 CE-stop of junk fleet. A)Too expensive and because of growing nomadic threat. Europe arrives circa 1500. A) Desire to trade, God, Gold, Glory, and to avoid taxes Innovations: A) To make life easier to travel/trade. Ex: compass.
Analyze continuities and changes along the Silk Road from 200 BCE - 1450 CE
Silk Road CCOT: Continuity: Goods Traded Mediterranean: Iron, Gold, Glassware, Persian Rugs East Asia: Silk, Porcelain, Tea South Asia: Cotton and Spices Central Asia: Horses, Animal Furs Disease(Black Death, Smallpox, Measles)/Ideas(Religion, Innovations) Value of Silk Trading ideas / innovations Change: Participants/Controller, E Asia; Han, Sui, Tang, Song, Yuan (Mongols), and Ming. A) Too large to control; borders, cost, peasant rebellion, corruption.
Analyze continuities and changes in the spread of Islam in ONE of the following regions circa 800-1750 CE Sub-Saharan Africa South Asia Europe
ISLAMIC INTERACTIONS: Europe Cont. War + Conflict = violence Change: Conquered Spain Ottoman Turks 1450-1650 Sub-Saharan Africa- Cont: Peacefully spread by merchants ? converted elites West - legitimized rule 80% of population is polytheistic, animistic Arabic + Bantu City-States Sudanic Empires, Ghana and Mali and Songhai Change: Islam 'Africanized' ? animal sacrifices + dances during Islamic festivals East Indian Ocean increases power + wealth Impacts politics, culture, commerce West - legitimized rule with/after Islamized South Asia Cont: Caste System Remains Unchanged Hinduism Remains Dominant Religion Commercial and Cultural opportunities continue. ? Silk Road and Indian Ocean Change: Sikhism ? Attempt at syncretic blend of Hinduism and Islam. ? 1 god, karma, reincarnation Fragmented Hindu Princes rule to Centralized Delhi Sultanate with Hindu Advisors but had Islamic culture 25% Convert but usually low class Hindus (untouchables)
Analyze continuities and changes in the beliefs and practices of ONE of the following religions listed below from its beginning to 1450 CE (SEE UNIT 2 AS WELL) Buddhism Hinduism Christianity Islam
Buddhism CCOT: Continuity: General Beliefs Reincarnation karma life ? want to end suffering Nirvana Final goal Achieved through good karma and achieving your dharma Change: Went from India to China Schism Mahayana vs. Theravada Buddhism View of Buddha as a god or not Popularity: Mahayana Buddhism grows in popularity in china (300-800 CE) ? Serious Backlash (mid 800's) Buddhism attacked by Confucianists and Taoists Christianity CCOT: Continuity: General Beliefs Heaven and Hell Jesus sin and forgiveness Appealed to the poor Universal message - anyone could get into heaven WHC Buddhism India Missionary Faith Relationship with Government Change: Where it went Europe Once in Europe, Convert Germanic peoples(Syncretism) ? Most of Europe Christian by 1000 CE Pagan figures became Christian Saints polytheistic holidays such as the winter solstice were incorporated by placing Christmas and the Birth of Jesus on the same day. Constantine converts to christianity Schism Split into Eastern Orthodox and Roman Catholicism Pope wanted final say in all decisions Patriarch wanted a council that he and the pope would be involved in (a) Pope and Patriarch excommunicated Acceptance in Rome After jesus died rome accepted christianity Centralized Structure Adopt Patriarchy Islam CCOT: Continuity: Missionary Faith General Beliefs Monotheistic, Omnipotent, and Omnipresent God No god but Allah Prayer 5 times a day ? facing Mecca Give to the poor/needy Fast from Dawn ? dusk during Holy month of ramadan If able, go & worship in Mecca at 1x in you life, called Hajj Economics and Religion are tied into both the Umayyad and Abbasid Caliphates ex: Jizya tax.-theocratic faith in general Change: Schism Sunni (90% of Muslims) vs. Shia (10% of Muslims) - Shia believe first 3 Caliphs are invalid (not blood to Muhammad) Sunni Believe first three were. (started when Muhammad did not name a clear successor) Patriarchy grows as Caliphates grow. At first, women could inherit property, divorce, and engage in business ventures (like Muhammad's first wife—Khadija). Qur'an emphasizes spiritual equality of men and women. Over time, the mediterranean practice of veiling is adopted, upper class women secluded, women need to be present with a man in public, and honor killings become popular. Where it goes: Sikhism - India Syncretic Blending - Spread by merchants in Trans-sahara. Mixed with practices such as animal sacrifices.
Compare the social life of TWO of the following: Mediterranean World 100 CE - 600 CE East Asia 100 CE - 600 CE South Asia 300 CE - 600 CE
S. ASIA/ E. ASIA Similarities: Patriarchy ? strict in both countries (S. ASIA) restrictions increased Sati [widows to commit suicide] Child marriage Obey father, husband, then son (A) men were more capable than women (E. ASIA) women = slaves 3 obediences Her father as a daughter Her husband as a wife Her sons in widowhood (A) women should be loyal since men are more worthy Differences: Caste system ? merchants in e. asia were on the bottom while in s. asia they were on top (S. ASIA) limited to no social mobility Goddess purusha = caste system Brahmin = priest Kshatriya = govt + military Vaisya = merchant, artisan, farmer Sudra = servant Untouchables = uncleans (added later) Merchants at the top (A) everyone needed to do something in order to keep the country up and running (E. ASIA) emperor = hereditary [passed down from family member to family member] Confucian govt bureaucrats = take merit exam Landlords Peasants Merchants (at bottom)
Compare techniques of imperial administration in TWO of the following: Han China Maurya/Gupta India Imperial Rome
Han China Maurya/Gupta India Imperial Rome Both Han China and Imperial Rome Centralized Expanded influence/territory Supernatural Sanctions Emperors are gods Mandate of Heaven, Song of Heaven (A) Legitimize powers Han China Large Core Good Government = good people Based on education Less emphasis on military Build Great wall War bribe Imperial Rome Small core Republic Good government = laws 12 tablets ? apply to all Everyone was given the right to a trial (innocent before proven guilty) Justice and property More militaristic Best defense = offense
Analyze continuities and changes in social, political, cultural, or economic life in ONE of the following: South Asia: 300 CE - 600 CE Mediterranean 100 CE - 600 CE East Asia 100 CE - 600 CE
East Asia Continuity: Mandate of Heaven Continuity: Patriarchal view Continuity: Importance of public works Bridges Infrastructure Canals The Great Wall (A) link region together, universal effect (WHC) Mediterranean Change: division of empires/kingdoms Han Dynasty ? split into three kingdoms Warring state lasted 370 years Violence during warring state period (WHC) Mediterranean ? split into east and west (A) Govt could not unify insecure city-states ? disputes Change: major religion Confucianism at first Confucianism later discouraged Later taoism and Daoism practiced Buddhism replaced all three religions Buddhism - anyone obtain afterlife Buddhism - deity (A) promoted path to afterlife (A) gender spiritual equality
Analyze continuities and changes in the relationship between nomads and sedentary people in the Eastern Hemisphere between 3500 BCE - 600 CE
cont - conflict over resources change - nomads create empires
Analyze continuities and changes in the ways rulers and religious authorities used art and architecture before 600 CE
Cont - Art ==> connect supernatural Change - Increased value in palaces and temples, sophistication = increase in power
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