MLA 8th ed, Self-Check

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True - when available, list the DOI. When not available, include the URL
MLA 8th edition requires that you list the URL or doi (direct object identifier) in the works cited entry. True/False?
True - you cannot submit a paper you've done for another class twice. If you choose to cite something you've written before, you should cite yourself (Buckner, \"Paper Title\" #).
It is considered plagiarism to resubmit work you've done for another class/activity without attribution. True/False?
Schick, Kurt and Laura Schubert. So What? The Writer's Argument(italics). Oxford University Press, 2014.
Pause and find your So What? textbook. Create a MLA 8th ed citation for that textbook using the MLA template. When finished, click this card to check your work.
False - review the libguide for Week 4 carefully. Scholarly sources include scholarly journals written for academics that are peer reviewed, including citations. You will probably use some non-scholarly / popular sources in your research. But be sure to use scholarly sources as well.
A newspaper article is considered a scholarly source. True/False?
False - You must cite any words or ideas that you get from outside sources using an internal citation that includes the last name and page number (see handbook for other examples) ex: (Schick 43)
You should cite direct quotes taken from sources but are not required to cite paraphrases (i.e. others ideas in your words) in your writing. True/False?
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False - Works Cited pages are organized alphabetically based on the first letter of whatever word comes first in the entry
MLA Works Cited pages are organized based on the year of publication. True/False?
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True - even as little as a few words/a phrase
Direct quotes, that is others' words, should be surrounded by quotation marks and followed by an internal citation. True/False?
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MLA Handbook(italics). 8th ed, The Modern Language Association of America, 2016.
Pause and find your MLA handbook. Create a MLA 8th ed citation for that textbook using the MLA template. When finished, click this card to check your work.
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(Schick and Schubert 86) OR if you mentioned their name in the sentence, you only include the page ref. ex: Schick and Schubert discuss a spectrum of sources for research (86).
If you were going to reference the spectrum of sources on pg 86 of your So What text, how would you create an internal citation for that information?
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c) failure in the course If you are uncertain, please contact your professor OR make an appointment with GWU's Writing Center through WebbConnect to get help from a consultant.
According to GWU English Department's academic honesty policy, a major assignment that is plagiarized will result in: a) grade reduction on that assignment, b) failure/0 on that assignment, c) failure of the course.
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