Methyl 3-methyl-2-butenoate C6H10O2 structure – Flashcards

Flashcard maker : Kolby Cobb

C6H10O2 structure
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Molecular Formula C6H10O2
Average mass 114.142 Da
Density 0.9±0.1 g/cm3
Boiling Point 136.5±0.0 °C at 760 mmHg
Flash Point 37.2±0.0 °C
Molar Refractivity 31.5±0.3 cm3
Polarizability 12.5±0.5 10-24cm3
Surface Tension 25.2±3.0 dyne/cm
Molar Volume 124.5±3.0 cm3
  • Experimental data
  • Predicted – ACD/Labs
  • Predicted – EPISuite
  • Predicted – ChemAxon
  • Experimental Physico-chemical Properties
    • Experimental Melting Point:

      -41 °C Jean-Claude Bradley Open Melting Point Dataset 28254, 7511
      -41 °C Alfa Aesar L19731
      -41 °C Biosynth Q-201373
      -41 °C LabNetwork LN00007618
    • Experimental Boiling Point:

      134-139 °C Alfa Aesar L19731
      70-75 °C (Literature) LabNetwork LN00007618
    • Experimental Flash Point:

      33 °C Alfa Aesar
      37 °C Biosynth Q-201373
      33 °F (0.5556 °C)
      Alfa Aesar L19731
      99 °C LabNetwork LN00007618
    • Experimental Gravity:

      0.935 g/mL Biosynth Q-201373
      0.936 g/mL Alfa Aesar L19731
      37 g/mL Biosynth Q-201373
    • Experimental Refraction Index:

      1.4365 Alfa Aesar L19731
  • Miscellaneous
    • Safety:

      10 Alfa Aesar L19731
      3 Alfa Aesar L19731
      GHS02 Biosynth Q-201373
      H226 Alfa Aesar L19731
      H226 Biosynth Q-201373
      IRRITANT Alfa Aesar L19731
      Irritant SynQuest 2324-1-25
      P210; P280 Biosynth Q-201373
      P210-P280-P240-P303+P361+P353-P403+P235-P501a Alfa Aesar L19731
      Warning Alfa Aesar L19731
      Warning Biosynth Q-201373
  • Gas Chromatography
    • Retention Index (Kovats):

      770 (estimated with error: 47) NIST Spectra mainlib_192296, replib_154197, replib_332790, replib_41979, replib_279228
      831 (Program type: Isothermal; Col… (show more) umn class: Standard non-polar; Column length: 12 ft; Column type: Packed; Start T: 150 C; CAS no: 924505; Active phase: SE-30; Carrier gas: He; Substrate: Celatom silanized (62-72 mesh); Data type: Kovats RI; Authors: Ashes, J.R.; Haken, J.K., Gas chromatography of homologous esters. IX. Structure-retention increments of unsaturated esters, J. Chromatogr., 111, 1975, 171-187.) NIST Spectra nist ri
    • Retention Index (Normal Alkane):

      826.3 (Program type: Ramp; Column cl… (show more) ass: Standard non-polar; Column diameter: 0.22 mm; Column length: 25 m; Column type: Capillary; Heat rate: 4 K/min; Start T: 50 C; CAS no: 924505; Active phase: SE-30; Carrier gas: N2; Data type: Normal alkane RI; Authors: Korhonen, I.O.O., Gas-liquid chromatographic analyses. V. Gas chromatographic separation of methyl esters of some dihalogenated butanoic, 2-methylbutanoic and 3-methylbutanoic acids on Carbowax 20M and SE-30 glass capillary columns, J. Chromatogr., 244, 1982, 137-141.) NIST Spectra nist ri
      842 (Program type: Ramp; Column cl… (show more) ass: Semi-standard non-polar; Column diameter: 0.25 mm; Column length: 30 m; Column type: Capillary; Heat rate: 5 K/min; Start T: 50 C; End T: 300 C; End time: 5 min; Start time: 5 min; CAS no: 924505; Active phase: HP-5; Carrier gas: He; Phase thickness: 0.25 um; Data type: Normal alkane RI; Authors: Figueredo, G.; Cabassu, P.; Chalchat, J.-C.; Pasquier, B., Studies of Mediterranean oregano populations- V. Chemical composition of essential oils of oregano: Origanum syriacum L. var. bevanii (Holmes) Ietswaart, O. syriacum L. var. sinaicum (Boiss.) Ietswaart, and O. syriacum L. var. syriacum from Lebanon and Israel, Flavour Fragr. J., 20, 2005, 164-168., Program type: Ramp; Column cl… (show more) ass: Semi-standard non-polar; Column diameter: 0.25 mm; Column length: 30 m; Column type: Capillary; Heat rate: 5 K/min; Start T: 50 C; End T: 300 C; End time: 5 min; Start time: 5 min; CAS no: 924505; Active phase: HP-5; Carrier gas: He; Phase thickness: 0.25 um; Data type: Normal alkane RI; Authors: Figueredo, G.; Cabassu, P.; Chalchat, J.-C.; Pasquier, B., Studies of Mediterranean oregano populations. VIII. Chemical composition of essential oils of oreganos of various origins, Flavour Fragr. J., 21, 2006, 134-139.) NIST Spectra nist ri
      1184 (Program type: Ramp; Column cl… (show more) ass: Standard polar; Column diameter: 0.25 mm; Column length: 15 m; Column type: Capillary; Heat rate: 10 K/min; Start T: 45 C; End T: 210 C; End time: 5 min; Start time: 5 min; CAS no: 924505; Active phase: HP-Innowax; Phase thickness: 1 um; Data type: Normal alkane RI; Authors: Wijaya, C.H.; Ulrich, D.; Lestari, R.; Schippel, K.; Ebert, G., Identification of potent odorants in different cultivars of snake fruit [Salacca zalacca (Gaert.) Voss] using gas chromatography-olfactometry, J. Agric. Food Chem., 53, 2005, 1637-1641.) NIST Spectra nist ri
      1180 (Program type: Ramp; Column cl… (show more) ass: Standard polar; Column diameter: 0.25 mm; Column length: 60 m; Column type: Capillary; Heat rate: 3 K/min; Start T: 40 C; End T: 190 C; Start time: 6 min; CAS no: 924505; Active phase: HP-Wax; Carrier gas: He; Phase thickness: 0.5 um; Data type: Normal alkane RI; Authors: Sanz, C.; Maeztu, L.; Zapelena, M.J.; Bello, J.; Cid, C., Profiles of volatile compounds and sensory analysis of three blends of coffee: influence of different proportions of Arabica and Robusta and influence of roasting coffee with sugar, J. Sci. Food Agric., 82, 2002, 840-847.) NIST Spectra nist ri
      1148 (Program type: Ramp; Column cl… (show more) ass: Standard polar; Column diameter: 0.25 mm; Column length: 60 m; Column type: Capillary; Heat rate: 3 K/min; Start T: 40 C; End T: 230 C; End time: 10 min; Start time: 10 min; CAS no: 924505; Active phase: TC-Wax; Carrier gas: He; Phase thickness: 0.25 um; Data type: Normal alkane RI; Authors: Suhardi, S.; Suzuki, M.; Yoshida, K.; Muto, T.; Fujita, A.; Watanbe, N., Changes in the volatile compounds and in the chemical and physical properties of snake fruit (Salacca edulis Reinw) Cv. Pondoh during maturation, J. Agric. Food Chem., 50, 2002, 7627-7633.) NIST Spectra nist ri
    • Retention Index (Linear):

      842.4 (Program type: Complex; Column… (show more) class: Semi-standard non-polar; Column diameter: 0.25 mm; Column length: 30 m; Column type: Capillary; Description: Multi-step temperature program; T(initial)=60C; T(final)=270C; CAS no: 924505; Active phase: VF-5MS; Carrier gas: He; Phase thickness: 0.25 um; Data type: Linear RI; Authors: Tret’yakov, K.V., Retention Data. NIST Mass Spectrometry Data Center., 2007.) NIST Spectra nist ri
      833 (Program type: Ramp; Column cl… (show more) ass: Semi-standard non-polar; Column diameter: 0.53 mm; Column length: 30 m; Column type: Capillary; Heat rate: 5 K/min; Start T: 100 C; End T: 250 C; CAS no: 924505; Active phase: SPB-5; Carrier gas: He; Phase thickness: 1.5 um; Data type: Linear RI; Authors: Rodriguez-Burruezo, A.; Kollmannsberger, H.; Prohens, J.; Nitz, S.; Nuez, F., Analysis of the volatile aroma constituents of parental and hybrid clones of pepino (Solanum muricatum), J. Agric. Food Chem., 52, 2004, 5663-5669.) NIST Spectra nist ri
      1155 (Program type: Ramp; Column cl… (show more) ass: Standard polar; Column diameter: 0.32 mm; Column length: 60 m; Column type: Capillary; Heat rate: 2 K/min; Start T: 65 C; End T: 250 C; End time: 60 min; Start time: 10 min; CAS no: 924505; Active phase: AT-Wax; Carrier gas: He; Phase thickness: 0.25 um; Data type: Linear RI; Authors: Pino, J.; Almora, K.; Marbot, R., Volatile components of papaya (Carica papaya L., maradol variety) fruit, Flavour Fragr. J., 18, 2003, 492-496.) NIST Spectra nist ri
      1162 (Program type: Complex; Column… (show more) class: Standard polar; Column diameter: 0.32 mm; Column length: 30 m; Column type: Capillary; Description: 40C(2min) =;40C/min =;60C (2min) =;6C/min =;180C =;10C/min =;240C (5min); CAS no: 924505; Active phase: DB-FFAP; Phase thickness: 0.25 um; Data type: Linear RI; Authors: Munk, S.; Munch, P.; Stahnke, L.; Adler-Nissen., J.; Schieberle, P., Primary odorants of laundry soiled with sweat/sebum: influence of lipase on the odor profile, Journal of Surfactants and Detergents, 3(4), 2000, 505-515.) NIST Spectra nist ri

Predicted data is generated using the ACD/Labs Percepta Platform – PhysChem Module

Density: 0.9±0.1 g/cm3
Boiling Point: 136.5±0.0 °C at 760 mmHg
Vapour Pressure: 7.4±0.2 mmHg at 25°C
Enthalpy of Vaporization: 37.4±3.0 kJ/mol
Flash Point: 37.2±0.0 °C
Index of Refraction: 1.420
Molar Refractivity: 31.5±0.3 cm3
#H bond acceptors: 2
#H bond donors: 0
#Freely Rotating Bonds: 2
#Rule of 5 Violations: 0
ACD/LogP: 1.87
ACD/LogD (pH 5.5): 1.75
ACD/BCF (pH 5.5): 12.63
ACD/KOC (pH 5.5): 213.77
ACD/LogD (pH 7.4): 1.75
ACD/BCF (pH 7.4): 12.63
ACD/KOC (pH 7.4): 213.77
Polar Surface Area: 26 Å2
Polarizability: 12.5±0.5 10-24cm3
Surface Tension: 25.2±3.0 dyne/cm
Molar Volume: 124.5±3.0 cm3

Predicted data is generated using the US Environmental Protection Agency’s EPISuite™

 Log Octanol-Water Partition Coef (SRC):
 Log Kow (KOWWIN v1.67 estimate) = 1.69

 Boiling Pt, Melting Pt, Vapor Pressure Estimations (MPBPWIN v1.42):
 Boiling Pt (deg C): 126.60 (Adapted Stein & Brown method)
 Melting Pt (deg C): -66.12 (Mean or Weighted MP)
 VP(mm Hg,25 deg C): 0.91 (Modified Grain method)
 MP (exp database): 114 deg C
 BP (exp database): 136.5 deg C
 Subcooled liquid VP: 6.87 mm Hg (25 deg C, Mod-Grain method)

 Water Solubility Estimate from Log Kow (WSKOW v1.41):
 Water Solubility at 25 deg C (mg/L): 3813
 log Kow used: 1.69 (estimated)
 no-melting pt equation used

 Water Sol Estimate from Fragments:
 Wat Sol (v1.01 est) = 15467 mg/L

 ECOSAR Class Program (ECOSAR v0.99h):
 Class(es) found:

 Henrys Law Constant (25 deg C) [HENRYWIN v3.10]:
 Bond Method : 2.27E-004 atm-m3/mole
 Group Method: 6.74E-005 atm-m3/mole
 Henrys LC [VP/WSol estimate using EPI values]: 3.585E-005 atm-m3/mole

 Log Octanol-Air Partition Coefficient (25 deg C) [KOAWIN v1.10]:
 Log Kow used: 1.69 (KowWin est)
 Log Kaw used: -2.032 (HenryWin est)
 Log Koa (KOAWIN v1.10 estimate): 3.722
 Log Koa (experimental database): None

 Probability of Rapid Biodegradation (BIOWIN v4.10):
 Biowin1 (Linear Model) : 0.8674
 Biowin2 (Non-Linear Model) : 0.9958
 Expert Survey Biodegradation Results:
 Biowin3 (Ultimate Survey Model): 3.0871 (weeks )
 Biowin4 (Primary Survey Model) : 3.9120 (days )
 MITI Biodegradation Probability:
 Biowin5 (MITI Linear Model) : 0.7237
 Biowin6 (MITI Non-Linear Model): 0.8536
 Anaerobic Biodegradation Probability:
 Biowin7 (Anaerobic Linear Model): 0.6957
 Ready Biodegradability Prediction: YES

Hydrocarbon Biodegradation (BioHCwin v1.01):
 Structure incompatible with current estimation method!

 Sorption to aerosols (25 Dec C)[AEROWIN v1.00]:
 Vapor pressure (liquid/subcooled): 916 Pa (6.87 mm Hg)
 Log Koa (Koawin est ): 3.722
 Kp (particle/gas partition coef. (m3/ug)):
 Mackay model : 3.28E-009 
 Octanol/air (Koa) model: 1.29E-009 
 Fraction sorbed to airborne particulates (phi):
 Junge-Pankow model : 1.18E-007 
 Mackay model : 2.62E-007 
 Octanol/air (Koa) model: 1.04E-007 

 Atmospheric Oxidation (25 deg C) [AopWin v1.92]:
 Hydroxyl Radicals Reaction:
 OVERALL OH Rate Constant = 30.9046 E-12 cm3/molecule-sec
 Half-Life = 0.346 Days (12-hr day; 1.5E6 OH/cm3)
 Half-Life = 4.153 Hrs
 Ozone Reaction:
 OVERALL Ozone Rate Constant = 7.393750 E-17 cm3/molecule-sec
 Half-Life = 0.155 Days (at 7E11 mol/cm3)
 Half-Life = 3.720 Hrs
 Fraction sorbed to airborne particulates (phi): 1.9E-007 (Junge,Mackay)
 Note: the sorbed fraction may be resistant to atmospheric oxidation

 Soil Adsorption Coefficient (PCKOCWIN v1.66):
 Koc : 18.31
 Log Koc: 1.263 

 Aqueous Base/Acid-Catalyzed Hydrolysis (25 deg C) [HYDROWIN v1.67]:
 Total Kb for pH > 8 at 25 deg C : 6.604E-003 L/mol-sec
 Kb Half-Life at pH 8: 3.326 years 
 Kb Half-Life at pH 7: 33.258 years 

 Bioaccumulation Estimates from Log Kow (BCFWIN v2.17):
 Log BCF from regression-based method = 0.599 (BCF = 3.976)
 log Kow used: 1.69 (estimated)

 Volatilization from Water:
 Henry LC: 6.74E-005 atm-m3/mole (estimated by Group SAR Method)
 Half-Life from Model River: 10.37 hours
 Half-Life from Model Lake : 202.7 hours (8.447 days)

 Removal In Wastewater Treatment:
 Total removal: 5.41 percent
 Total biodegradation: 0.09 percent
 Total sludge adsorption: 1.89 percent
 Total to Air: 3.43 percent
 (using 10000 hr Bio P,A,S)

 Level III Fugacity Model:
 Mass Amount Half-Life Emissions
 (percent) (hr) (kg/hr)
 Air 0.544 2.57 1000 
 Water 36.6 360 1000 
 Soil 62.8 720 1000 
 Sediment 0.0977 3.24e+003 0 
 Persistence Time: 313 hr


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