EY FSO BAP interview – Flashcards

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Why EY?
the opportunity to start my career within the EY environment that offers such upward momentum and energy would be incredible. its so impressive that the goals set within vision 2020 are already taking shape as seen in the global revenue growth, shows the determination and capabilities of EY intensity and ambition of the company so appeals to me -high expectations --> high quality results -potential for pressure --> alleviated w/ mentorship and guidance, i think id thrive in this landscape culture -how EY treats employees, how EY employees treat other EY employees -collaboration and team work and openness - diverse background, mentalities, styles -EY values unique skill sets, expected you to contribute entrepreneurial w/in a multinational firm -entrepreneur of the year award given to 50% of today's nasdaq companies, proof of EY's expertise at selecting and guiding companies w/ untapped potential effort afforded to women's advancement in the workplace -women in positions of leadership would lead to higher GDP, higher share prices, diversity of thought and style -entrepreneurial winning women: helping companies reach revenue 63% higher than joining w/ EY -31% of new partners are women Learning, experience, coaching -EYU: gives us the tools to shape our careers -initial learning of business skills and acumen, then refreshment -16000 courses -experience: service lines plan BAP teammember's assignments for our benefits and EY's, get range of opportunities -coaching - on the job, performance reviews, career development training, mentorship EY's success -rev up 11.6, deloitte reported 2.9 -highest growth since 2008, upward trajectory, development -advisory up 18% - all of which especially impressive in slow economy
Why BAP?
-engaging in multiple careers at once, interdisciplinary experience -regulatory risks -merging of finance and consulting, different careers w/in consulting -working w/ peers in program - opp to continue education, heighten my financial literacy -formalized feedback - professional development - get a better understanding of industries - focus on learning first, supportive of learning priorities as an incoming
Why financial services?
-fast paced industry with often high pressure sitchations (environment i think i would thrive in), caliber of people, exposure to deals, fin being end being the bottom line, econ being the science of scarcity
Why consulting?
-liberal arts background, primed for problem solving? curiosity, inquisitiveness -dynamic work environment --> change of pace and companies, and industries challenging, involved -learning more from ea. new company and new set of circumstances
skills key for a consultant
-emotional/social intelligence in pitching suggestions and working w/ clients -innovative out of the box thought -ability to adapt to changing industries/companies
team work
180 degrees swsg as an intern as GECC
EY values
integrity respect driven by teamwork energy enthusiasm courage to lead thrive on challenge
vision 2020
(trumping PwC and Deloitte) 50B purpose vision, strategy Focus on winning in the market by delivering exceptional client service and maximizing opportunities in markets and services Create the highest performing teams by attracting, developing and inspiring the best people and committing to a culture of world-class teaming Strengthen global, empower local by pressing our global advantage and empowering local teams highest performing teams, exceptional client service, worldwide encouraging EY employees to look to emerging markets and entrepreneurial ventures while working for an org still focused on employee growth & success
1. how regulatory landscape has changed FSO BAP program? 2. how success is measured w/in the program? 3. the career trajectory for individuals in the BAP program - more prone to stay w/in EY
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