IOC Poems – Flashcard
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A Kite For Michael and Christopher
Collection: Station Island 1984 Context: Describes a kite (extended metaphor) Background: Sons are named Michael and Christopher Literary Devices: -extended metaphor -diction -imagery
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Twice Shy
Collection: Death of a Naturalist 1966 Context: Walking with a girl, a lot of romantic tension and seems like a new love Background: Wife Important Allusions: a la Bardot - in the style of a French actress Literary Devices: - structure -imagery -tone
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Collection: Death of a Naturalist 1966 Context: Describes father working on a farm Background: Heaney grew up on farm, and it was a big part of his father's background Literary Devices: -tone -rhyme scheme -rhythm
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The Skunk
Collection: Field Work 1979 Context: Describes a woman (wife) using the metaphor of a skunk Background: Marie, his wife. Heaney spent a year away from his family and this may have been when he wrote this poem. Important Allusions: chasuble - outer garments that the priest wears Literary Devices: -imagery -sound devices -end-stops & enjambment
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Ancestral Photograph
Collection: Death of a Naturalist 1966 Context: Describes a father and uncle as they work Background: Heaney's background and roots in farming in Ireland. Literary Devices: -diction -tone -imagery
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The Walk
Collection: The Spirit Level 1996 Context: Talks about parental relationship, then leads onto passionate romantic relationship Background: Wife Literary Devices: - structure -imagery -tone
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Personal Helicon
Collection: Death of a Naturalist 1966 Context: About a well Background: Important Allusions: Personal Helicon - Greek Mount Helicon Michael Longley - Irish poet who was good friends with Heaney Narcissus - Greek mythology, fell in love with himself Literary devices: -allusion -rhyme scheme -imagery
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Chanson D'Aventure
Collection: Human Chain 2010 Context: Speaker is going through paralysis Background: Had a stroke in 2010 which inspired the poem Important Allusions: title - French for "song of adventure" Epigraph is from "Ecstasy" by John Donne Malachy Boyle Latin - "at that time" Dungaloe an Glendoon - names of places Charioteer at Delphi - statue without arms Literary devices: -structure -allusions -diction
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Death of a Naturalist
Collection: Death of a Naturalist 1966 Context: About the loss of innocence through nature and frogs Background: Literary Devices: -sound devices -imagery -tone
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From the Frontier of Writing
Collection: The Haw Lantern, 1987 Background: -Ethnic, political, religious, an cultural struggle between Catholics and Protestants in Ireland -In 1930s, that conflict escalated. -Violence was used and British military forces were in Ireland for many years -Heaney was Catholic and had to watch what he published in his poems, making sure never to make too much of a statement, but at the same time preserving his Irish identity Literary Devices: -structure -mood shift -diction
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