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Name the UH campuses and their highest degree level/type.
University of Hawaii at Manoa- graduate University of Hawaii at West Oahu-undergraduate University of Hawaii at Hilo-graduate All community colleges offer Associate's degrees Kapiolani Community College Maui College Winward Community College Leeward Community College Honolulu Community College Hawaii Community College Kauai Community College
Name all of the schools and colleges at UHM
John A. Burns School of Medicine (JABSOM) William S. Richardson School of Law Myron B. Thompson School of Social Work Shidler College of Business College of Arts ; Science College of Education College of Engineering College of Tropical Agriculture ; Human Resources School of Architecture School of Travel Industry ; Management Office of Undergraduate Education School of Ocean and Earth, Science, and Technology (SOEST) Hawai'inuiakea School of Hawaiian Knowledge School of Pacific and Asian Studies (SPAS) School of Nursing and Dental Hygiene
What types of baccalaureate degrees does UHM offer?
BA-Arts BS-Science BMUS-Music BFA-Fine Arts BSW-Social Work BEd- Education BEnvd- Environmental Design BBA-Business Administration
What are minors /certificates? Why would students want to earn one
Mini- majors To enhance career life goals
What are four of the most important initiatives that impact advising?
Program Sheets STAR Do it in four/15 to finish Mandatory advising/ mandatory declaration of a major by junior year
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Explain why we say, "advising is teaching."
Advising is teaching involves showing not telling the student what to do. Advisors serve as guides on the side not the "sage on the stage."
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What is NACADA? What is CAA
National Academic Advising Association. NACADA provides opportunities for professional development, networking and leadership UHM Council of Academic Advisors- head representatives from college/school advising offices, campus-wide advising offices, Student Affairs Administrative offices
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What are academic advisors called t the UH community colleges
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Explain why students may have more than advisor
UHM has several different advising offices. A student might have a specific advisor for their college or school, departmental advisors, cross-campus advisors-mandated, and for supplemental offices for specific program advising(i.e., athletes, honor students).
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What is an advisor's most important resource and why?
Other advisors are the most important resource because information is always changing
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What is professionalism? What is comportment?
1. Specialized knowledge Competence/skill judgement Character Honesty/Integrity Methods employed Polite Behavior Image2. Comportment: The way or manner in which one conducts oneself.
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Why is professionalism important?
Representative/Role model of UHM Position as MPA Establish respect Build confidence
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Who needs to take a placement exam? Where can students find information about them
1. Students who are bilingual can take a language placement exam 2. Students enrolling in advanced math courses 3. Registration guide
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List the (1) acronyms (2) full names of UHM's General Education requirements; include (3) the number of credits required and the distribution rules for each
Foundation FW- Written Communication 3 credits FS- Symbolic Reasoning 3 credits FG FG- Global and Multicultural Perspectives (2 different time periods) FGA- prehistory- 1500 FGB- 1500- modern FGC- prehistory-modernDiversification DA/DH/DL: Arts, Humanities, Literature (2 different groups) 6 credits DB: Biological Sciences 3 credits DP: Physical Sciences 3 credits DY: Laboratory (Science) 1 credit DS: Social Science (2 different departments) DS
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What are the two types of Graduation Requirements?
HSL: Hawaiian or Second Language 202 proficiency FOCUS H:Hawaiian Asian and Pacific Issues (1 course, any level) E: Contemporary Ethical Issues (1 course, 300+) O: Oral Communication (1 course, 300+) W: Writing Intensive (5 courses, 2 at 300+, 3 at any level)
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What is the number one myth about General Education requirements
There is one set of requirements that all students must take-THIS IS FALSE
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Can a student take a Gen Ed course for CR/NC
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What are the differences between advising, counseling, and giving friendly advice
Advising: professional advice to help a student reach personal, educational, and career goals Counseling: giving a student professional support with personal academic and career concerns. Friendly advice: advice exchanged between friends, not in a professional setting
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What are the presenting question and underlying issues
1. Presenting question: Student's reason for appointment (mandatory advising, add/drop a course, registration) Underlying issues: Other issues that come up when helping student with their presenting questions (issues with roommates, work/life balance, homesickness, etc.).
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Describe the three stage of an advising session and what should happen in each
Open: Welcome- Welcome student, Introduction: Introduce yourself, Presenting question- reason for the advising appointment Body: Address student concerns, Ask questions to see if there are any underlying issues, Refer the student to resources Close: Ask the student if they have any further questions, Summarize what you went over with the student, Thank the student for coming in
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What does FERPA stand for? What is its purpose
1. Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 aka Buckley Act. 2. To protect students' academic record
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At UHM, do parents have a right to know their child's grades? How about when they are paying for tuition.
1. No, if the student has not granted their parent permission (e.g., by allowing them to attend an advising session or by providing written consent) the parent does not have a right to know their child's grades because of FERPA. 2. Even if a parent is paying for tuition, they do not have access to their child's grades without their child's permission. An advisor is only allowed to provide the parent with general information (e.g., program sheets, general education requirements).
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What are the five rules of thumb for FERPA
1. Worst case scenario- Always assume the worst and protect student's privacy 2. When in doubt FERPA it out- If you are unsure about violating FERPA, contact Stuart Lau, FERPA sheriff. 3. Curiosity killed the cat...and it wasn't good for the MPA either- Never look up students' records without a legitimate work related reason. 4. Doctor's Rule of Thumb- use discretion and do not share information students 5. What happens in MPA, STAYS in MPA- Do not share student information outside of MPA.
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List 4-6 topics that should be addressed or checked during an advising session
1. Advising 2. Career Planning 3. Planning 4. Funding 5. Balance 6. Adjustment 7. Engagement
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What is student development theory important when advising students?
1. Provides a framework for advising 2. Student development theory helps us better understand students and ourselves with challenges and how to overcome those challenges.
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Who is the theorist who is credited with pioneering college student development
Arthur Chickering- Chickering's Vector's of Identity Development
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What is the "old" NI credit, the "new" UD credit requirement and the exception
1. "old" 60 NI credit 2. New "UD" credit: Minimum 45 UD credits 3. Exception: Minimum 45 UD or a combination of no fewer than 25 upper division credits and 35 major-required lower division credits 4. Applies to Biochemistry, Biology, Chemistry, Marine Biology, and Zoology
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What is the repeat policy
1. Governs repeating non-repeatable courses F grade D grade C or higher grade
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What is the difference between unclassified and undeclared students
1. Unclassified: students who wish to take class but do not wish to enroll in degree seeking programs 2. Undeclared (exploratory): students who have not yet declared a major
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Millennial students are known for their depth of global knowledge T or F
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Name two reason why it is important to be aware of local, national, and global events when advising a student
1. Helps advisor be better connected to students. 2. We live in an interconnected world.
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Why is parent traffic increasing on campuses nationwide?
1. Increase in technology-gives student instant access to their parents 2. Increase in tuition- increases in tuition and increases in parents paying for tuition. 3. Parents are highly involved during the K-12 years vs. the abrupt decrease in involvement for Higher Ed. Parental involvement correlated with student success.
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3 main things to remember when working with a parent/family member
Protect student Privacy Focus on the Student Change transition takes time
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Give an example of a major in ACCESS
1. Advising, Civic, Community Engagement, Social Sciences 2. Anthropology, Communications, Economics, Ethnic studies, Geography, Political Science, Psychology, Sociology, Women's studies,
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Give an example of a major in AHLLL
A ; H- Arts ; Humanities Languages, Linguistics, ; Literature
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HSHK what level of language do HWST students need? What level do HAWN students need?
HWST students need 302 and HAWN students need 402.
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Oceanography is not offered at UHM. What is the closest major?
Global Environmental Sciences
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SPAS: What is the rule about upper division credit requirements?
SPAS students must take 60 UD credits
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VA students have to turn in enrollment verification forms each semester? True or False? Why
1. True 2.
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If a student has VA or Financial Aid, what do they need to do to receive coverage for a semester at UHM? At a CC
VA- 1. student needs to fill out an enrollment form to receive benefits. 2. In drop/W situations, be sure to have student check with the VA office 3. Courses must be approved by C/S advisorFinancial Aid at system CC, 1. must fill out an enrollment form 2. must take at least 6 cr. at UHM 3. Must take courses that count Financial aid at UHM 1. Student does not have to fill out form 2. Must fill out form if canceling aid, reducing loans, have less than full time credits, have new forms of aid
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Financial Aid students need to consider what two factors when dropping a course?
Satisfactory Academic progress 1. GPA= 2.0 cum for undergraduates 2. Quantitative (PACE) standards pass 67% of credits hours 3. Only one repeat allowed 4. Maximum time frame (6 years)
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What are program sheets? What are academic plans? How are they used in advising appointments?
1. Program sheets are advising sheets that lay out the General Education, Graduation, Degree, College and Major requirements all in the same format. 2. Academic plans are SAMPLE plans that demonstrate how a student could graduate in a given major, usually in four years. 3. They are used to help students sty on track by showing them requirements and a possible way of completing them.
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What are the six checks for creating an academic plan?
Thought Powered Memories Give Emotional Cores T: Timeline P: Prerequisites M: Major G: General Education Requirements E: Electives C: Credits
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When helping students balance their plans, what issues should you address?
Nightmares turn to dreams for every land N: Number of credits/semester T: Types of courses D: Daily Schedule F: Finals E: Electives L: Life commitments
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What is the difference between HSL waiver and back credits
If a student receives a HSL waiver the student is not eligible to receive back credits. To receive back credits the student must 1. Take the placement exam, 2. enroll in the course, 3. pass the course with a C or better, and 4. Turn in the paperwork to the department.
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What are the General Education/Graduation requirements that cannot be double dipped
Focus requirements cannot be double-dipped with Foundations and Major requirements cannot be double-dipped with major, minor, certificate and double majors
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what is the culture course substitution list? What is its purpose? Where can you find it
Culture course- list of approved courses that can be used to fulfill the HSL requirement and can be found on the CAA website. helps students stay on track when switching majors
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what is the FOCUS proration number
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What are the differences between HSL waiver and back credit
HSL waiver: You cannot receive back credits for HSL waiver. But, if you take the placement test and pass the class for a C or better, you get credit for the classes you skip (back credit) 1. Take the test, 2. Enroll in the class. 3 Pass the class with a C or better and 4. Turn in the paperwork
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The only program that has Fall admission into the licensure track program is?
Elementary Education
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Do engineering majors have room for electives
No, the degree is highly tracked- 120+ credits each major
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What is the required GPA to get into Nursing is the actual average GPA of the incoming class? Explain What major requires recruitment of patients?
3.0 1. The average GPA is 3.6-3.7 for prerequisites and 3.8-3.9 for General Education Requirements. Why? There are limited number of spots and many students applying. This program is very competitive2. Dental Hygiene
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What requires recruitment of students
Dental Hygiene
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Should a student withdraw from a course and get a W or stick with the course and receive an F? Should a student withdraw from a course and get a W or stick with the course and receive a C
It depends: 1. Financial Aid 2. VA benefits 3. Full-time 4. Major
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Be able to match the academic units with their main buildings
Gartley Hall (across from Bale)-Myron B. Thompson School of Social Work Everly Hall Wist Hall- College of Education Shidler (towers A-E)- College of Business Webster Hall- Nursing Honors: Sinclair Library Pre-Law/Pre-Health Advising Center (PAC): Sinclair Library Dean Hall: ACCESS CTHAR: Gilmore Hall (butterfly) Holmes Hall: Engineering Moore Hall- architecture
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List at least 5 properties of UHM that are not on Manoa campus
...Haleakala Observatory, Mauna Kea Observatory, Waikiki Aquarium, Hawaii Institute of Marine Biology at Coconut Island, Lyon Arboretum
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What is the difference between a concurrent degrees and double majors?
1. Concurrent degrees: Concurrent is within two different colleges or schools: BA in Sociology and BA in Asian studies 2. Double major is within the same college or school: BBA in International Business and Finance
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Types of advisors
Professional academic advisors: FT, Often handle Gen Ed level advising, Academic actions, forms ; petitions, graduation Faculty advisors: Advising is not primary responsibility and the focus is often on departmental major courses, address career and networking questions Peer advisors: Trained fellow students
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Academic Grievance
A student can go to the academic grievances website found on the Student Affairs website Or visit the office of Judicial Affairs QLCSS 207
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Why is FERPA important
MPAs are paraprofessional and an employee of the University We have a legal responsibility to protect a student's academic record Potential consequences
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What are the three basics of advising?
1. Show don't Tell 2. I don't know but 3. Double Check
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Core year
Set of requirements you are in the semester you enter the system (e.g., FA 2015-16) Note: If there is a break of a year or more, then you would be put in a new Core year Leave of Absence maintains core year
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What are the CAA PIGs? Where are they located? What can you find in PIGs?
1.Policy Implementation Guidelines 2. CAA website 3. Memos, videos
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For repeats/grade replacement, what should you warn students about?
1. Generally, not a good idea 2. Only for courses taken at UHM 3. If repeating for higher grade, remember it will be recalculated 4. Only most recent grade will be factored, regardless of if lower or higher 5. Check with financial Aid or VA
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Advisor Notes
Should take some kind of note to document appointment Remember FERPA
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Grade points
A+ 4.0 A 4.0 A- 3.7 B+3.3 B 3.0 B- 2.7 C+ 2.3 C 2.0 C- 1.7 D+ 1.3 D 1.0 D- 0.7 F 0
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what are the HSL requirements for SCB
4 semesters: language (202 level) 4 semesters: Culture courses Mixed: Language + Culture Courses (2 +2 semesters of the same language and culture. However, does not have to be the same language +culture) Study Abroad: Fall/Spring- 12 credits (not applicable for Spring Semester.
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Campus Tour (Information)
First year programs (FYP) Access to college excellence (ACE): puts students in clusters according to their major College opportunities program (COP): a program for students who do not meet admissions requirements for UHM. Students can take a six week intensive course and gain admission to UHM. CSDC Student Success Center Learning Assistance Center
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UHM's repeat policy
2 HARD AND FAST RULES 1. However many times you take a course, only one set of credits will count toward the 120 needed to graduate 2. Grades never disappear(see chart)
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A student opens up to you that they have been sexually assaulted. Name two initial steps and two offices to refer them
1. Ask if the student is okay/Contact your supervisor 2. Refer them to resources 3. Hawaii Police Department, Sexual Abuse Treatment Center, Women's Center, Judicial Affairs, Gender equity
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A student mentions college is so much harder than high school (they had an IEP). Where do you refer them?
Kokua, QLCSS 013
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A student says they have been feeling really sad lately and have started cutting themselves. Where should they go?
Counseling and Student Development Center, QLCSS, 312
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A student mentions that they are the first in their family to go to college. Name at least 2 offices you can refer them to.
1. McNair Student Achievement Program, QLCSS 413 2. College Opportunities Program, QLC 308 3. Student Support Services, Krauss Hall 4. Graduate/Professional Access, QLCSS 413
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A student says she feels lost in school because she has no idea of what she "wants to do when she grows up." Where do you refer her?
1. Manoa Career Center , QLCSS 212 2. Manoa Advising Center, QLCSS 101
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What are the add/drop/refund rules for the 6 time periods? Before classes, 6th business day, 15th business day, 9th week, after 9th week?
Before classes begin 6th business day drop online, no financial implications, no trace of course 7th business day: drop with form and instructor's signature, no financial implications, W on academic record 15th business day: drop with form and instructor's signature, last day 50% refund or 50% owe, W on academic record 9th week: drop with form and instructor's signature, no refund, W on academic record After 9th week : By petition only, no refund, unless you petition for it too, W on academic record
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What is mandatory advising? Can students have more than one type? Explain.
1. Mandatory advising requires students to meet with an advisor at least once for their first four semesters 2. Yes, it depends on what major, classification, and supplemental program the student is a part of.
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List three types of minimum grade requirements.
Major - C (or higher, as specified) Minor / certificate - C (or higher, as specified) General Education - D (to pass req., D- for credits only)
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Is there a rule as to how many times a student can withdraw from a class? If so, what is it?
There is no limit, but it is not a good idea: Professional schools/Business: that you're not committed/consistent, Financial Aid/VA, Housing, Working on campus
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What is an incomplete?
o Finished 97% of the class o Gives student time to finish the course o They cannot graduate with I's on their transcript o Only have a certain amount of time to complete the course, before they receive a grade o You have to ask the instructor for an I o The instructor is doing you a favor, working with you, and not getting paid to work with you o IF- Incomplete, but the expected grade to receive is an F o IC-Incomplete, but the expected grade to receive is a C o If there is no action taken, the I is dropped and the grade remains
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Define "probation," "suspension," and "dismissal."
1. Probation- Students with 24 or more credits, with less than a 2.0 cumulative GPA. A. Once you are placed on probation: Required to earn at least a 2.0 or above in each successive semester until they are able to get their cumulative GPA above 2.0 If they fail to meet these terms, they will be suspended. You have to have a 2.0 at least every semester in order to keep registering2. Suspension: A student is placed on suspension when... A. A student has attempted 24 or more credits at UHM and did not earn a minimum of 1.7 cumulative GPA. In this case, the student is suspended without ever being placed on probation. B. OR a student on probation or continued probation does not meet the terms of probation during a regular semester. C. Students are required to set out for ONE semester. D. Student Affairs Violation: disciplinary, student honor code violation 3. Dismissal: If students have been suspended and fail to meet the terms of probation, they are dismissed. Students are required to sit out for one year, take courses at CC to prove they are ready to return, write a letter explaining why they should be readmitted.
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What is the philosophy behind probation? suspension? dismissal?
1. Probation: Student is put on watch, so we can support the student 2. Suspension: Student sits out for one semester Something is not going right for the student, they need to take stock of where they are, and make a change. Students show that unless students make a concerted effort to change, no change will occur. 3. Dismissal: The student is not making adequate progress, the student sits out for one year and has to prove that he/she is ready to return.
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What are three ways students can be suspended?
A student has attempted 24 or more credits at UHM and did not earn a minimum of 1.7 cumulative GPA. B. OR a student on probation or continued probation does not meet the terms of probation during a regular semester. C. Student Affairs Violation: disciplinary, student honor code violation
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If students are on suspension, what do they need to do to be automatically readmitted?
• Automatic readmission after suspension • Students must fill in common application by deadline • Students must sit out one semester • For automatic readmission- not supposed to take courses anywhere • Students cannot take courses anywhere else (including CCs) o The university is under no obligation to accept the student back o Can take gen ed requirements at the CC • Talk to advisor if thinking of taking courses
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Is it possible to get suspended without having been on probation? Explain.
1. Yes, 2. Student Affairs violation (violation of student honor code, drugs, etc) could result in automatic dismissal 2. Once attempted24 credits, fail to earn a 1.7 or above (direct suspension) 3. Other options include: Withdrawals Minimum grade requirements GenED, major, minor / certificate Grade Replacement Policy Incompletes CR/ NC LOA
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What are some suggestions for students in academic difficulty?
1. Refer them directly to an advisor 2. Refer them to TA/Instructor 3. Refer them to tutoring services • Sinclair- depends on what the tutor's expertise is • Housing Success center (for students who dorm) • Learning Emporium - Specializes in Math and Science and ICS • SOEST- tutoring • Languages- Tutoring
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Panel III: List three of the newest majors.
1. BA- Public Health 2. BEnvD- Environmental Design 3. BS- Astrophysics 4. BS- Atmospheric Sciences
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Panel III: TIM: How many hours of internships do TIM students need to complete?
1. 400 2. 2 400 hour internships
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Panel III: ARCH = What is the ARCH degree called?
BEnvD- Environmental Design
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Panel III: SW =What course should students register for if they are interested in SW?
Social Work, 200
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Panel III: MEDT = If students are interested in BS in MEDT, where should they begin?
Associates of Science in Medical Lab Technician at Kapiolani Community College 2+ 2 model 2 years at community college to earn Medical Lab Technician and 2 years at UHM (direct admission from KCC to UHM)
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Describe 3 different ways to transfer to UHM
1. General transfer- apply to UHM with at least 24 transferable credits 12 completed, 12 in progress, 2.0 GPA requirements for HI students, 2.5 GPA for non HI residents 2. Ka'ie'ie- pathway program that allows a student to enroll at the CC's and UHM at the same time. Student could complete all gen eds at CC's and major required courses at UHM 3. Auto admit- only for students within the UH system (generated by STAR , and student must be in good academic standingAdditional information: Manoa Transfer Coordination Center (MTCC)-
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Explain whether and how AP /IB scores count at UHM.
Yes. 1. Students should go to Admissions to make sure the scores were submitted.
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Why is the "2 + 2" model the most effective for community college transfer students?
2+2 model CC (year one and year two at CC to complete gen eds) University (year three and year four to fulfill major and graduation requirements) 1. Effective financially- courses at the community college cost less money 2. Effective timewise-the student would only have two years to complete after transferring
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Ways to be admitted to UHM
• General Admissions • Freshmen( high school or below 24 credits) Straight out of hs or if you've attended a CC and have less than 24 credits you are considered a Freshmen • International • Second Bachelor's Degree o Usually discouraged unless there is a total change in career path o Sociology- to Nursing • Transfer o Freshmen o Under 24 credits o Have specific high school course requirements o SAT or ACT scores o Homeschool Most common is freshmen and transfer
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Name four learning styles according to VARK Inventory.
1. Visual 2. Aural 3. Reading/Writing 4. Kinesthetic
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What is the difference between an "academic" plan and an "educational" plan?
1. Academic plan- planning out courses, major, time to degree. 2. Educational plan- more broad (includes engagement opportunities, clubs, internships, etc.)
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4 tutoring resources, and know the difference
1. Learning Assistance Center- specific courses, study strategies, and note taking tips, by appointment, but will take walk-ins, subject specific generally hour long sessions. Only one hour per subject, per week. Can receive tutoring in multiple subjects. 2. Supplemental instruction-specific courses but depends on the semester, also offer study sessions for missed classes. 3. Learning Emporium-Math and Sciences, group tutoring at tables 4. Online learning academy-targeted for high school students (English Math, and Science)
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In higher education, why does "engagement" matter?
engagement matters because it fosters a sense of connection to campus and increases retention and persistence rates for students. Engagement information- student life and development Engagement at UH M?noa SLD- 3 main programs: New Student Orientation Student Recreation Services Events & Campus Life Services
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What are RIOs and CSOs?
1. Registered Independent Organizations 2. Chartered Student Organizations
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What is the difference between NSE and Study Abroad?
National Student Exchange (NSE) Study Abroad
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