Patterns of World History Since 1750/ Chapter 22 – Flashcards
Flashcard maker : Donna Chou
European intellectual movement (1650-1800) growing out of the New Science and based on the ideology of materialism in which matter is considered the basic constituent of reality and mind or reason is a derivative.
Belief that people who share the same language, history, and sense of identity make up a nation and that every nation has the right to pursue its own destiny.
Intellectual and artistic movement that emphasized emotion and imagination over reason and sought the sublime in nature.
The investigation of truth by discussion; in the context here, dialectic refers to Hegel’s belief that a higher truth is comprehended by a continuous unification of opposites.
The belief that material reality exists independently of the people who observe it.
Who has not been associated with the invention of the automobile
Robert Peel
As industrialization progressed, weapons improved in all of the following ways except
The increase of black smoke emitted from automated weapons made it possible to “fog”
Mauveine was
The first synthetic dye
All of the following is true if Emmeline Pankhurts except
She was imprisoned and exported to Australia for political agitation, where she lived out the rest of her life
The first practical steam-powered riverboat went from
New York to Albany
The “father of the America industrial Revolution” was
Samuel Slater
The tenements around factories in industrial cities were called “dark Satanic Mills” by
William Blake
The “American System” was a management technique that promoted
Limiting parts acceptable to those produced in the US, preferably from the same state as the factory
Dynamite was invented by
A Swedish chemist abd engineer, Alfred Nobel
The following industry mechanized very early and was the first to successfully do so
The following innovation had the greatest impact during the period of industrialization
The steam engine
Modern industrialization had its start in the following nation
Great Britain
All of the following contributed to the development of wireless communication except
William Lamb
All of the following men contributed significantly to the development of mechanical power except
Thomas Edison
The phrase, “from each according to his abilities, to each according to his works,” was coined by
Louis Blanc
All if the following is true of Robert Owen, a factory owner in the north of Englanged except
He formed an ideal Utopian community in the US and lived out his life peacefully in New Hampshire
All of the following is true of Karl Mark except
He believed that the working class, or proletariat, would gradually attain power and slowly replace the upper classes through more of an economic evolution than revolution
The first widespread use of electricity was