Training and Development Chapter 7 – Flashcards

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Traditional Training Methods
Require and instructor or facilitator Involve face-to-face interaction between trainees However, most can be adapted for online, virtual reality, or other technology-based learning.
Presentation Methods
Methods in which trainees are passive recipients of information. This information includes facts, processes, and problem-solving methods. Presentation methods include lectures and audiovisual techniques.
Advantages and Disadvantages of Presentation Methods
Lectures can be presented to a large number of people at once, and are the least expensive and time-consuming method. However, they lack participate involvement, feedback, and meaningful connection to the work environment. Also difficult to judge trainees level of understanding. Audiovisual techniques allow for customization of the training process for trainers, consistent instruction, and can be accessed after instruction is complete. Disadvantages may include that there is too much content included or poor communication between actors.
Hands-On Methods
Hands-on methods get trainees directly involved in learning. Hands-on methods are ideal for developing skills and behaviors. Hands-on methods include OJT, simulations, business games, case studies, role-playing, and behavior modeling. These methods can be expensive to develop but incorporate the conditions needed for learning and transfer of training to occur.
On-the-job training
On-the-job training involves learning in the work setting and during work by observing peers or managers performing the job and then trying to imitate the behavior. It's considered informal because it doesn't necessarily occur as part of a training program, and because managers, peers or mentors serve as trainers.
Advantages and Disadvantages of On-the-job training
OJT can be customized to the experiences and abilities of the trainee, the training is immediately applicable to the job, less investment in time and money. The disadvantage of OJT is that it is unstandardized, therefore employees may not learn the same process and/or pick up bad habits.
OJT: Self-Directed Learning
Self-directed learning is a sub component of OJT and is when employees take responsibility for all aspects of learning, including when it is conducted and who will be involved. Trainers are available to evaluate learning or to answer questions for the trainee. The trainer does not control or disseminate instruction.
Advantages and Disadvantages of Self-Directed Learning
Self-directed learning has several advantages. It allows trainees to learn at their own pace, which is very flexible, and receive feedback about the learning performance. This method requires fewer trainers, reduces costs associated with travel and meeting rooms, so overall it reduces costs for an organization. A major disadvantage is that trainees must be motivated to learn and to be willing to learn at their own pace and feel comfortable doing so.
OJT: Apprenticeship
Apprenticeship programs are work-study training methods with both OJT and classroom training. To qualify as a registered apprentice, you must complete a certain amount of hours in classroom instruction and must complete a certain amount of hours of on the job experience. In these programs, the hours and weeks that must be devoted to completing specific skills are clearly defined. The OJT involves assisting a certified tradesperson at the work site. This includes modeling, practice, feedback, and evaluation.
Advantages and Disadvantages of Apprenticeships
An advantage of apprenticeship programs is that learners can earn pay while learning. This is important because these programs can last several years. Also, these programs are usually effective learning experiences because they involve learning why and how a task is performed through instruction. Disadvantages include the time commitment and development costs that management and journey workers have to make. Another disadvantage is that there still may be limited access for minorities and women. Also, there is no guarantee to have a job once the program is complete and this could be due to the fact that these programs prepare trainees to be well skilled in one craft or occupation. Employers may be hesitant to hire narrowly trained employees.
A simulation is a training method that represents a real-life situation, with trainees' decisions resulting in outcomes that mirror what would happen if they were on the job. Simulations allow trainees to make decisions in an artificial, risk-free environment. Simulations have the opportunity to mimic the actual environment of the job, and in order to be successful they should have elements that are identical to the work environment.
Disadvantage of Using Simulations
Simulations are very expensive to create and they constantly need updated due to new information about the work environment constantly being obtained and the updating of technology.
Case Studies
Case studies are descriptions of how employees or an organization dealt with a difficult situation. Trainees analyze and critique the actions taken, indicating, the appropriate actions and suggesting what might have been done differently. An assumption of this approach is that employees are most likely to recall and use knowledge and skills if they learn through a process of discovery. Cases may be especially appropriate for developing higher-order intellectual skills such as analysis, synthesis, and evaluation, which are skills that are often required by managers, physicians, and other professional employees
How to Make Successful Case Studies
Trainees must have the opportunity to prepare and discuss their case analyses. Communication among trainees must also be arranged because trainee involvement is critical for the evaluations of the case method, they must also be willing and able to analyze the case and then communicate and defend their position. Organizations can choose to develop cases or to use preexisting cases.
Advantage and Disadvantage of Using Preexisting Cases
A major advantage of preexisting cases is that they are already developed, but a disadvantage is that the case may not actually relate to the work situation or problem that the trainee will encounter.
Business Games
Business games require trainees to gather and analyze information in order to make decisions. They are primarily used for management skill development. Games stimulate learning because trainees are actively involved and because these games mimic the competitive nature of business. Games are designed to demonstrate an understanding of or application of a knowledge, skill, or behavior
How to Ensure Learning and Transfer of Training in Business Games
Games should be able to be played in a relatively short period of time. The games will be more meaningful if they are realistic, so if trainees feel they are participating in a business and acquiring knowledge, skills, and behaviors it will be more meaningful to them. Also, debriefing from a trainer can help trainees understand the game experience and facilitate learning and transfer. This can include feedback, discussions of the concepts presented during the game, and instructions in how to use at work the knowledge, skills, or behavior emphasized in the game.
Role plays
Role plays refer to experiences in which trainees take on a role such as a manger, client, or disgruntled employee, and explore what is involved in that role. Role plays are usually included in training programs involving interpersonal skills such as communications, sales, providing performance feedback, coaching, leadership, and team building. In a role play, outcomes depend on the emotional and subjective reactions of the other trainees
Behavior Modeling
Behavior modeling presents trainees with a model who demonstrates key behaviors to replicate and provides trainees with the opportunity to practice the key behaviors. Behavior modeling is based on the principles of social learning theory.
Social Learning Theory Principles
Learning occurs by 1. Observation of behaviors demonstrated by a model 2. Vicarious reinforcement
Vicarious Reinforcement
Occurs when a trainee sees a model receiving reinforcement for using certain behaviors
Uses for Behavior Modeling
This method is more appropriate for teaching skills and behaviors than for teaching factual information or knowledge, and research suggests that behavior modeling is one of the most effective techniques for teaching interpersonal and computer skills
Well--prepared Behavior Modeling
Well-prepared behavior modeling training program identify key behaviors, create the modeling display, provide opportunities for practice, and facilitate transfer of training.
First Steps in Developing Behavior Modeling
Determine 1. The tasks that are not being adequately performed due to lack of skill or behavior and 2. The key behaviors that are required to perform a task
Modeling Display
Provides the key behaviors that the trainees will practice to develop the same set of behaviors. Videotape is the predominant method used to present modeling displays.
Ensuring the Transfer of Training in Behavior Modeling
Behavior modeling helps ensure transfer of training through the use of application planning, which prepares trainees to use key behaviors on the job. This involves having all participants prepare a written document identifying specific situations in which they should use the key behavior. Trainers can follow up with them to see if they are performing according to this document. With the application planning process as well, trainees may be paired up with another participant to discuss successes and failures of the use of key behaviors.
Group Building Methods
Group building methods such as team training, adventure learning, and action learning focus on helping teams increase the skills needed for effective teamwork and help build team cohesion and identify. Group building techniques may include the use of presentation methods, as well as exercises during which team members interact and communicate with each other. Group building methods often involve experiential learning,
Four Stages of Experiential Learning Training Programs
1. Gain conceptual knowledge and theory 2. Take part in a behavioral simulation 3. Analyze the activity 4. Connect the theory and activity with on-the-job or real-life situations
How to Make Successful Experiential Training
1. Trainees need to be moved outside their personal comfort zones, but within limits so as not to reduce trainee motivation or ability to understand the purpose of the program 2. Multiple learning modes should be used, including audio, visual, and kinesthetic. 3. When preparing activities, trainers should ask trainees for input on the program goals. 4. The training program needs to be evaluated
Adventure Learning
Experiential learning method that focuses on the development of teamwork and leadership skills through structured activities. Examples of this includes wilderness training, outdoor training, drum circles, and cooking classes. Adventure learning appears to be best suited for developing skills related to group effectiveness, such as self-awareness, problem solving, conflict management, and risk taking.
Disadvantage of Using Adventure Learning
This method may include activities that are strenuous and physically challenging, which may increase a company's risk for negligence claims due to personal injury, intentional infliction of emotional distress, and invasion of privacy.
Key to Adventure Learning Success
Insistence that the whole work group participates together so that group dynamics that inhibit effectiveness can emerge and be discussed.
Team Training
Team training refers to training that is designed to improve team effectiveness. Regardless of the type of team, successful team performance depends on the knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors of its members.
Components of Team Performance (Figure 7.3) Behavior
The behavioral requirement means that team members must perform actions that allow them to communicate, coordinate, adapt, and complete complex tasks to accomplish their objective.
Components of Team Performance (Figure 7.3) Knowledge
The knowledge component requires team members to have mental models or memory structures that allow them to function effectively in unanticipated or new situations.
Components of Team Performance (Figure 7.3) Attitudes
Team members' beliefs about the task and feelings toward each other relate to the attitude component.
Team Training: Cross training
Team members understand and practice each other's skills so that members are prepared to step in and take the place of a member who may temporarily or permanently leave the team.
Team Training: Coordination training
Instructs the team in how to share information and decision-making responsibilities to maximize team performance.
Team Training: Guided team self-correction
Training that emphasizes continuous learning and knowledge sharing in teams.
Action Learning
Action learning gives teams or work groups an actual problem, has them work on solving it, and committing to an action plan, and then holds them accountable for carrying out the plan. Companies use action learning to solve important problems, develop leaders, quickly build high-performance teams, and transform the organizational culture. The process of action learning appears to maximize learning and transfer of training because it involves real-time problems that employees are facing. Also, action learning can be useful for identifying dysfunctional team dynamics that can get in the way of effective problem solving.
An action learning program. Refers to practices participated in by employees from all levels of the company that focus on continuous improvement of business processes. Kaizen involves considering a continuous cycle of activities, including planning, doing, checking, and acting.
Six Sigma
Six Sigma, a black belt training program, involves principles of action learning. Six Sigma provide employees with measurement and statistical tools to help reduce defects and cut costs.
Choosing a Training Method
1. Identify the type of learning outcome training should influence The instructional method needs to match the desired learning outcome in order for learning to be effective. Therefore, the choice of the learning method should be based on the desired learning outcomes and the features that facilitate learning and transfer of training 2. Consider the extent to which the method facilitates learning and transfer of training, the costs related to the development and use of the method, and its effectiveness.
Action Learning is a Process That Involves:
Small team working Real problem (challenge or issue) Taking action Learning (individuals, team, organization)
Action Learning Enables Organization to:
Solve problems Develop and build teams Create learning organizations Increase individual's professional skills
The Action Learning Process
1. Define Problem and Outcome 2. Gather and Analyze Information 3. Identify Possible Actions 4. Develop Action Strategies 5. Present Recommendations, Actions, and Learning
Action Learning Teams Learn Valuable Leadership Skills by:
Critical reflection Inquiry and questioning Problem solving Decision making Presenting Facilitating
Desired Outcomes of Action Learning
Build peer relationships Increase personal awareness Learn a model of inquiry versus advocacy Solve real-world problems
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