How technology impacts your life Essay Example
How technology impacts your life Essay Example

How technology impacts your life Essay Example

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  • Pages: 11 (2872 words)
  • Published: January 15, 2018
  • Type: Essay
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LED light bulbs utilize light-emitting diodes as their light sources, resulting in a significant impact on your life thanks to their advanced lighting technology. These bulbs generate illumination by the movement of electrons within their semiconductor structure. Despite being more expensive initially, LED light bulbs surpass fluorescent and incandescent alternatives in terms of energy efficiency and lifespan.

LED technology has a wide range of applications, including indicators and signs like raffia lights, exit signs, and brake lights for cars. It is also used in lighting such as LED light bulbs, LED street lamps, and LED backlights for TV and laptops. LED technology is also utilized in smart lighting for the transmission of broadband data and as wireless transmitters for data transport. Additionally, it is used for sustainable lighting in architecture. LED technology is also employed in optical


fiber and free space optics communications for devices like remote controls and sensors.

When LED technology was introduced, it was not seen as a disruptive invention. Instead, it was primarily viewed as a replacement for incandescent light bulbs and did not surprise society greatly. However, its main advantage lay in its environmental impact. LED technology enhanced the energy efficiency of light bulbs and extended their lifespan by 30-50 times compared to incandescent ones.

The rise of LED lighting is leading to societal adaptation and acceptance in the field of illumination. LED lights offer various advantages over traditional incandescent bulbs, causing a worldwide transition towards LED lighting. As a result, the significance of incandescent bulbs is decreasing and it is anticipated that they will become obsolete by the end of 2020. Government and corporate efforts to promote widespread

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adoption of LED lighting are hastening this shift.

LED lighting has become increasingly common in our daily lives, thanks to the efforts of manufacturers like CREE and SRAM who have invested significantly in LED technologies. In fact, the government has even introduced programs to encourage households to replace traditional light bulbs with LED alternatives. Due to their improved efficiency, longer lifespan, and versatility, many families are now choosing LED light bulbs and tubes as their main source of illumination at home. This shift towards LED lighting has had a significant impact on society, transforming our everyday activities and overall lifestyle.

LED is extensively used in various applications and its benefits and common uses suggest that it will soon dominate the lighting market. Furthermore, LED-related technology and new products are expected to be developed to overcome the current limitations of LED, such as high initial cost and voltage sensitivity. Therefore, it is advisable for companies to keep investing in this field since lighting plays a vital role in people's lives and they would certainly embrace more efficient lighting sources.

The Human Genome Project (HOG) is an international research endeavor that aims to map and comprehend all the genes in human beings. Its primary objectives consist of identifying the 20,000-25,000 genes found in human DNA, sequencing the 3 billion chemical base pairs that compose human DNA, preserving this information in a database, enhancing tools for data analysis, disseminating technologies to the private sector, and tackling ethical, legal, and social issues associated with the project. HOG's impact reaches diverse fields such as medicine, agriculture, and everyday life.

In the future, medicine will prioritize prevention by utilizing drugs, impenetrably,

or gene therapy. This shift may also involve genetic sequencing to improve crop production and create disease-resistant animals with potential medicinal benefits for humans. Moreover, research from the Human Genome Project will aid in unraveling the process of how a single fertilized egg develops into specialized cells responsible for various functions like muscle, brain, heart, and skin.

To ensure normal development in humans or any organism, specific genes must be activated in the correct location within the body and at the precise time. The information obtained from the Human Genome Project will provide insights to address these queries. The mapping of the human genome has significant consequences and societal impacts. It revolutionizes disease treatment, shifting the focus from curative drugs to preventive medicines or even modifying existing ones to eradicate diseases.

The Human Genome Project has had a range of important effects on our lives. It permits us to inform patients about their susceptibility to certain diseases by identifying genetic changes that may cause them. This means we can test healthy individuals to ascertain if they are at risk of developing specific conditions. Additionally, the project allows for screening of newborns via blood samples in order to detect any abnormal or missing gene products. Furthermore, pre-symptomatic testing can predict adult-onset disorders by identifying specific mutations that indicate the likelihood of developing a particular disease.

Doctors can utilize genetic tests to diagnose different diseases by examining DNA changes. These tests are particularly useful in confirming diagnoses for individuals displaying symptoms. In addition, specific gene mutations can provide insights into the disease's progression, determining whether it will advance rapidly or slowly. For example, a mutated pop gene

may indicate aggressive cancers. By identifying the specific genetic mutations an individual carries, doctors can personalize their treatment to enhance drug response since genes influence up to 85% of a patient's reaction to medications.

The completion of the Human Genome Project is anticipated to yield numerous benefits across various levels of discovery and definition. However, concerns pertaining to privacy, morality, and ethics have also been raised. Some question if scientists are crossing boundaries and assuming the role of a higher authority. How much should society embrace gene modifications? Is it ethical to contemplate selecting embryos based on the presence of harmful genes that could impact their future health?

The question of whether a company should be permitted to hire someone based on their genes and if insurance companies can increase premiums for individuals with specific cancer-prone genes raises numerous concerns about genetics as a relatively new field. Hence, I fully support this project not only for its gene mapping aspect but also because it allocates funding to explore and understand the ethical, legal, and social implications associated with it. This approach ensures that these inquiries are further examined and understood.

In the future, regulations and norms will be established to guide us in making the right choices regarding disputes over the use of the human genome. Automation - Artificial Intelligence (AI) refers to machines or software displaying intelligence. It is a specialized field within computer science aiming to create intelligent machines that function and react like humans. The associated research covers technical areas including speech recognition, learning, planning, problem solving, language understanding, perception modeling, learning and adaptive systems, robots, and games.

Artificial Intelligence has transformed

the world, improving people's quality of life. Tasks once limited to humans can now be easily substituted by computers or robots. Computers have the capability to perform expected and unexpected tasks like converting speech into written text, offering effective problem-solving solutions, and acquiring learning abilities for self-improvement. All these technological advancements contribute to creating a more convenient world for us, providing immense benefits in our everyday lives. AI's impact on society includes its capacity to predict and control unpredictable weather. In the past, weather was deemed unpredictable regardless of meteorological expertise. This unpredictability posed challenges in planning ahead. However, with artificial intelligence software, we are able to analyze complex data and detect patterns that often elude human observation, thereby enhancing the accuracy of weather forecasts.

Robots equipped with AY technology are capable of undertaking risky duties such as bomb disposal and managing radioactive waste, thus reducing the risk to human workers. Additionally, they can perform repetitive tasks in assembly lines, enabling humans to focus on more creative responsibilities like product research and development. Moreover, scientists have created software that enables robots and other devices to contribute to environmental cleanup efforts and mitigate the impact of air and water pollution.

In the realm of 007 films, the notion of an autonomous vehicle for Transport Drivers was once just a fantasy. But now, thanks to AY, this concept has become feasible. With AY, you can sit back and let the car take you to your destination, minimizing the chances of accidents. Additionally, small organisms have the ability to minimize environmental damage by consuming waste materials and leaving behind beneficial biological substances. In fact, numerous individuals are already

incorporating the GAPS driving guide into their driver system, indicating that self-driving cars will soon be a practicality.

The Robot-Human Species Transmission is considered the most advanced implementation of artificial intelligence in human life. Supporters argue that artificial intelligence can improve the human experience by broadening our mental and physical abilities. It holds the possibility of eradicating disabilities, slowing down aging, and possibly achieving immortality. However, this notion also raises ethical and moral dilemmas that require attention. 4. In my perspective, Artificial Intelligence serves as a double-edged sword.

On one hand, artificial intelligence (AY) brings numerous advantages, enhancing our convenience and comfort in life. It positively impacts various aspects of our lives. For instance, speech-to-text technology saves us time by transcribing our speech, cleaning robots handle mundane housework, and driverless vehicles improve safety by reducing the occurrence of human-caused accidents. On the other hand, as AY continues to advance, it also appears to replace humans to some extent. For instance, the use of robots in assembly lines eliminates jobs for low-skilled workers.

With the advancing development of more intelligent robots, there are worries about the possibility of scenes that were previously only depicted in movies, where robots take over human roles. Nevertheless, it is definite that Artificial Intelligence (AI) would yield more advantages than disadvantages. In the foreseeable future, AI will persistently progress and result in further transformations in our lives. To tackle these concerns and prevent robots from ultimately substituting humans, it is necessary to enforce stricter regulations and guidelines. Furthermore, cloud computing is a service based on subscriptions that allows users to access network storage space and computer resources via the internet.

Types of Cloud computing Software as a Service (AAAS) provides subscribers with access to resources and applications without the need for physical software installation. It allows the same software to be accessed on all of the subscriber's devices by accessing it on the cloud. Examples of AAAS include web-based emails and Google accounts. Platform as a Service (Pas) gives subscribers access to necessary components for developing and operating applications over the internet.

Subscribers have the option to build their own e-commerce website on the merchant's server. The website comes with a shopping cart, checkout, and payment system. Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) focuses on outsourcing storage and resources, such as hardware and software, to offer a comprehensive computational infrastructure. This approach optimizes resource allocation by treating network and computing resources as a single entity.

Cloud computing simplifies our lives by offering convenient access to information at any time and from anywhere. In contrast to traditional computer configurations that depend on being physically near data storage devices, cloud computing only necessitates internet connectivity for individuals to obtain the required hardware and software for running applications. Furthermore, in addition to its widespread availability, cloud computing enables users to retrieve data using various devices such as smartphones, laptops, and tablets.

Cloud computing has brought numerous advantages to businesses and students alike. Rather than resorting to printing or transferring files using USB drives, we can now effortlessly store and retrieve documents through cloud platforms such as Google Docs, Dropped, or Everyone. This grants us the convenience of accessing our documents anywhere, be it on a smartphone or school computer. The impact of cloud computing on society is substantial and

diverse; one notable effect is its ability to enhance the speed and seamlessness of computing processes. With the continuous growth of cloud capabilities, computing processes are expedited without any disruptions.

Cloud computing has revolutionized accessibility to billion-dollar computer networks, with users often unaware of its presence. As this technology evolves, the computing process becomes more discreet, enhancing user experience by minimizing manual intervention. This enables prompt problem-solving and proactive measures. For instance, cloud computing can notify drivers in advance about low battery levels in their vehicles and provide information on the closest charging station.

Cloud computing enables easier problem fixing by helping us identify and provide suitable solutions to problems. Additionally, it empowers individuals to make smarter decisions by turning any mobile device into a 'supercomputer'. This is made possible by linking all computers together, allowing people to access the processing power required for analyzing complex information. As an illustration, investors can integrate live stock market data, company news, comments from other investors, market sentiment, and public opinions to generate fresh insights for making profitable stock choices.

The internet enhances access to information, facilitating more informed decision-making. This has simplified the process of online shopping. However, there are instances where certain products cannot be bought because stores and the internet operate on different networks. Cloud computing enables stores to integrate their inventory records with the internet, resulting in a more transparent and dependable purchasing experience. Additionally, this progress brings the market closer to achieving perfect competition since shoppers can effortlessly search for and compare prices of identical products across various online platforms.

The globalization of small-scale businesses is made possible by cloud computing. This technology

allows businesses that are limited by funding constraints to expand globally with lower overhead costs. Instead of investing in a physical location, these businesses can operate online and rent the necessary infrastructure from service providers. This enables them to compete with larger companies.

Cloud computing has revolutionized our current way of life.

Previously, printing physical documents and using CDs for software installation were necessary. But now, thanks to technological advancements and the popularity of cloud computing, we can access documents online via platforms such as Dropbox and Google Drive. Small businesses have particularly benefited from this development since it enables them to expand their scope and serve customers who were previously out of reach due to lack of internet access. The impact of the Internet and cloud computing on our lives is unquestionable.

Despite being an Internet service, it is important not to ignore the potential future concerns of privacy, security, reliability, and legal matters for users. It is necessary to carefully plan and address these issues as they may not be resolved immediately. However, we can still enjoy the advantages offered by this innovation by taking precautions such as regularly backing up our data instead of relying solely on a platform like Dropped.

Conclusion: This report introduces four technology innovations in lighting, healthcare, automation, and the internet. These innovations have a positive impact on our lives and benefit society in various areas. Economical LED technology is one such innovation that brings new business opportunities to the lighting industry. Incandescent light bulb manufacturers can no longer dominate the market as it is transitioning towards the era of LED.

Investing and researching in technology is rewarded

by the market through market shares and profits, while a lack of progress is punished. This creates chances for small companies to compete with big corporations and gain market shares. The Human Genome Project presents new business prospects, especially in medicine, where the focus shifts from treating diseases to considering individual patients. As previously stated, patients' genetic makeup significantly affects their response to medication.

With the knowledge of the human genome, pharmaceutical companies can create personalized drugs for individual patients and charge higher prices. This allows them to attract not only hospitals but also consumers who can afford the expensive customized medicines. Moreover, the healthcare industry can use this understanding to develop personalized health products and programs for individuals. Artificial Intelligence has diverse applications across different sectors.

In manufacturing industries, AY technology can replace workers in the assembly line, enabling 24-hour nonstop working and reducing the cost of worker training, thus maximizing efficiency and profits. Companies producing house cleaning items can utilize AY to create products like vacuum cleaning robots, which automatically keep houses clean. Furthermore, even mobile phone industries use AY technologies, like AY on iPhone and S Voice on Samsung. All of these applications add value to products and contribute to the global economy. Cloud Computing

The previous section highlighted that cloud computing boosts the competitiveness of small businesses, allowing them to grow at a reduced cost. This also creates new business prospects for cloud storage platforms such as Dropped, Everyone, or Google Drive, ultimately benefiting the global economy.
Regarding the environment, LED technologies are gradually replacing conventional lighting due to their eco-friendly nature. LED lights offer greater efficiency than traditional lighting and last

longer than incandescent light bulbs. As a result, they require fewer replacements and reduce the need for raw materials in light bulb production.

Moreover, the recent development on Organic LED would minimize the harm on environment. After scientists mapping the human genome, it helps to understand how different factors affect one's genes, for example, the environment. With this understanding, it is hopeful that scientists can come up with an environment that best suits for humans to live in. As mentioned earlier, AY allows scientists to develop devices to clean up the environment while minimizing damage to the ecosystem. In the past, detergent to clean up the oil spill in the sea would kill the micro-organisms as well. But now, scientists...

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