Goals and Expectations in a Logistic Warehouse Essay Example
Improvement in performance is essential for efficiency and effectiveness in the company. Innovative ideas are necessary for the improvement in performance and delivery of real results. We need to have guidelines and take practical steps to improve the performance of the company. The goal of this company is to provide warehousing and distribution services as well as transportation to facilitate the supply of resources in the supply chain. Therefore a steady flow of materials in and out of the warehouse is essential for the company to be successful. There are expectations and goals for each and every person for the company to be successful and to accomplish its goal (Maynard, p. 28).
Cost reduction is one of the main focuses whereby the transportation and warehouse materials are to be reduced for the company to earn profits f
...rom all clients. Energy costs contribute to most of the costs in shipment (Nudurupati, et al, p. 254) and we need to start consolidating shipments to reduce the costs. The transportation routes should be maximized as much as possible for the energy costs to be reduced. After taking these steps am sure the company will gain reasonable profits and the goal of the company will have been achieved. These steps can also help the company to reduce the costs to the consumers which will result in an increment of clients. Therefore I expect the people in the field to take the necessary adjustment immediately and deliver the expected results.
Providing outstanding services to the customers is another goal in the company to facilitate the creation and maintenance of a good reputation about the company. The needs of the customers need t
be addressed by all means possible (Maynard, p. 21). The management has a suggestion of increasing the geographical areas to ensure that the needs of the customers are met. The people in the customer care department should therefore not be surprised if some are sent to work far from the office. The people in the customer care departments are expected to manage the feedback from the customers and give the best support possible. For instance, you will responsible for handling complaints on damaged goods and deficiencies which you will be expected to correct and make the necessary changes regarding the causes of the problems.
The company has a goal of creating a good reputation in the industry to be able to gain a competitive advantage. Therefore, we plan on offering quality services in all areas and become experts in the logistics field. The plan in achieving this goal is a continued improvement in the quality of the services. Total quality management will be our focus whereby we will reduce costs and have a continued process of looking for new ways of achieving this objective. Ineffectiveness is expected to be reduced in all ways in all departments. Therefore, all workers are expected to participate in this process and in case a person has a new idea that will help the company to achieve these goals I expect it to be communicated to the management before it can be put into practice (Nudurupati, et al, p. 249).
The wellbeing of both the customers and the employees is important to the company and the workplace safety is expected to be followed always. All the employees are expected to maintain and
eliminate the safety risks (Maynard, p. 11) whenever working in the company. Goods are expected to be delivered without delay and not damaged. The documentations of transportation in both imports and exports are expected to be facilitated to be able to deal with issues such as hazardous cargos shipment, losses that may occur during transit or damages. The goal in the transportation department is to deliver the goods to the final destination without damages or losses. The company also expects the goods to be delivered in time at all times.
The shipping rates play a big role in the success of the company which can be achieved through increasing the market share (Perlow, and Erin, p. 121). The company has developed a plan in innovative rate structures whereby customers will be offered volume discounts and some constant customers will also receive special discounts. The company will also not have extra charges for the customers that will ask for special requests such as delivery on the next day. This way, extra convenience will be offered to the customers who are conscious of prices. All the employees are therefore expected to follow the new strategies and ensure that the company has gained a competitive advantage.
The company has provided all the staff with the necessary requirements for the goals of the company to be achieved. The trucks are the latest technology and incorporated with generous mileage rates hence the drivers should make use of them and deliver good results. All the other departments have been equipped with good technological machines and facilities therefore the goals of the company are expected to be met without any problem. In case there
is any problem in any department I expect it to be reported to the management to avoid failing the whole company. We should all work together in fulfilling these expectations and the goals will be realized easily.
Work cited
- Maynard, Mike, et al. Air Cargo Facility Planning and Development—Final Report. No. ACRP 03-24. 2015.
- Nudurupati, SaiSudhakar, et al. "Strategic sourcing with multi-stakeholders through value co-creation: An evidence from global health care company." International Journal of Production Economics 166 (2015): 248-257.
- Perlow, Leslie A., and Erin L. Kelly."Toward a model of work redesign for better work and better life."Work and Occupations 41.1 (2014): 111-134.
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