Med Micro Block Test 1 – terms for clinical features/factors – Flashcards
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Unlock answersSepticemia |
blood poisoning, invasion of the blood stream by microorganisms from a focus of infection |
Cellulitis |
inflammation of body tissue characterized by fever, swelling, redness and pain |
Epiglottitis |
inflammation of the epiglottis and surrounding structures |
Otitis media |
inflammation of the middle ear/middle ear infection |
Granuloma inguinale |
STI rarely seen in the US symptoms can appear 1 to 12 weeks after infection with the bacteria |
Leptospirosis |
rare and severe bacterial infection caused when people are exposed to certain environments, symptoms can take 2 to 26 days to develop |
Angiomatosis |
non-neoplatic syndrome presenting with little knots of capillaries in multiple organs
Pyelonephritis |
an ascending urinary tract infection that has reached the pelvis of the kidney
Pelvic inflammatory disease |
infection of the uterus, fallopian tubes, and/or ovaries |
Bacillary dysentery |
severe form of shigellosis |
Erysipeloid |
cellulitis characterized by painful, puritic, inflammatory skin lesions
Puritic |
causes the urge to scratch/itches |
Impetigo |
common skin infection, lots of blisters filled with pus, easily popped, leave a red base afterwards |
folliculitis |
inflammation of one or more hair follicles can occur anywhere on the skin |
furuncle |
a boil, basically deep folliculitis, since it's an inflammation of a hair follicle |
Empyema |
collection of pus inside the pleural cavity ; |
Rat-bite fever |
symptoms depend on the bacteria that caused it, but symptoms caused by streptobacillus monoliformis include fever, chills, joint pain, redness or swelling |
tularemia |
infection common in wild rodents transmitted to humans by contact with infected animal tissues, ticks, biting flies or mosquitos ; |
Trench fever |
moderately serious disease transmitted by body lice ; |
Actinomycosis |
long term bacterial infection commonly affecting the face and neck draining sores on the skin, especially on chest wall from lung infection with actinomyces |
Necrotizing fasciitis |
flesh-eating disease infection of the deeper layers of the skin/subcutaneous tissues ; ; |
Pseudomembraneous colitis |
infection of the large intestine with an overgrowth of Clostridium difficile |