EXAM 1: Older Adult Sleep/Nutrition/Health Literacy – Flashcards

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How long should sleep medicines be used for?
short term (<2 weeks) **long term will blunt the effect of the meds
Why are OTC sleep meds not advised with the elderly?
-meds typically contain diphenhydramine (Benadryl) and have too many adverse side effects -huge risk of fall and injury
What sleep meds are better to use with the elderly?
-melatonin agonist -Lunesta
What is the Beer's List?
What is the Beer's List?
Potentially Inappropriate Medication Use in Older Adults
Why are benzodiazepines not advised for the elderly?
-high risk of addiction -stays in system too long -can cause hallucinations
What is important to assess for during a nursing assessment for sleep?
-diagnosed acute/chronic illness -current meds -chronic pain or pruritus -psychological problems -change in living conditions or sleep routines -current stressors or worries -nicotine, alcohol, or caffeine use -last complete medical exam -time spent outside
What are some nursing interventions for sleep problems?
-ear plugs for noise -control the environment (too hot/too cold) -decrease naps -no exercise within 3 hours of bedtime -use bed only for sleeping/sex -if unable to sleep...get out of the bed and return when sleepy -get up at same time each day -develop a nighttime ritual
What are hydration requirements for an older adult?
around 6-10 glasses/day **need to remind older adults as they have a decreased thirst perception
What is the Ca requirement for older adults?
1200 mg *high risk for osteoporosis
What is the Vit D requirement for older adults?
-(600-800 IU) *required for maintaining bone mineralization and proper serum Ca levels *sources (sun, liver, fortified milk, fish liver oils)
Nutrition - related changes associated with aging
-Decreased lean body mass -Decreased metabolic rate -Decreased bone mineral density -Increased Cholecystokinin and early satiety -Decreased saliva production -Decreased thirst perception -Decreased taste and smell -Decreased production of gastric acid and fluids
What lab values are used in a routine nutritional assessment for the older adult?
-Albumin (< 3.5 mg/dl) -Pre albumin -Transferrin (< 200 mg/dl) Total Lymphocyte count (< 1500 cm3) Serum cholesterol (< 150 mg/dl) **also H/H, iron, folic acid, Mg, Vit B12 and electrolytes
What are some possible causes of noncompliance in older adults?
-finances -mobility -print size of reading material/instructions -vision/hearing impairments -cognitive function decline
What reading level should teaching materials be?
5th up to 8th grade level (5th is preferred)
What is the nurses' role in health literacy?
-give information ORALLY as well as written -give info on the benefits and harm of meds -give info on how to manage meds along with identifying adverse symptoms they may have
One of the challenges in meeting the nutritional needs of the elderly is that the elderly: A. Have decreased need for almost all nutrients. B. Have decreased caloric needs but constant or increased needs for vitamins and minerals. C. Often have significant problems with dentition that affect their ability to masticate most food. D. Lose interest in eating a balanced diet.
B. Have decreased caloric needs but constant or increased needs for vitamins and minerals.
What type of diet will the nurse recommend to most healthy elderly clients? A. A balanced 1,100-calories per day diet B. A diet high in complex carbohydrates and fiber C. A diet low in fat and protein D. A diet low in fat with a moderate amount of carbohydrates
B. A diet high in complex carbohydrates and fiber Rationale: Complex carbohydrates and fiber provide some protein in addition to necessary vitamins and minerals. They aid digestion and have a lower glycemic load. For an active, healthy elderly person 1,200 calories per day will not be adequate to prevent weight loss. Inadequate protein does not allow for tissue maintenance and repair. High carbohydrate diets do not provide adequate balance to caloric distribution.
An elderly client has been admitted to a nursing home and the nurse completes an assessment. Which finding may lead the nurse to suspect a nutritional alteration? A. Pale tongue B. Thinning hair C. Ridged nails D. Moist conjunctiva
C. Ridged nails Rationale: Ridged, spoon-shaped nails are signs of long-term nutritional deficiencies. Thinning hair is consistent with aging. Moist conjunctiva are signs of nutritional balance. A pale tongue, in the absence of other pathology, does not signify nutritional inadequacy.
Good dietary sources of vitamin D include which of the following? Select all that apply. A. Cheeses and yogurt B. Liver C. Fortified milk D. Fish and oils
A. Cheeses and yogurt B. Liver C. Fortified milk
When working with elderly clients who require an increased consumption of complete protein, the nurse recommends: A. Legumes. B. Yogurt. C. Iron fortified cereal. D. Whole grain bread.
B. Yogurt.
A primary goal of dietary intervention for the elderly is to: A. Prevent complications from chronic conditions. B. Improve digestion and metabolism. C. Maintain quality of life. D. Treat acute conditions.
C. Maintain quality of life. Rationale: Dietary assessment and early intervention can improve the overall quality of life and possibly prevent disease or illness. Most acute conditions are not treated primarily by dietary intervention. Digestion occurs in the GI tract and metabolism occurs at the cellular level.
Which nutrient is most likely to be deficient in elderly residents of nursing homes? A. Phosphorus B. Vitamin D C. Protein D. Vitamin B
B. Vitamin D Rationale: The elderly have greater need for vitamin D due to decreased absorption, decreased dietary intake, and lack of exposure to sunlight. Phosphorus, protein, and vitamin B are more readily obtained through dietary means.
The loss of lean muscle mass that occurs with aging can be diminished or reversed by: A. Anaerobic exercise. B. High protein diets. C. Strength training exercises. D. Small doses of anabolic hormones.
C. Strength training exercises.
The absorption of iron in the elderly may be diminished in the presence of: A. Antacids. B. Diuretics. C. Vitamin C. D. Milk.
A. Antacids.
Risk factors for vitamin B12 deficiency include which of the following? Select all that apply. A. History of gastric bypass surgery B. Use of antacids or acid-lowering surgery C. Folic acid supplementation D. History of depression
A. History of gastric bypass surgery D. History of depression
A major predictor of morbidity and mortality in the elderly is: A. Social isolation. B. Polypharmacy. C. Impaired dentition. D. Unintentional weight loss.
D. Unintentional weight loss.
An elderly man reports some concerns during a routine physical. The client states he has not really changed his eating patterns or activity in the past several years but has noted some "negative" changes in overall physique. When questioned further he reports he has noticed some loss of muscle tissue. He questions the cause and wonders what he can do to improve. What information should be provided to the client? A. "As the body ages this is a natural change." B. "You may need to increase your protein intake to promote muscle development." C. "We should investigate the potential side effects from your medicines to identify a potential relationship." D. "Aging is associated with a loss of muscle mass and cannot be reversed."
D. "Aging is associated with a loss of muscle mass and cannot be reversed."
The nurse is completing a nutritional assessment and asking about her elderly patient's use of vitamins. Which of the following vitamins being taken must be carefully evaluated for risk of toxicity? Select all that apply. A. Vitamin 12 B. Vitamin A C. Vitamin D D. Vitamin E
B. Vitamin A C. Vitamin D D. Vitamin E
When developing a teaching plan for an elderly client newly diagnosed with hypertension, the nurse realizes that the most effective teaching strategy is: A. Reminding the client that the medication will come with a package insert, which should be read carefully. B. Sharing the Web address of the American Heart Association. C. Providing oral instructions along with a written copy to take home. D. Using a brochure from the hospital pharmacy.
C. Providing oral instructions along with a written copy to take home.
A common and valid tool for identifying drugs not deemed to be appropriate for the frail elderly (also approved by Centers for Medicaid and Medicare for use by nursing homes) is: A. AMA Drug Evaluations b. The MedWatch Program C. Beers Criteria D. Physicians Desk Reference
C. Beers Criteria
At 0200 the nurse finds an elderly hospitalized client sitting in a chair beside the bed. When the client says she is unable to sleep, the best action on the part of the nurse is to: A. Call the physician to obtain an order for a hypnotic. B. Assist the client back to bed. C. Provide a glass of warm milk and offer a back rub. D. Ask about strategies the client has used successfully in the past to fall asleep.
D. Ask about strategies the client has used successfully in the past to fall asleep.
An elderly client has Alzheimer's disease and frequently gets up during the night and wanders around the house. Which of the following suggestions is most appropriate to give the spouse? A. Contact the physician to obtain an order for a mild hypnotic or sedative. B. Try using a soft restraint jacket at night. C. Make sure the client takes a brief nap during the afternoon. D. Increase daily activity by going for frequent short walks.
D. Increase daily activity by going for frequent short walks.
Which of the following suggestions might the nurse use for an elderly client who lives alone and has insomnia? A. A mild hypnotic B. Ear plugs to decrease ambient noise C. Melatonin supplement D. A walk around the block just before bed
C. Melatonin supplement
Sleep is a problem that should be assessed in the elderly because a major potential complication of sleep deprivation is: A. Sleepwalking. B. Unremitting fatigue. C. Disorientation. D. Cardiac arrhythmias.
C. Disorientation. Rationale: The elderly who do not get enough quality sleep may become disoriented or suffer from hallucinations. Sleep deprivation is not a cause of sleepwalking or cardiac arrhythmias. Unremitting fatigue may cause one to fall asleep anytime or anyplace.
Typical sleep pattern changes that occur with aging include: A. Late morning awakening. B. Diminished time in deep sleep. C. Longer daytime naps. D. Decreased sleep latency.
B. Diminished time in deep sleep.
Which of the following is considered a major sleep disorder of the elderly? A. Insomnia B. Hyposomnia C. Restless leg syndrome D. Sleep apnea
D. Sleep apnea
When working with the elderly, the nurse recognizes that the elderly frequently have problems with sleep. Most notably they: A. Fall asleep more rapidly than any group except young children. B. Have a significant decline in stage 4 sleep. C. Require less sleep than middle-aged adults. D. Find it difficult to become fully alert after sleeping at night.
B. Have a significant decline in stage 4 sleep.
An elderly person who is experiencing sleep deprivation may exhibit: A. Increased deep tendon reflexes. B. Blurred vision. C. Incontinence. D. Emotional instability.
D. Emotional instability.
An elderly client has been prescribed a loop diuretic to aid in the management of hypertension. The nurse is aware that this may cause a sleep disturbance due to: A. Nocturia. B. Decreased REM sleep. C. Nightmares. D. Sleep walking.
A. Nocturia.
The nurse is assigned to provide care for an elderly client hospitalized for regulation of blood pressure. During the hospitalization, the nurse notices the client is awake often during the night. When questioned, the client reports "I thought I would need more sleep as I got older but I can't sleep more than 3 hours at night." When questioned further, the client reports falling to sleep immediately after getting into bed but waking up repeatedly thereafter. Which of the following statements does the nurse recognize as most correct? A. Since the client is falling asleep quickly he likely has no significant issues related to sleep. B. The client is likely demonstrating a manifestation of sleep deprivation. C. The client has no health implications as a result of his reduced amount of sleep hours. D. The client is getting adequate sleep each night.
B. The client is likely demonstrating a manifestation of sleep deprivation.
Which medication is least likely to be recommended as a sleep aid for an elderly person? A. Zolpidem (Ambien) B. Diphenhydramine (Benadryl) C. Zaleplon (Sonata) D. Sustained-release melatonin
B. Diphenhydramine (Benadryl) Rationale: Antihistamines such as Benadryl should not be used because of their anticholinergic side effects. Ambien and Sonata can be used safely in low doses and for short periods of time. Melatonin, also, is considered safe for short periods of time, but is recommended in a sustained-release formula for maintaining sleep throughout the night.
Which of the following may be barriers to sleep in the hospital? Choose all that apply. A. Too hot or too cold B. Frequent awakenings by nurses for care and monitoring C. Sleeping partner or comfort items are missing D. Excessive noise and bright lights
A. Too hot or too cold B. Frequent awakenings by nurses for care and monitoring C. Sleeping partner or comfort items are missing D. Excessive noise and bright lights
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