How Does The Internet Change Consumer And Supplier Essay Example
Firstly, Internet changes the relationship between customers and suppliers from indirect to direct. It helps to eliminate the "middle - man" to connect directly the customers and suppliers. In the past, there was only way to buy a product that customers went to the store, where they have contract with the suppliers to provide goods for them. Therefore, customers and suppliers never met together in the real meaning. This process increased a lot of costs. However, when Internet developed, customers and suppliers have opportunities to meet together.
To buy the stuff, customers can order directly from suppliers through Internet. By this way, not only does the cost decrease, but also the price is more reasonable. The benefit of Internet created the formation and development of E-commerce and net mark
...etplace. According to page 373 in the textbook, "online consumer sales grew to an estimated $362 billion in 2012, an increase of more than 15 percent over 2010 (including travel services and digital downloads), with 150 million people purchasing online and an additional 34 million shopping and gathering information but not purchasing" (Lauded, K. & Lauded, J. 2014). Secondly, once Internet developed, the relationship between customers and suppliers is push to improve to the partner relationship. Customer became the partner of supplier. The position of both customers and suppliers are equal. Customers don't depend on the supplier; in contrast, they are more powerful in choosing their suitable suppliers. Thirdly, it increases the satisfaction and quality of customer service. Nowadays, purchasing and exchanging became easier than ever.
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