Flashcards and Answers – Internet Marketing Test

Flashcard maker : Kayden Hussain
True statement about the financial importance of customer service includes:
Businesses around the world lose millions of dollars in business each year as the result of poor customer service
Which of the following will have the most consumer loyalty at a company?
Customers who have had to contact customer service and were satisfied with the results
Which of the following is a true statement about what consumers want compared to what they get in terms of customer service.
There is wide gap between what
customers want and what they get
____ Represents the final stage in services practices within an enterprise.
Anticipating and delivering service and support before the customer recognizes need
________ is the most expensive of the customer service technique listed below
A telephone call handled by a line service representative
Consumers prefer self-service when
When it works properly to meet their needs.
Which of the following companies now allow customers to log in and put a hold on delivery or change the delivery date to a later date
What consumer company dropped out of the list for Best Customer Service due to call center issues, but has recently been added back to the list.
Dell Computer
When a customer sends an email to a company and receives a response that really does not answer the questions that the customer asked in the email, it is usually a failure of:
Email response management systems
Which of the following metrics are not part of Google Dashboard?
Social Media Metrics
A site that is partially or fully functioning but that has not yet been released to the public is
Google Dashboard will not list the referring site for your webpage.
The primary purpose of a usability test is to:
Ensure that the site works properly to assure good customer experience
Which of the following data items is NOT recorded by server request logs
The email address of the requesting computer
Marketers lack confidence in the metrics for social media
Which of the following is appropriate when designing a usability test?
Asking the participants to perform specific tasks on the site
The AMA issues membership cards that contain
(A&B) Member ID/ Personalized QR code
The primary criterion for choosing which web metrics are required to measure effectiveness is:
The objectives of internet marketing
____ is a summary display of metric data for the marketers desktop
Path analysis metrics are important
To marketers who need to understand how visitors are using the site
When Lands End asked a battery of questions to female users in order to customize a pair of jeans, what question did quite a few users not want to answer?
What was their bra size
When describing their ability to measure the effectiveness of Internet Marketing most marketers say they are:
Working to improve their measurement capabilities
Brands that are trusted by internet consumers benefit by:
Reduced costs of customer acquisition
Which of the following online marketing activities is most disliked by consumer?
Behavioral Tracking
Privacy on social networks
Presents difficult issues for both consumers and marketers
In the United States, laws have not been passed regulating the collection and use of personal information about:
People over 65 years of age
Software that tracks consumers activities on the web, usually without knowledge is called:
Software that tracks consumers activities on the web, usually without knowledge is called:
Creative commons is a:
Voluntary alternative to traditional copyright law
___ Is a product characteristic that determines ease of adoption
Relative advantage
Among the strategic implications of pervasive computing are
Marketers must be able to contact customers near the time and place of purchase
Dove Hilton is using the @hilton handle on Twitter, but Hilton wants the —- @Hilton Handle. Is this a case of cyber squatting by Dave Hilton?
Strategic drivers of wireless technology include
The FTC requires bloggers who post positive reviews of products/services that they have received free of charge to disclose that fact, whereas; if the review is negative the blogger do not have to disclose the free products/services they received
Expanded permission marketing is necessary in the mobile marketing environment because
Mobile customers want control over how much information they can receive and when
Mobile apps are of primary interest to
It depends on the app/target audience
____ technology is a way for two devices located in very close proximity to communicate with one another
What was the place people “checked in” the most during Black Friday
Our guest speakers first job out of college was:
Working for the national chapter of his college fraternity
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