Global Issues 2 – Flashcards

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Colonies (select all that apply, there are one to four possible correct answers): A) Saw little impact on local political governance from colonizers, despite the economic changes B) Were often restructured by the dominant country to produce one particular crop or mineral resource C) Saw the introduction of key European ideas, such as nationalism, individualism, and justice D) Were generally drained of commodities, human capital, and/or money
European colonial economic policies can be described as: A) Classic Liberal B) Neo-Liberal C) Mercantilist D) Socialist
During the Cold War: A) Democratization increased across the globe as developing countries almost unanimously shifted to the U.S. model B) Poorer countries saw dramatic improvements in their standards of living because of the Basel Convention on Banking C) The IMF and World Bank directly ran many LDC economies as the states had no qualified personnel D) Superpower competition between the US and USSR led to proxy wars in many developing countries, helping bring real economic development to a standstill
The liberal world economic order sought by the United States and other Western countries after WWII was based on: A) Open Markets, freer trade, and free flowing capital B) Mercantilist policies based on the ideas of Franklin Roosevelt C) Socialism, so as to provide for the general welfare of people equally D) Heightened protectionism to stabilize the international economic system
The decision to help Europe and Japan rebuild, such as with the Marshall Plan in Europe, showed that: A) The U.S. needed rebounding markets for trade and investment B) The IMF had failed as an international institution C) Developing countries (LDCs) had moved to the top of the international agenda D) The U.S. had weak industrial capacity and needed new ideas and inventions
The General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) was the precursor to the: A) European Union (EU) B) World Trade Organization (WTO) C) International Monetary Fund (IMF) D) North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)
In a socialist system: A) Capitalism is found only in import substituting zones or urban areas B) The state owns and controls key means of production C) Countries try to become dependent on a few products D) Governments regulate through low tariffs, but often keep floating exchange rates
The World Bank and the IMF are part of what post-World War II system? A) Basel Convention on Banking (BCB) B) Global Insurance system C) WTO alliance D) Bretton Woods system
The primary role of IMF loans is to: A) Lessen World Bank influence in developing countries B) Help stabilize a country's economy when the country has severe budgetary imbalances C) Provide loans for democratization in developed countries D) Assist countries pursuing import substitution industrialization through high tariff promotion
The World Bank is considered which type of actor? A) Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) B) International Advocacy Group (IAG) C) More-Developed Country (MDC) D) International Governmental Organization (IGO)
What is the definition of "Aggregate GDP"? Note, definitions are found on the Maps, Country Profile, and Rank by Variable tabs by clicking on a variable name. A) "The total value (at official exchange rates) of all manufactured goods produced within a country in a year" B) "The annual rate of change in nominal gross domestic product" C) "The nominal value (at official exchange rates) of all final goods and services produced within a country in a year" D) "A country's net trade in goods and services, plus net earnings from rents, interest, profits, dividends, and transfer payments"
Floating exchange rates, which much of the world shifted to after 1971, differ from fixed exchange rates in that with floating exchange rates: A) The U.S. dollar or the European euro must be used in the transaction B) The currency only shifts upon World Bank mandates, called "floats" C) The government decides the value of the currency D) The market determines the price of the currency
The idea of comparative advantage is that: A) States should specialize in producing the goods which they produce best and trade for goods that other states produce best B) The U.S. has more advantages because of its global regulatory power and it should exploit them by enforcing nationalist policies C) Countries should impose advantages in certain areas through protectionist policies D) Trade always has winners and losers, so countries should pursue mercantilist, closed market strategies to gain a comparative advantage
LDCs have often been unable to take advantage of their "comparative advantages" in agricultural production because (select all that apply, there are one to four possible correct answers): A) MDCs protect their own agricultural production from cheaper imports from LDCs B) IMF conditionality led to a loss of their comparative advantage C) Corrupt leaders in LDCs have stolen profits and/or siphoned off outside loans meant to strengthen comparative advantages D) The IMF and World Bank strongly discourage them from taking benefit of these comparative advantages, pushing them instead to industrialize through protected industries
The removal or reduction of tariffs or quotas on the trading of specific goods to stimulate freer trade is known as? A) Mercantilism B) Socialism C) Fiscal stimulus D) Trade liberalization
Classic liberal trade theory holds the view that: A) Governments should continually protect their infant industries with trade barriers so that they can become competitive in the international arena B) Too much dependence on trade should be discouraged because it leads to dependence on foreign economies and governments and therefore a loss of sovereignty C) Free trade without governmental interference will eventually benefit all economies in the international system by ensuring efficiency in the production and distribution of goods and services D) Governments should not hesitate to intervene in controlling international trade if it is necessary to protect domestic jobs and industries
Advocates of the Washington Consensus argued that: A) Colonialism meant the LDCs need to protect their economy from Western influences B) Europe had the responsibility to give assistance to the poorer countries since it was primarily Europeans that had undermined their economies C) Opening economies to free trade, cutting back state budgets (fiscal responsibility), and privatizing state- owned enterprises is the best strategy for the developing world D) The World Bank should offer vast loans to developing countries in reparation for colonial exploitation
IMF Structural Adjustment Programs (SAPs) have called for: A) Mercantilist oriented regulation in developing economies because of high poverty rates B) Trade protectionism to shield infant industries C) Large stimulus packages and increased government spending D) Privatization (sale to private owners) of state-owned enterprises (SOEs)
As noted in the introduction to this lesson, "contemporary liberalism" (often associate economically with the ideas of John Maynard Keynes): A) Is tied to the idea that classical liberalism is volatile and prone to recessions and depressions, so states should try to manage capitalism and maintain "aggregate demand" B) Is the same as the "Neo-Liberalism" promoted by Ronald Reagan C) Is focused on the use of significantly less government spending to stimulate aggregate supply, with states privatizing key industries D) Is the main point of socialism as outlined by Marx
Through _________________, the IMF and World Bank set a series of often stiff requirements when establishing an agreement with a borrowing country, pressing such steps as trade liberalization, fiscal responsibility, and privatization. A) The GATT B) Structural Adjustment Programs C) Declining Terms of Trade Agreements D) Foreign aid
In the PBS video, it is noted that (select all that apply, there are one to four possible correct answers): A) People in expensive cars are more likely not to stop at pedestrian crosswalks B) Neo-liberalism has exacerbated global inequality C) People feel entitled even when games like Monopoly are obviously rigged in their favor D) More affluent people are more likely to take candy that they know has been left for a child
Since the 1980s, middle class families have primarily maintained consumption by (select all that apply, there are one to four possible correct answers): A) Consuming higher quality goods B) Having more two income families (with more women entering the workforce) C) Engaging more readily in the political process to offset the power of wealthy families D) Increasing their debts
The number of businesses registered to lobby in Washington has: A) Coincided with the increase in business regulation and rise in taxes on the wealthy B) Declined with the rise in the Washington Consensus C) Gone hand in hand with significantly increased regulation protecting labor organizing D) Coincided with intensified gerrymandering that protects incumbents
The work of Thomas Picketty documents that, with the exception of the mid-20th century: A) The sub-prime mortgage crisis could have been avoided with less regulation of financial institutions B) Increased college enrollment brings down public sector debts and, hence, taxes C) Income from capital (wealth, ownership, inheritance, etc.) nearly always exceeds income from wages, increasing inequality D) Lower taxes for the wealthy and cuts in public spending leads to economic growth, lessening inequality
In response to the criticism that their work was undertaken at the "famously liberal" University of California Berkeley, the researchers point out: A) They hope to run more studies in the future at other more conservative universities B) That they understand researchers at conservative universities get different results C) They expected to find the results they got and it proves they are right D) They have run 30 different studies across thousands of people all over the United States, and the results are the same for liberals and conservatives alike
What policy changes under Franklin Roosevelt contributed to declining poverty and inequality in the United States? (select all that apply, there are one to four possible correct answers): A) The establishment of Social Security and Medicare B) Progressive income taxes, taxing the wealthy at higher percentages than the poor C) Effective deregulation which significantly slowed private investment D) Cuts in government spending to free capital for private investment
In the game of monopoly seen on the video: A) Those who have the game rigged against them become markedly less generous because they are anxious B) Those that have the game rigged in their favor are less generous and somewhat ruder C) Those with the old shoe win more often because they feel more generous D) Those that have the game rigged in their favor become more generous
As noted in the video, repeated studies have indicated that more generous people (select all that apply, there are one to four possible correct answers): A) Live longer B) Live primarily in the U.S. northeast and California C) Understand that "generosity is for suckers," but give anyway to feel fulfilled D) Feel more fulfilled
In the United States: A) Wealth is roughly evenly distributed by quintile, though the top 20% still has twice the bottom 20% B) The top 1% has 23% of the income, up from 9% in the mid-1970s, and similar to the level during the Great Depression C) Inequality has decreased dramatically since the 1960s, but remains well above the levels at the time of the Great Depression D) The top .01% has 75% of the wealth, and the bottom 77% has virtually no wealth (.001%)
The "animal spirits" are: A) Confidence and optimism in the economy, which sparks economic growth B) Predatory capitalists which cause recessions and depressions C) The "sticky wages" that perpetuate depressions D) Politicians' abilities to maintain "aggregate demand"
What international organization did John Maynard Keynes help create in the aftermath of the Great Depression: A) The Group of 20 (G-20) B) NATO C) The U.S. Federal Reserve D) The IMF
The stimulus spending during the "Great Recession" in the United States was based on the ideas of: A) John Maynard Keynes B) Ronald Reagan C) Adam Smith D) Karl Marx
Keynes biographer (Robert Skidelsky) sums up Keynes with three ideas, including (select all that apply, there are one to four possible correct answers): A) Large scale unemployment can develop in volatile markets B) Markets are inherently volatile C) The volatility in markets is healthy for an economy and states should work against "aggregate demand" D) Private spending needs to replace public spending to correct market imperfections in a depressed economy E) There are political downsides (even including revolution) if states try to address severe economic downslides F) Nothing can stop a downward spiral and growing unemployment in a depressed economy unless the government steps in with public spending to replace a lack of private spending
According to Keynes (as discussed by his biographer Robert Skidelsky), volatile markets can punish: A) Military planners, who must embrace volatile social reactions B) Only those who have made mistakes, showing market efficiency C) College students and professors, who must address low prices and high wages D) Millions in society, for the mistakes of a few, causing social unrest
The United States: A. Uses mercantilist policies to keep an equal balance between imports and exports B. Generally runs massive trade surpluses because of its strong economy C. Has never borrowed from other countries or foreign citizens by selling U.S. Treasury bonds and other securities D. Has run significant trade deficits since the 1970s
Those that caution against free trade generally argue: A. Free trade can lead to functionalism, neo-functionalism, and war B. Countries can be forced to significantly strengthen (raise) their environmental and labor standards in order to compete with countries where these standards are lower C. Free trade leads to dislocations which can cost people their jobs D. Countries should try to become dependent on a few agricultural products
Arguments in favor of free trade often include each of the following, EXCEPT: A. Countries can use trade barriers to better protect State Owned Enterprises (SOEs) under free trade policies B. Free trade promotes interdependence among countries and helps maintain international peace C. Free trade produces overall economic growth and jobs in sectors where the country has a comparative advantage D. Open trade fosters lower prices for consumers
Mercantilists (economic nationalists) believe: A. Governments should regulate trade to advance national interests and power B. Trade should be completely unregulated/free C. All trade should be shut off and the state should be self-sufficient D. Mercantile exchanges should not include agricultural goods
For developing countries that primarily produce raw (often called primary) products, such as mining and agricultural goods (select all that apply, there are one to four possible correct answers): A. Trade deficits do not develop because they have a monopoly over their competition B. Jobs are often low wage and low skilled C. Persistently low export prices cannot generate the revenue for the expensive manufactured/high tech imports needed for development D. "Comparative advantage" is often based on just a few primary products E. Arguments for "comparative advantage" can be seen as developmental "dead ends"
The idea of comparative advantage is that: A. Countries should impose advantages in certain areas through protectionist policies B. The U.S. has more advantages because of its global regulatory power and it should exploit them by enforcing nationalist policies C. States should specialize in producing the goods which they produce best and trade for goods that other states produce best D. Trade always has winners and losers, so countries should pursue mercantilist, closed market strategies to gain a comparative advantage
Classic liberal trade theory holds the view that: A. Free trade without governmental interference will eventually benefit all economies in the international system by ensuring efficiency in the production and distribution of goods and services B. Governments should continually protect their infant industries with trade barriers so that they can become competitive in the international arena C. Too much dependence on trade should be discouraged because it leads to dependence on foreign economies and governments and therefore a loss of sovereignty D. Governments should not hesitate to intervene in controlling international trade if it is necessary to protect domestic jobs and industries
The most traditional protectionist barriers to trade are: A. Structural Adjustment Programs, which limit trade liberalization B. Free Trade Agreements, such as NAFTA C. Tariffs (taxes on imports), though they are no longer the main form of protectionism for most countries D. Geographic barriers, such as rivers
An example of an "export promotion" technique is: A. Voluntary export restraints, such as when the U.S. voluntarily lowered its auto exports to Japan B. Export tariffs (taxes), making local products more expensive to export so as to benefit local consumption C. The Smoot-Hawley Act in the United States D. Direct export subsidies, or paying local producers for their exports, helping them better compete with foreign firms
Mercantilist approaches to establish desired trade balances and trade profiles include: A. Promoting exports and protecting the economy by restricting imports B. Programs initiated by the Washington Consensus to adopt Free Trade Agreements (FTAs) C. Adopting IMF Structural Adjustment Programs, which emphasize closed market strategies D. Promoting all imports and restricting exports
The U.S.'s Smoot-Hawley Act: A. Lowered the average U.S. tariff rate to 2% B. Created the IMF and World Bank, which have opened world trade through Structural Adjustment Programs C. Has been credited with triggering a spiral of restrictions on trade by other countries, helping spark the Great Depression D. Promoted much freer global trade after WWII
Non-tariff Barriers (NTBs) include (select all that apply, there are one to four possible correct answers): A. Health and safety standards B. Voluntary Export Restraints C. Agreements with more than 5 countries D. Administrative requirements, such as customs procedures
One key reason international trade negotiations have stalled is because: A. Poor countries will not open their agriculture sectors to rich countries' high-tech imports B. China has not entered the WTO C. The United States has dropped out of the WTO D. Remaining tariff barriers are in areas where poorer countries often have an advantage, such as the politically sensitive agriculture sector
When the European Union placed restrictions on the importation of U.S. beef containing growth hormones because of the EU's concern for public health, the U.S. government considered this policy a form of: A. Unfair floating exchange rates, leading to IMF penalties B. Protectionism, sparking a case before the WTO C. Functioning free trade regulations D. Intrusion on the U.S. Treasury Department's portfolio investment
Losing a case through the WTO disputes settlement mechanism could lead a country to face: A. Economic sanctions or a withdrawal of trade concessions by the winning state B. A full trade embargo by the United States C. Being forced to rewrite laws declared unconstitutional by the WTO D. Military force
European economic integration was initiated with the creation of: A. The European Union, which established free trade between 28 countries B. The European Coal and Steel Community, which integrated an industry key to war-making potential C. The euro, which established a common currency D. The European Security and Defense Identity, which provided for a common EU military
France protects its television and movie industries from U.S. competition because: A. Of a fear of cultural imperialism B. The European Union mandates that states protect these industries C. This sector did not see any liberalization during the Doha Round of trade negotiations D. It won a case at the WTO
The Bretton Woods institutions were created after WWII: A. To allow the United States to dominate the world economy B. As the founding institutions of the European Union C. To complete the Doha Round D. To promote stability in international economics and, hence, strengthen international peace
Since the creation of the WTO in 1995: A. International trade negotiations have flourished, with four trade rounds being completed B. No disputes have been brought before the disputes settlement body, though this could occur C. Only one round of international trade negotiations has been initiated (the Doha Round), and it has gotten nowhere D. Trade in agriculture has become significantly freer, benefiting developing countries and hurting more developed countries
Company costs can often be lower if (select all that apply, there are one to four possible correct answers): A. Pensions, healthcare, and paid vacation rules are enhanced B. Age and gender discrimination laws are removed, allowing them to terminate employees at will C. Pensions, healthcare, and paid vacation rules are eliminated D. Environmental regulations are weakened, allowing them to pollute more readily
When countries raise taxes to give export subsidies to newly established exporting companies: A. They seek to promote consumption now over future trade opportunities B. The current generation always benefits at the expense of future generations C. Their current citizens sacrifice so that future generations may benefit as "infant industries" transform into powerful businesses D. Classic liberals argue that their theories are proven
The North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA): A. Has hurt workers in higher skilled jobs the most because the prices for goods they consume have risen sharply B. Has led to some lower skilled jobs shifting to Mexico, where wages are lower C. Was eliminated by the George W. Bush administration in favor of higher tariffs, such as those with steel D. Is an example of an FTA that has not had political consequences or controversies
Consumers (select all that apply, there are one to four possible correct answers): A. Can at least be assured that business values are the same across all countries B. Have to grapple with whether to buy foreign goods that might have been made in sweatshops C. Can check mandatory labeling in the U.S., which notes if goods are made in sweatshops D. Often do not know the conditions in which foreign goods are made
President George W. Bush's decision to impose a temporary 30 percent tariff on imported steel in 2002 (select all that apply, there are one to four possible correct answers): A. Is an example where trade policy followed classic liberal theory, as noted by Treasury Secretary O'Neill B. Hurt the U.S. automakers, who had to pay higher prices for steel C. Was applauded by foreign steel makers D. Helped the steel industry by allowing U.S steel producers to gain a larger share of the local market
What is the definition of "relative poverty"? A. Relative poverty is the amount of poor people in LDCs in comparison to MDCs B. Relative poverty is estimated at $3.10 per capita C. Relative poverty is based on a comparison with a defined group within a particular country D. Relative poverty is estimated at $24,250 per family of four
Purchasing Power Parity: A. Estimates the number of dollars needed to buy comparable goods in different countries, making comparisons more accurate B. Is higher in LDCs than in MDCs C. Shows that comparisons between LDCs and MDCs are not possible because different goods cost different amounts D. Is a clear measure of income inequality
Common ways to measure poverty include (select all that apply, there are one to four possible correct answers): A. Taxes B. Consumption C. Obesity levels D. Happiness
Which statements about poverty around the world are true? (select all that apply, there are one to four possible correct answers): A. Women and men suffer equally from poverty B. Developed countries, because of their high standards of living, do not suffer from poverty C. Women suffer more from poverty than men D. The incidence of poverty is generally higher in rural than urban areas E. The incidence of poverty is generally higher in urban than rural areas F. The largest number of poor people live in Asia
The UNDP's Human Development Index (HDI) is based on three factors, including (select all that apply, there are one to four possible correct answers): A. Life expectancy B. Per capita purchasing power C. Gender equality D. Educational attainment
Which of the following statements is true? A. Globally, the top one-fifth of the population (roughly 1.5 billion people) has more than 35% of the world's consumption (about $20 trillion), while the bottom one- fifth (roughly 1.4 billion people) has about 22% (roughly $15 trillion) in consumption B. Globally, the top one-fifth of the population (roughly 1.5 billion people) has more than three-quarters of the world's consumption (about $60 trillion), while the bottom one-fifth (roughly 1.4 billion people) has about $1 trillion in consumption C. Globally, the top one-fifth of the population (roughly 8.2 billion people) has more than nine-tenths of the world's consumption (about $200 trillion), while the bottom one-fifth (roughly 8.1 billion people) has about $1 billion in consumption D. Globally, the top one-fifth of the population (roughly 8.2 billion people) has more than 80% of the world's consumption (about $200 trillion), while the bottom one-fifth (roughly 8.1 billion people) has about 15% (roughly $15 trillion) in consumption
Trends in income inequality include (select all that apply, there are one to four possible correct answers): A. Rapid increases in income inequality in the United States since the 1970s B. Increases in global income going to the top 5 percent versus the bottom 5 percent C. The same, universal, dramatic persistence of extreme income inequality across LDCs D. A sharp decline in income inequality in China, given its Structural Adjustment Program
While globally the number and percentage of people living on less than $1.90 a day has dropped dramatically since 1990, what is also true (select all that apply, there are one to four possible correct answers)? A. Most of the gains have been in two countries, China and India (especially China) B. Only in Africa has the number of poor really dropped significantly, and in Latin America it has dramatically increased C. Income inequality has increased in MDCs (the United States being an exception), but not LDCs D. The number of people living on less than $3.10 a day has remained roughly the same (about 2 billion people)
Which of the following statements is true? A. The most dramatic gains in reducing hunger worldwide since 1990 have been in the Middle East and Africa (notably South Africa and Saudi Arabia) B. Food insecurity has been eliminated in Europe given the acceptance of socialism C. The most dramatic gains in reducing hunger worldwide since 1990 have been in East and Southeast Asia (notably China) D. The most dramatic gains in reducing hunger worldwide since 1990 have been in South Asia (notably Pakistan)
The first steps in opening the Chinese economy included (select all that apply, there are one to four possible correct answers): A. Adopting the U.S. dollar as its currency B. Allowing farmers to sell excess produce on the market, once they had met local and national quotas C. Adopting IMF/World Bank conditionality tied to Structural Adjustment loans D. Eliminating state-owned firms in favor of private entrepreneurship E. Inviting foreign firms to form joint ventures with state- owned manufacturers to produce for export
South Korea and other East Asian states have pursued strategies that have included: A. Closing their markets to international competition B. Strong investments in education and efforts to allow the poor to share in rapid growth C. Eliminating the government's role in industrialization D. Withdrawing from the IMF and World Bank because of the 1997 East Asian economic crisis
In his famous essay "The End of History?", Francis Fukuyama wrote that mankind may have reached "the end point of ... ideological evolution with the universalization of Western liberal democracy as the final form of human government." This mindset was championed by: A. The Soviet Union, given its rapid growth in wages after its collapse B. Mexico and Brazil, given their appreciation of austerity C. The European Union, but, surprisingly, not the United States D. The Washington Consensus (led by the U.S. and international financial institutions)
Mexico and Brazil are noted for: A. Large cash transfers to African countries that meet IMF/World Bank conditionality B. Authoring "Emerging Africa," tied to their growing investments on the continent C. Their major MNCs that have formed joint ventures in the Chinese economy D. Introducing direct transfer payments to poor households, conditioned on families meeting requirements such as keeping their children in school
Market-oriented reforms in China: A. Included the elimination of all state-owned firms B. Have been relatively gradual and strictly controlled by the state C. Were instantaneous ("shock therapy"), very similar to what was seen in the Soviet Union D. Have been directed by the Washington Consensus, particularly the IMF
Micro-lending tends to focus on: A. Older recipients, who have matured enough to repay loans B. Those promoting high tech jobs, as they are the jobs of the future C. Women, who studies show are more likely to repay loans and spend money on their children's welfare D. Men, because of the gender bias in most LDCs
What percentage of its budget does the U.S. give in foreign aid? A. Roughly 18% B. Roughly 1% C. Roughly 27% D. Roughly 10%
In 2015, the top recipient of both U.S. economic and military aid was: A. Nigeria B. Afghanistan C. China D. India
The two main forms of foreign aid include: A. Refugee assistance and non-concessional loans B. Food and medical equipment C. Economic assistance and military assistance D. Food aid and donated weapons
In the United States (select all that apply, there are one to four possible correct answers): A. Micro-lending has taken root through Grameen America and other organizations B. Micro-lending has been supplemented by NGOs that give out "micro-grants" C. Only for-profit micro-lending has worked because of a lack of sufficient funds from NGOs D. Micro-lending failed because of fears of loan sharking
The Grameen Bank: A. Offers loans to the poor in Bangladesh B. Has helped spark "Africa's Economic Boom" in the DRC C. Bailed India out of economic crisis in 1982 D. Is an Indian Bank at the heart of "Modinomics"
With respect to foreign aid, as a percentage of its national income/GNI, the U.S. gives: A. More than most, roughly 20% B. The highest among rich countries (almost 25%) C. On average with other MDCs (14%) D. Amongst the lowest level among rich countries (bottom third)
In total dollars, which country gives the most in economic aid? A. United States B. China C. Germany D. France
A challenge that has developed in recent years surrounding micro-lending in India has been: A. Strong government opposition because it upends corrupt officials B. U.S. opposition and holding back of foreign aid until this form of lending is stopped, as it undermines the business of U.S. for-profit banks C. Too many NGOs that do not understand the micro- lending process wasting foreign aid donations D. The development of for-profit micro-lending and loan- sharks pushing more and more loans (followed by aggressive collection tactics)
Which of the following goals was NOT part of the Millennium Development Goals? A. To dramatically reduce weapons sales worldwide B. To eradicate extreme poverty C. To achieve universal primary education D. To promote gender equality and empower women E. To combat HIV/AIDS, malaria, and other diseases
Which of the following was not part of the Millennium Development Goals, but is part of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)? A. Reshaping the UN Security Council's permanent representatives B. Having peaceful and inclusive societies, justice, and accountable institutions (good governance) C. Significantly increasing the regulatory power of the UN D. Eliminating Free Trade Agreements that undermine the environment
Which Millennium Development Goal was fully achieved? A. To reshape the UN Security Council B. To achieve universal primary education across the world C. To cut in half (from 1990 levels) the number of people living in extreme poverty (then defined as $1 a day, now $1.90) D. To dramatically reduce global arms sales
Tied to the focus in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) on better quality education is a belief that (select all that apply, there are one to four possible correct answers): A. A focus on education, especially of girls, leads to improved family health and individual productivity B. Better education will better promote the UN's emphasis on socialism as seen in the U.S. C. Better education leads to better use of higher technologies D. Higher education levels lead to sharply higher fertility rates E. Better education can lead to better participation in democracy F. Better education will better promote the UN's emphasis on socialism as seen in the U.S. G. China's education system, by far the best in the world, should be adopted
Under colonialism (select all that apply, there are one to four possible correct answers): A. Colonies provide cheap labor and resources, and serve as markets for the colonizers goods B. The colonizing countries for centuries worked to develop local colonies, generally showing little progress because of a lack of political control C. Mercantilist trade policies by the colonized peoples frustrated the Triangular Trade D. Asian dominance in the Triangular Trade led to the colonization of China E. Vast revenues and resources typically flow out of the colonies, with relatively little capital flowing back in F. A core dominant country generally controls the political and economic lives of foreign peoples
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