Leviticus: Chapters Summary – Flashcards
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Leviticus 5
1 He that sinneth in concealing his knowledge, 2 in touching an unclean thing, 4 or in making an oath. 6 His trespass offering, of the flock, 7 of fowls, 11 or of flour. 14 The trespass offering in sacrilege, 17 and in sins of ignorance.
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Leviticus 6
1 The trespass offering for sins done unwittingly. 8 The law of the burnt offering, 14 and of the meat offering. 19 The offering at the consecration of a priest. 24 The law of the sin offering.
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Leviticus 7
1 The law of the trespass offering, 11 and of the peace offerings, 12 whether it be for a thanksgiving, 16 or a vow, or a freewill offering. 22 The fat, 26 and the blood, are forbidden. 28 The priests' portion in the peace offering.
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Leviticus 8
1 Moses consecrateth Aaron and his sons. 14 Their sin offering. 18 Their burnt offering. 22 The ram of consecration. 31 The place and time of their consecration.
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Leviticus 9
1 The first offerings of Aaron, for himself and the people. 8 The sin offering, 12 and the burnt offering for himself. 15 The offerings for the people. 23 Moses and Aaron bless the people. 24 Fire cometh from the LORD, upon the altar.
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Leviticus 10
1 Nadab and Abihu, for offering of strange fire, are burnt by fire. 6 Aaron and his sons are forbidden to mourn for them. 8 The priests are forbidden wine when they are to go into the Tabernacle. 12 The law of eating the holy things. 16 Aaron's excuse for transgressing thereof.
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Leviticus 11
1 What beasts may, 4 and what may not be eaten. 9 What fishes. 13 What fowls. 29 The creeping things which are unclean.
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Leviticus 12
1 The purification of a woman after childbirth. 6 Her offerings for her purifying.
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