Jurisprudence AZ Law – Flashcards

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What is the term PTA PT Aides All peoples who perform PT specific task under the guidance of PT Can this such person be considered to be personnel for another profession under the same title?
assistive personell NO.
what is the term? means a skilled intervention performed by a physical therapist that uses a thin filiform needle to penetrate Neuromuscular and musculoskeletal structures
"dry needling"
What is the time requirement of a PT who is providing general supervision and thus "readily available" to assist PTA What are acceptable forms of readily available ? how long does he have to get to the facility if necessary? what is on-site supervisions main requirement? where does interim permit allow someone to work according to board?
Must be readily available via telecommunication (at the least) within 15 minutes telecommunication and or on-site visit must get to the facility within same day. person is physically on site and immediately available allows person to work in arizona until a licenses is issued. Must do so under conditions listed in the permit
In general Manual Therapy techniques are (passive or passive/active)
passive only!
A PTA can supervise how many people? T or F: person is exempt from holding a PT license if they are with sports team for 60 days or less If a person changes there address they must notify who?
0! none son! T Arizona Board of Physical Therapy
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what is the term? person under direct PT supervision performing routine physical therapy task designated by the PT.
physical therapy aide
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What is the term? person who is certified and under the supervision of PT who as delegated and selected procedures and related task
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What is the term? care provided to pts by a licensed physical therapist
"Physical Therapy"
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T or F: A business entity is a organization that includes any persons who is or isnt licensed or certified to provide PT. do they offer the public professional services regulated by the Board of Physical therapy?
T yes
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what is the term? the forms and additional information the Board requires to be submitted by an applicant or on the applicant's behalf -------------------- When a PT is "on-call" they must be able to get to the facility in what amount of time?
applicant packet -------------------------------- within that same day
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If a PTA is alone at a clinic and under "general supervision" who is responsible for the PT aide working alongside the PTA
the supervising PT because the PTA cannot supervise anyone
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Does the board: how often does the board meet each quarter? does board keep track of ones address , telephone, current business and residential address AND license number? who reports final disciplinary action for PT and PTAs ? are these actions kept track off on a database? how often disciplinary actions, board ruling, opinions and interpretations of statues published?
once per quarter yes! the board yes at least once annually
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The board submits written report of actions taken against licensee or certificate holders no later than what date each year? does the board establish fees for board related items and collect fees? the board puts _____ percent of all monies collected into state general fund and ____ percent into board of physical therapy fund
december 31st yes 10% in state general fund 90% in board of physical therapy fund
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The board will acknowledge receipt of written criticisms in ___ days. T or F: written criticism must specifically state rule and how it is inadequate, unduly burdensome, unreasonable, or otherwise improper.
15 days T
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General supervision = PT has to perform reevaluation every ___ treatment or every ___ days, which ever comes first If PT determines that going to location is necessary via the PTAs inquiry how soon must the PT get there? must be able to respond how fast to PTA inquiry ?
every 4th visit or every 30 days. within 15 minutes within the same day.
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T or F: under general supervision a PT must be able to get to the facility within 15 minutes
F! they must respond which could be either showing up or any form telecommunication
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What will happen to application if falling occurs: knowingly make false statement committing fraud committing felony w/ or w/o moral turpitude or misdemeanor w/ moral turpitude (depravity; wickedness.)
denial of application
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If persons application to bored is denied what happens in order for person to try and be appeal?
hearing is held
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Having area of persons body exposed that is not apart of treatment is considered sexual misconduct.
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How soon must you report change of address to board of physical therapy?
within 30 days
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You cannot take a national examination early if it is more than ______ days before your graduation. if you fail the national exam you can retake it without reapplying within how long?
120 days within 6 months
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what score must one get on each to pass: NPTE jurisprudence
NPTE = 600 out of 800 jurisprudence = 600 out of 800
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person is required to do the following if there licenses is suspend for more than _______ consecutive years: 1. Practicing for a specified time under an interim permit. 2. Completing remedial courses. 3. Completing continuing competence requirements for the period of the lapsed license. 4. Passing an examination.
more than 3
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What is the max amount the board can charge for renewal reinstatement original licenses how much does a duplicate license cost?
no more than $300 regardless of type $50
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how much for each: For a physical therapist: a. Application for an original license if the applicant applies on or after September 1 in an even-numbered year and no later than August 31 in an odd-numbered year, $________; b. Application for an original license if the applicant applies on or after September 1 in an odd-numbered year and no later than August 31 in an even-numbered year, $____; c. Renewal of an active license, $______ d. Renewal of an inactive license, $______; e. Reinstatement of an administratively suspended license, $______ plus the renewal fee f. Duplicate license, $10.
For a physical therapist: a. Application for an original license if the applicant applies on or after September 1 in an even-numbered year and no later than August 31 in an odd-numbered year, $260; b. Application for an original license if the applicant applies on or after September 1 in an odd-numbered year and no later than August 31 in an even-numbered year, $190; c. Renewal of an active license, $160; d. Renewal of an inactive license, $80; e. Reinstatement of an administratively suspended license, $100 plus the renewal fee; and f. Duplicate license, $10.
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This are possible situations that PT must do in order for what? Complete one or more courses relevant to the practice of physical therapy or the work of a physical therapist assistant, 3. Complete continuing competence requirements for the period of time of the lapsed license, or 4. Take and pass a jurisprudence examination or national examination.
license reinstatement
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PTA must have a licnese and _______ hrs of onsite supervision before they can be delegated via general supervision.
2000 hrs
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Foreign educated people i. A score of 560 or more if a paper-based test or a score of 220 or more if a computer-based test; ii. Test of Spoken English with a score of 50 or more; and iii. Test of Written English with a score of 4.5 or more; or b. The iBT. An applicant who takes the iBT passes with an overall test score of a minimum of 100 and a: i. Writing section with a minimum score of 25, ii. Speaking section with a minimum score of 25, iii. Reading section with a minimum score of 25, and iv. Listening section with a minimum score of 25.
nice to know
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"Course evaluation tool" (looks at rigor of foreign course work) and "Credential evaluation" (looking at validity of license/credential) is in reference to people who are from where?
foreign people
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T or F: assistive personell includes anyone under direction of PT (PTA, Aids, Front Desk, etc)
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Who is responsible for: issuing license checking qualifications regulating practice rules establish assessment standards has first meeting after start of year timel orientation employ and pay personell enter into contracts or services report final disciplinary action*
board of physical therapy
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who is responsible for: publish annual disciplinary actions * publish annually board rulings* by december 31st submit action and ruling to governor establish and collect fees provide info to public about board
board of physical therapy
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What can board do if a person: knowingly makes false statements on board application commits fraud commits felony w/o or w/o moral turpitude or misdemeanor w/ moral turpitude engages in conduct that undermines or subverts integrity of national exam ---------------- if you disagree with the denial what can you do?
deny an application ------------- write written statement and a hearing will be held
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who determines passing score for national exam if one fails the national exam the make retake it within _____ months without reapplication for licensure or certification ** The national physical therapy exam test what level of PT knowledge ?
physical therapy board 6 months entry level
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To be reinstated for license one must complete renewal fee and ________ fee and complete application as prescribed by board
renewal and reinstatement feet
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A person must do these things if licenses has been suspended for __________consecutive years: 1. Practicing for a specified time under an interim permit. 2. Completing remedial courses. 3. Completing continuing competence requirements for the period of the lapsed license. 4. Passing an examination.
3 consecutive years
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Who must do these things? be of good moral character complete application provide evidence of substantially equivalent PT education provide written legal authorization to practice provide legal authorization to reside and seek employment participate or have participated in interim process passed national exam pass azlaw
foreign educated applicants
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what is the term? performed by PT and uses a thin filiform needle to penetrate the skin and stimulate underlying neural, muscular and connective tissues for the evaluation and management of neuromusculoskeletal conditions, pain and movement impairments.
dry needling
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what is the two criteria for someone to be considered general supervision ?
readily available via telecommunication or in person w/in 15 mins and or on call (can arrive within same day)
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If you fail national exam can you still get interim permit ? how long is pass given? when can it be revoked? is hearing held for revoked license ?
no 90 days at least but no more than 6 months anytime they believe you to be incompetent yes one his held
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If person is not a PT but able to use a modality under their own license, are they restricted from PT related physical agent use?
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what do these people not need ? intern in board approved program PT or PTA in armed services, public health services or VA foreign educated or PT from another state if teaching in educational seminar for 60 days or less in year PT from another state who comes to administer aide for national disaster for 60 days or less
don't need license to practice
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If someone does not submit renewal of licenses application and fee on or before date what happens
they cant practice !
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T or F: PT is required to refer patient who has condition that requires another healthcare provider if service is outside of PT scope
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what letters can you use to denote licensure under the board? IF person uses physical therapy or PTA or any related term or abbreviation in connection with their practice or business but do not have license it is a class 1 (felony or misdemeanor) ?
"PT" only! class 1 misdemeanor
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For a PT Aide to work a PT must be (on-site or general supervision) ? for PTA to work a PT bust be (on-site or general supervision) an interim permit holder must have a PT ( on-site or general supervision ) PTA or PT student must be under (on-site or general supervision )
PT aide = onsite PT PTA = general supervision aka on call and readily available interim = onsite student PTA or PT = onsite
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T or F: For each patient on each date of service, a physical therapist must provide and document all of the therapeutic intervention that requires the expertise of a physical therapist note: donest have to be done on that day but just needs to be done
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T or F: if PT qualifies a PTA via direction and supervision, and a PT (at some point) provides documentation of their expertise and what use of PTA provide, a CO-signature is not required at the time of PTA service --------------- PT must reevaluate and or assess patients under PTA treatment every _____ visit or _____ days, which ever is sooner.
T so basically a PTA can work independently if PT supervises them and if the PT looks over and signs off on their notes 30 days or 4 th visit
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Who is strictly responsible for discharge, evaluation , and reevaluation ?
PT only can do this!
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