Multiple Subject CSET Writing Strategies & Speech & Research – Flashcards

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Writing Process
Prewriting Drafting Revising Editing Proofreading
-brainstroming (gather ideas and examples) -organize thoughts and plan the order to present points,e samples, arguments and so on
Prewriting - Clustering/Webbing
used for initial brainstorming & organizing of thoughts. take a few moments to hunk about all elements of topic and connect them to central topic. writer starts with the main idea in the center of the page inside a circle. thenr elated ideas are written in groups, and their circles are connected to the main idea with lines
Prewriting - Outlining
most formal/traditional form of organizing. Main advantage of outlining is it clearly organizes each main idea, which examples/ideas will be discussed and order they will appear. outlining visually isplays the difference between main ideas (identified by numerals) supporting ideas (identified by capital letters) and minor points (identified by numbers) I. Dionysia A. Took place in spring B. centered on theater 1. four days 2.dlkjdslfj
Prewriting - Note taking
prewriting method can take many forms, listing, free writing, mapping, charting, bulletin etc
follows prewriting, develop initial draft of actual sentences & paragraphs. you should not worry about correctedness or editing; rather you should follow the organizational plan set up in the prewriting stage and incorporate all ideas into the essay. The purpose of drafting is simply to get all of the prewriting ideas into print.
writings begin fine tuning the wording of the draft and/or rearranging ideas of paragraphs. This is the time to think about changes that will make the writing more logical & forceful. You might decide for example to move a paragraph to a diff location, rewrite a topic sentence, add a new example, or improve the essay through addition or deletion. the goal of revising is to ensure that the ideas flow logically and that the writers point are presented with clarity
clean up diction and syntax. you may decide to combine some sentences for effect or reword others for clarity. of course you can choose to move entire paragraphs around or combine during editing, but the more you practice planning in prewriting less you should need to do during editing. purpose of editng it so check flow of ideas/precision of presentation
allows writers to check the text for mechanical and dictation errors (spelling, punctuation, grammar) ensure that final draft is as error free as possible
Principles of Composition
Paragraphing Transitional Phrases Context
Principles of Composition Paragraphing
-visual clue that holds ideas together for readers and writers. Usually has topic sentence focusing on paragraph purpose. Well developed paragraphs provide examples while exhibiting reasoning/logical analysis of ideas. multi paragraph essay each paragraph is classified into one of 3 areas, intro body or conclusion
Principles of Composition Transitional phrases
words and phrase that move the reader onto new ideas. sometimes subtle sometimes obvious, they help reader understand ideas but their relationship to one another. "for example, additionally, for instance, furthermore, and so on" they show a change in direction include "however, on the other hand, conversely etc. They're used between paragraph units such as not only but also formula that reminds the reader of the important point in previous paragraph and how it related to the thrust of current one
Principles of Composition Context
Gives reader/writer sense of appropriateness for different writing situations. Example, one clearly follows different writing conventions when writing a letter to the editor, an essay, a diary entry, a descriptive piece, or a letter of complain. the writing context often dictates the appropriate tone, as well as vocal, organization, and so on.
Genres in writing
narrative, interpretive, descriptive
Genres in writing Narrative
is a work that tells a story, usually in roughly chronological order. whether fiction or nonfiction, the events in a narrative work re presented in a story like fashion that builds to a scene of climactic action. examples are stories, poems, plays, fables, myths, biographies
Genres in writing Interpretive
evident in a written work that explains, explores, or considers the significance of an event, a work of art and so on. Interpretive writing requires the writer to think critically and then present the results of his or her thinking. (research papers, critiques, summaries, and analysis)
Genres in writing Descriptive
typically describes a person, place or thing in such away that the reader has a vivid impression of the written work. the written work has a basic purpose of describing something such as an emotion, event, or location. the use of evocative imagery and phrasing that engages al the senses plays a dominant role in descriptive writing.
Genres in writing Persuasive
designed to take a stand on an issue and convince the reader of the plausibility or correctness of that stand. Persuasive writing often employs an appeal to the readers logic or ethics and uses wrong and credible logic. the persuasive essay asks you to defend position or issue. techniques often found in pervasive include emphasizing benefits while ignoring drawbacks, creating a list for and against, using transitions such as furthermore, moreover, and therefor. making opposing viewpoints seem like minor problems; asking rhetorical questions and ending with a positive thought provoking statement.
Genres in writing Expository
purpose is to inform explain, clarify, describe or define a subject to the reader. its meant to expose information, the expository topic usually asks you to write about real people, events, things and places. well written exposition maintains focus on on its topic and provides facts in order to inform its reader. It should be unbiased and accurate and use a scholarly 3rd person tone. (magazine, newspaper articles
Genres in writing
personal jounrals, diaries, letters, summaries, and research paper
Speech Dialect
refers to the distinctive variety of vocal, grammar, and pronunciation spoken by members of an identifiable regional group, nation or social class
speech idolect
particular variety of language used by an individual speaker or writer, which may be marked by peculiarities of vocab, grammar, pronunciation
Speech Eye contact
a good speaker establishes eye contact with the audience in a manner that is engaging and appropriate. a good speaker avoids looking down, looking over the heads of the audience, or addressing just one member or one section of the audience
Speech Volume and tone of voice
an effective speaker's tone varies naturally and appropriately according to the content. His or her volume is clear and suitable for the audience and venue. A good speaker modulates his or her volume at appropriate point sin the delivery to engage the audience in the content.
Speech Pacing and clarity
Effective speakers enunciate clearly and properly, using a natural pace that is governed by the syntax and content. words are never slurred or run together. God speakers do not use fillers such as um, ah, like
Speech Hand gestures
Effective speakers also know when to use hand gestures and how to employ appropriately to enhance their presentation. Poor speakers keep their hands in their pockets play with their hair or fidget inappropriately
Speech Posture
Good speakers face the audience squarely with a natural stance; don't shift weight or stand askew; do not lean informally to one side or other do not lean on lectern or podium
Research Strategies Print Resources
common print resources include books, encyclopedias, professional journals, newspapers, magazines and other periodicals
Research strategies Electronic and internet resources
electronic resources include all aspects of the internet, naturally candidates should be familiar with difference of general use internet site and serious research (highly reputable sites)
research strategies Citing sources
understanding proper documentation and bibliographic citation is essential. using a standardized style manual. Chicago manual of style and MLA
use basic literary conventions as do short stories, but they expand on them by presenting more complicated plots, adding subplots, creating nuanced characters, and deepening development of ideas. After kids have mastered mechanics of reading (between ages of 9-12) they are ready to sustain more difficult challenge of novels. Like picaresque, epistolary, ghoic, romantic, realist, and historical
Short stories
popular forms of lit in elementary school. condensed story ranging from 2000-10,000 words with purpose that is singular or limited. they are made up of elements like plot, character, setting, point of view, and theme. they are often based on a common dramatic structure that introduces terminology one uses to analyze fiction of all types: exposition, rising action, climax, falling cation, denouement
Exposition (Dramatic Structure)
intro of setting, main character, and conflict
Rising action (Dramatic Structure)
event or events that allow protagonist to make his commitment to a course of action as conflict intensifies
Climax (Dramatic Structure)
point of highest interest in terms of conflict, point with the most action or turning point for protagonist
Falling action (Dramatic Structure)
the events that follow from the protagonists action int he climax
Denouement (Dramatic Structure)
The resolution, the point when the conflict is resolved remaining loose ends tied up and morals intimated or stated directly
Folk tales
as old as language, adapt from culture to culture and enrich with customs and beliefs. generally defined as prose narratives that follow traditional story lines that arise from oral traditions in history. original author never known. includes fairy tales, legends, fables, tall tales, humorous anecdotes. most have arise from similar process recombining traditional ements (motifs) and/or transferring an established plot (tale type) from one hero, one location, or one era to another.
Legends (Folk tales)
narratives that include creation stories and explain tribal beginnings. These tales may incorporate supernatural beings or quasi-historical figures (King Aruthur, Lady Godiva) these legends are told and retold as if they're based on facts and are always set in specific time and place
Fairy Tales (Folk tlaes)
presented as entirely fictional pieces, and they often begin with a formulaic opening line, such as once upon a time or in a certain country there once lived. Recurring plots recount the supernatural a ventures and mishaps of youngest daughters, the misadventures of transformed princes and encores with mermaids, wood fairies and elvies
Animal Folk tales
abound in every culture, in most cases, the animal characters are clearly anthropomorphic and display human personalities
most difficult of the genres to precisely define. myths always evoke events of a time long past, and they generally concern the adventures and misadventures of gods giants heroes nymphs satyrs and larger than life villains all entities that reside outside of ordinary human existence yet are entwined in our collective consciousness. myths are set in a time altogether different from our human historical timeline and often occur at the beginning of creation in some timeless past age. A cultures myths are usually closely related to its religious beliefs and rituals. a myth is a sacred narrate in the sense that t holds religious or spiritual significance for those who tell it, and it contributes to and express their system of core thoughts and values
rhythm of a child's first heartbeat and is an excellent instructional tool for student to gain enthusiasm for lit. kids bring vivid images to life as they listen to rhythmic patterns of poetry in class. poetry encompasses works written in verse perhaps with a meter and rhyme scheme and uses written lang in a pattern that is sung, changed/spoken to emphasize relationships between words/ideas on the basis of sound as well as meaning. this pattern is frequently associated with a rhythm or meter and prose or everyday speech; often includes variations in syntax and more frequent and elaborate use of figures of speech, principally metaphor and simile. All human cultures have their own poetry and use it for many purposes. generally its employed ins statements and writings that call for heightened intensity of emotion/dignity of epression/subtlety of contemplation. valued for combining aural pleasures of sound with tempting freeness of ideas
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