Little Miss Sunshine – Relationship Between Frank and Dwayne Essay Example
Describe a strong relationship between characters or individuals in the text. Explain how visual and/or verbal features helped you understand this relationship in the text. A strong relationship in the film Little Miss Sunshine directed by Jonathan Dayton and Valerie Fare's is the relationship between Frank and Richard. Both characters are considered "losers" and have experienced suffering. Visual and verbal features which included costume, character placement and use of voice helped the viewers understand their relationship. One visual feature was the choice of costume.
Throughout the whole movie Frank and Deanne are wearing white or similar colored clothing. The purpose of this is to show the viewers that Frank and Deanne are similar and connected. The white clothing shows that they are
...separated from the rest of the family who are all wearing bright colors and vibrant patterns such as Grandpas Hawaiian shirt. This is a deliberate choice of the directors. The contrast between the bright costumes of the rest of the family and the white colors of Frank and Deanne represent that they are not as happy as the rest of the family and they have suffered. This idea is backed up by the attitudes of the characters.
Frank is not happy with his life as he tried to commit suicide. Deanne is determined to reach his unattainable goal of becoming a Jet pilot and does not like the rest of his family. Another visual feature is the placement of characters in scenes. Frank and Deanne are put together from the beginning of the film and are often in the same shot. Frank is put into Dyne's room when he arrives to the
house from the hospital. They also are sat together at the dinner table. This placement of Deanne and Frank together in any scenes separates them from the rest of the family and shows that they are different.
An important scene that separates Frank and Deanne from Richard is the dinner scene. They family are shot sitting around the table. When Richard is talking about how beauty queens don't eat ice cram to Olive he is the only one in the scene. The directors have deliberate separated Richard from Frank, Deanne and Grandpa to show that Frank and Deanne have similar views and opinions concerning Richard. The placement of Frank and Deanne together shows they are connected. We can see hey are similar by their reactions seeing their reactions to events in the same shot.
A verbal feature that emphasizes their strong relationship is the technique of Frank reading out what Deanne writes on his note pad. As Deanne does not talk for the majority of the film his way of communication is to write on a note pad. Throughout the whole film Frank is the only one to read out Dyne's notes. Frank acts as Deanery's voice and is a feature that strongly connects them together. For the viewers this is an important film technique that both emphasizes the strong relationship twine Frank and Deanne but also gives Deanne a voice.
When the family are at the dinner table and Deanne agrees to go with them to Little Miss Sunshine he writes on a piece of paper which Frank then reads out "But I am not going to have any fun" Frank then adds mania,
we're all with way on that one, Deanne. " This scene shows that Frank and Deanne are connected by Frank being a voice for Deanne but also that they both have the same opinion and feeling about the trip showing that they are similar and emphasize their relationship. An important conversation Frank and
Deanne have at the end of the movie emphasizes their connection and concentrates on their shared philosophical beliefs in Porous and Nietzsche. A sliver of Porous philosophy, which Frank studies, is represented in the film. It is that a life time of suffering will bring happiness. The film supports this when Frank and Deanne are talking on the pier. Deanne says "l wish I could sleep until I was eighteen and skip all this crap" Frank reply and says Porous "decides that all those years he suffered, Those were the best years of his life, 'cause they made him who he was" this represents the dead that after suffering we can find happiness.
Frank is reassuring Deanne that after he has suffered, not being able to become a Jet pilot he will find happiness. Previously in the film Frank had not taken on this way of thinking as after he went through his suffering he attempted to commit suicide and did not think he would find happiness. Frank had suffered by losing his lover, his Job and fellowship award. Suicide goes against his profession as a Porous scholar. Whereas Nietzsche, which Deanne looks up to, affirms the achievement of goals. Deanne feels he has failed, as e can no longer become a pilot.
Frank decides to tell Deanne that he can not
become a Jet pilot because he is color blind because Frank has suffered and he know that if he doesn't tell Deanne then he will suffer more. We as viewers see the strong relationship between Frank and Deanne when they are talking on the pier. Frank is now able to comfort and affirm Deanne that things will get better after he has suffered even though Frank could not comfort himself. Both Frank and Deanne have evolved throughout the movie and realize that even after suffering you can find peppiness.
Deanne says "If I want fly, I'll find a way to fly' this show that he will continue to do what he loves and knows he will still find happiness after he has suffered. The relationship between Frank and Deanne is portrayed by use of visual and verbal features. The strong use of similar costume and character placement and the use of Frank as Dyne's voice plus their shared philosophical opinions shows this well. In their relationship they help and support each other when they need it and together realize that even after suffering you can still find happiness.
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