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Game Format: Badmintion
- played on court with net in middle - two player on each side for doubles and one person on each side for singles - servers rotate sides when receiving service if previous serve was won - rackets used to hit birdie over net
Rules: Badmintion
- must win two out of three matches to win game - only serving side can score - if you win a rally, you win back service - you score when shuttle cannot be returned or if opponents hit shuttle out of bounds - one service only for doubles in a 21 point match - there is no "service over" in a 21 point match
History: Badmintion
- beginning of badminton can be traced back to the mid-1800s in British, India - game was also known as Poona because it became popular in the town of Poona (now pune). - the game rules and development were established by retired officers in England. - It is unclear how badmintion got its name - In 1860, Issac Spratt published a book called Badminton Battledore - The International Badminton Federation (IBF) (now known as Badminton World Federation) was established in 1934 with Canada, Denmark, England, France, the Netherlands, Ireland, New Zealand, Scotland, and Wales as its founding members. - Asian nations are the most dominant badminton players currently
Game Format: Volleyball
- played on court with net in middle - volleyball used during game - both sides = 4 or 6 players - serve behind service line
Rules: Volleyball
- you can score points in two ways: 1) putting the ball on the floor in bounds on your opponents side. 2) an error by your opponent - cannot touch net when making move on ball - cannot lift or push ball - cannot play ball outside net or antennas - cannot contact ball twice in a row - step on back line while serving (foot fault) - failure to serve ball over net = other team gets to serve - maximum of three hits per side - team rotates everytime they win service - game is played to 25 points but must win by 2 points to opponent - serve must be returned by bump only (no setting, blocking, spiking, or attacking)
History: Volleyball
- On February 9, 1895, William G Morgan in Holyoke, Massachusetts, invented a new game called mintonette. - the game took some characteristics from tennis and handball - mintonette was invented to be played indoors and be less rough than basketball - the first rules were written down by william g morgan - observer, alfred halstead, noticed the vollying structure of the game and the game quickly became known as "volleyball" - volleyball rules were slightly changed by the international YMCA training school.
Game Format: Pickleball
- played on court with 13 inch net in middle - paddles used to pass ball - played in doubles with each side split down the middle - game is played until 11
Rules: Pickleball
- serve must be underhand and played off of first bounce - after each team has hit ball once, ball can be hit up in air however many times wanted - there is a no- volley zone of the court in which no volley may occur - teams only score when serving - game is played to 11 points and teams must win by at least two points - ralleys are lost by failure to return ball before second bounce, if someone steps into the no- volley zone, and if ball hits any part of body or clothing. - if serving team wins point, server moves to opposite side of court to serve again
History: Pickleball
- In 1965, Joel Pritchard was trying to find equipment in his backyard to play badminton. He couldnt find any raquets so he made wooden paddles to use instead. - soon, the rules were created by joel and his friends relying heavily on badminton. - the original purpose of the game was to provide a game the whole family could play together. - Joel had a cocker spainel named pickles who was interested in the game so they named it pickleball after him. - in 1972 a coorpartation was formed to protect the creation of the sport - by 1990, pickleball was being played in all 50 states - mark friedenburg was named president of the new USAPA.
Game Format: Water Polo
- game is played in pool - players throw ball to one another or swim with ball infront of themto move - two goals on each side for each team are used -played in quarters usually lasting around 12 minutes
Rules: Water Polo
- involves teams of 7 players - water polo balls = size of soccer ball but made of waterproof nylon - average quarter runs around 12 minutes 'real time'. - team my not have ball in possession for longer than 30 seconds without shooting - players can move ball by throwing to teammate or swimming with ball infront of them - fouls result in free throws from behind 5 meter line -
History: Water Polo
-originally invented as a way to show strength and swimming skills in the late 19th century in England and Scottland. - men's water polo was one of the first games introduced to the olympic games in the 1900s - one of the earliest antecedents of the game water polo was a game of water "hand-ball" played at Bournemouth on July 13, 1876. - rules of water polo were invented in the late 19th century by william wilson - the first games of "aquatic football" were played in the late 1800s. this "water rugby" became known as "water polo". -
Game Format: Ultimate Frisbee
-players play with plastic disc -teams try and advanced the disc farther/ closer to opposite end zone -if successful, team receives point -there are four 10 minute quarters of ultimate -
Rules: Ultimate Frisbee
-teams try and advanced the disc farther/ closer to opposite end zone -if successful, team receives point -professional regulation team includes 7 players
History: Ultimate Frisbee
- in the 1920s students at Yale started playing catch with pie tins from the Frisbie Pie Company in New Haven, CT - eventually became major activity across the the country and introduced to soldiers around WWII. - in 1948 a man named Fred Morrison developed a plastic version of the disc which he called the flying saucer and then the Pluto platter in 1951 - the wham-o manufacturing company then bought the patent from Fred in 1955 and renamed the company Frisbee. - The game of ultimate was invented by Jared Kass and Joel Silver along with Jonny Hines and Buzzy Hellring, in 1967 at Columbia High School, located in Maplewood, NJ. -
Game Format: Speedball
-speedball is played with two teams of 11 -game consists of four 8 minute quarters -game begins with faceoff
Rules: Speedball
-goal changed at half time -ball may be caught by any player if it is an aerial -ball on ground can be kicked or bounced off of body -player must guard opponent with ball -if ball goes out of bounds, player must throw-in ball as if it were an aerial of kick it if it was a ground ball. -when ball is on ground, game is played like soccer -when ball is in the air it is played like basketball - team must convert ball into aeiral ball to play in air
History: Speedball
-The game was invented by Elmer D. Mitchell in the early 1920s at the University of Michigan -He also created the sport to involve more students, especially those who were not as athletic -Today, it is played in many American high school physical education classes
Game Format: Handball
-two teams of seven take the field and attempt to score points by putting the game ball into the other teams goal -teams my pass ball to other teammates including goalkeeper or keep ball in possession but must dribble ball or take three steps without being fouled -seven players on each team
Rules: Handball
-after receiving ball players can pass shoot or keep possession of the ball -when in possession of ball, players must dribble ball or hold for 3 seconds or walk three steps - no attacking of defending players other than goalkeeper - ball cannot be passed to goalkeeper when goalkeeper is in goal area - goalkeepers are allowed outside goal area
History: Handball
- ancient Greeks and Romans played -handball was invented in europe in the end of the 1800s - The rules for modern handball was drawn up by Danish gym teacher Holger Nielsen in 1898 and -men's field handball was showcased at the 1936 Summer Olympics in Berlin. - On July 11, 1946, the International Handball Federation (IHF) was formed at the initiative and invitation of Denmark and Sweden.
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