HPV, cervical cancer and Genital warts – Flashcards

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● How common is HPV in the US and across the world? ● Know its prevalence and incidence in the US. Are cancers of the cervix a leading cause of cancer related deaths globally?
β—‹ HPV is the most common STI in the U.S.β—‹ Estimated at 20 million infected, with 6.2 million new incidences annually
● Understand how development of cervical cancer is linked to the Human Papilloma Virus (HPV)
HPV and Cervical Cancer -Certain HPV types are classified as "high-risk" = because they lead to abnormal cell changes and can cause genital cancers: cervical cancer as well as cancer of the vulva, anus, and penis. - more than 99% cervical cancers -- are caused by these high-risk HPV viruses. The most common of the high-risk strains of HPV are types 16 and 18, which cause about 70% of all cervical cancers. -If the body clears the infection, the cervical cells return to normal. But if the body doesn't clear the infection, the cells in the cervix can continue to change abnormally. - This can lead to precancerous changes or cervical cancer.
● Do all HPV types cause cervical cancer? No, but 99% HPV's do
HPV: caused by a virus from the papillomaviridae family, is a small double-stranded DNA virus that infects the epithelium β—‹ More than 100 strains specifically infecting humans β–  30-40 types infect the mucosal epithelium, causing skin lesions and genital warts β–  High-risk strains: 16, 18, 31, 33, 35, 39, 45, 52, 56, 58 (lead to cervical cancer β–  Low-risk strains: 6, 11, 42, 44, 53, 54, 55, 66 (cause of genital warts)
● What percentage of women with cervical cancer have HPV? Types 16 & 18 are most commonly responsible for?
β–  90% of cervical cancer in women (squamous cell and adenocarcinoma) causing cervical cancer
● How many types of HPV virus exist? ● How many types cause cervical cancer? Identify these.
β—‹ More than 100 strains specifically infecting humans β–  High-risk strains: 16, 18, 31, 33, 35, 39, 45, 52, 56, 58 (lead to cervical cancer
● Which two major types of HPV cause the majority of cervical cancers? what percentage of cervical cancers are caused by the two major types?
Types 16 & 18 ● 90% of anal cancer ● 40% of vaginal cancer ● 40% of vulvar cancer ● 40% of penile cancer ● 12% of oropharyngeal cancer
● What are risk factors for contracting HPV?
β—‹ genital warts, β—‹ cancer in genitalia, and recurrent respiratory papillomatosis β—‹ Cervical cancer and other, less common but serious cancers, β—‹ including cancers of the vulva, vagina, penis, anus, and oropharynx β—‹ (back of throat including base of tongue and tonsils).
● What is the major test used to screen for Cervical cancer? What do we call the mass of cells detected for in this test?
Pap tests Test and follow up as needed can identify problems before cancer develops. Prevention is always better than treatment
● Know that cervical cancer can quickly metastasize if left undiagnosed or untreated, making it a dangerous and deadly disease in women. ● Who is at risk for contracting HPV?
Sexually active individuals
● In which age group do we see the highest incidence of new infections with HPV? ● Do most women and girls with HPV actually develop cervical cancer?
15 - 25 yrs especially women, our age group is within the NO. there are 100 possible strands
● To which cells does HPV specifically attach and infect? ● Identify the pathology of HPV infection in cells of affected tissues.
● Which two major HPV strains cause genital warts? ● Do the same HPV types that cause genital warts cause Cervical cancer? ● Are there asymptomatic carriers of HPV? ● Can men and boys acquire and/or transmit HPV?
β—‹ Low-risk strains: 6, 11, 42, 44, 53, 54, 55, 66 (cause of genital warts) NO YES, in low risk Yes
● Are they asymptomatic carriers? Why or why not? ● Which two tumor suppressor genes does HPV deactivate in infected cells?
YES, not all types cause a particular defect such as genital warts. men can transmit the cervial cancer type without knowing because they lack a cervix. - pRb and p53 - stimulate the development of malignant change
● Know Gardasil and the four major strains of HPV included in the vaccine. ● Does this vaccine protect against both genital warts and cervical cancers? ● How many shots of the vaccine must be taken? ● Can women and men of all ages benefit from vaccination with Gardasil
β—‹ Girls and women: Gardasil is designed to protect against new infections with HPV 6, 11, 16, and 18. β—‹ Boys and men: One available vaccine (Gardasil) protects males against most genital warts and anal cancers. YES 3 doses YES
● Why is it important for both men and women to be vaccinated against this STD early in life? Should men also be vaccinated even if they do not contract cervical cancers? Why?
Early vaccination lowers the rate of contraction Yes because men can transmit it to other women.
● Finally, think of reasons for social resistance among some social groups against promoting universal vaccination of children and the cost constraints associated with the Gardasil vaccine.
β—‹ People are afraid that vaccination will promote promiscuity. β—‹ Famous ignorant statement made by sarah palin Vaccination causes mental retardation
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