Identify the key elements of the resistance to change described in this situation Essay Example
1. Introduction
1.1 The current changes in the public service at this time is very fast and brings with it challenges very different from before.
1.2 Globalization has opened up space for easy access to markets, technology, capital, labor and other inputs.
1.3 Development of information technology gives us the space to deal with the problem in a more rapid, transparent and flexible. This gives a space to think about new methods of public servants in relation to its customers aimed at improving the delivery of services.
1.4 At this time the services customers want fast, accurate, easy and friendly. At the same time, information technology create a pressure for faster decision-making or immediately through the use of information technology.
1.5 For public services, human capital is an important asse
...t and should be managed and developed strategically. The Human Resource Management Division and will implement various changes and improvements to align human capital management practices with the vision, mission and objectives to be achieved and the nation state.
1.6 Operational Plan Training (Training Road Map) Majlis Perbandaran Alor Gajah (MPAG) has been developed to conform and meet the requirements of the Human Resources Strategic Plan, which aims; setting strategic direction, ensuring organizational capacity; manage quality employees; developing competency resources mankind, performance management, recognition and reward, and a culture of high potential work.
1.7 MPAG public servants in general and himself in particular, must adapt to the immediate access to information, changes and customer expectations of stake holders as well as the ever-changing technology and improved from time to time. By The Such courses followed by all
officers and staff MPAG used for their preparation to face any challenges and problems in service. MPAG Training Operational Plan is designed for a period of five (5) year period from 2010 to 2015. Alor Gajah Municipal Council is a Local Authority (LA) service-oriented people is the prime mover in making the Alor Gajah as well developed and beautiful area. Development administration area was developed simultaneously with the overall development of the state of Malacca, with major emphasis from industrial sectors, tourism and agriculture. The existence of infrastructure also accelerate the inflow of local and foreign investors to invest and create employment opportunities for the local community.
It is the hope MPAG to provide the best possible service to the community under the affair. Therefore, MPAG will maximize all efforts to develop the area in order to achieve progress and prosperity.
Alor Gajah Municipal Council is a Local Authority (LA) service-oriented people is the prime mover in making the Alor Gajah as well developed and beautiful area. Development administration area was developed simultaneously with the overall development of the state of Malacca, with major emphasis from industrial sectors, tourism and agriculture. The existence of infrastructure also accelerate the inflow of local and foreign investors to invest and create employment opportunities for the local community.
It is the hope MPAG to provide the best possible service to the community under the affair. Therefore, MPAG will maximize all efforts to develop the area in order to achieve progress and prosperity.
2. Discussion
2.1 Training Policy Policy Public Sector Human Resource Training has determined that each member of the civil service must be
equipped or furnished with the right attitude, skills and experience developed through a program of planned human resource development based on competence development and continuous learning.
This requirement is in line with the vision, mission and objectives of MPAG. Therefore, it is appropriate to coincide Training Policy Human Resources planned and implemented. This is because human capital is Key Asset to the Public Administration.
2.2 Objective Training To achieve the goals outlined several planned training objectives as follows:
- Disclose staff with the Code of Conduct Officer MPAG and MPAG members who form the core of the civil service. Provide a qualified member of MPAG, capable and competent in carrying out their best.
- Implement Human Development training and career planned for MPAG members.
- Completing the officers and members of the MPAG with the ability and capacity to be able to perform tasks quickly and meet the standards or targets.
- Fostering a culture of acquire knowledge and continuous learning among members of MPAG.
Provide basic understanding and skills of administration and office management, especially to newly recruited staff that are exposed to the right and best thing from an early stage before they start work.
2.3 Responsibilities Of Training Unit For the realization of a plan formulated policy at MPAG, Human Resources Management Division has been mandated with the responsibility of implementing it. Therefore, some clear rules as outlined below:
- Plan and identify the training needs of public services more systematically.
- Planning and certifying officer training staff to follow through the Human Resource Management Division MPAG.
- Manage, review and
planning is necessary to provide opportunities and greater exposure to the officers attending short courses and long term.
Responsible for preparing reports to MPAG on the following matters:
- Courses Travel Report;
- To ensure that all courses are organized and recorded the details of attendance;
- All available courses organized for the purpose of the certificate of attendance records in the Record of Service, and review and appraisal done on all course work to make improvements from time to time.
2.4 Strategy And Approach To Training Division of Human Resource Management outlines specific strategies and approaches to achieve efficiency and competency of the staff MPAG. Strategy and approach to training is in line with the Strategic Plan for Human Resources, among which are:
a) Planning Course Human Resource Management Division will design and develop the types of courses / training / seminars / workshops that are appropriate to use internal or external expertise.
b) Implementation Course Calendar Year Division of Human Resource Management provides a calendar of courses throughout the year for officers and staff of MPAG.
c) Encourage Participation Courses / Seminars / Training / Workshops Human Resources Management Division also encourages and provides encouragement that all employees MPAG can join any courses / seminars / training / workshops organized by the MPAG or other agencies from within or outside the state of Malacca. Human Resource Management Division will implement participation methods course at least 7 days in a year to each of the officers
and staff of MPAG.
2.5 Implementation Of Training
2.5.1 Training Needs Analysis (TNA) Human Resource Management Division will conduct a study and analysis of training needs for all staff MPAG based on the actual needs of employees : -
a) Management & Professional.
b) Support Group I.
c) Support Group II.
d) 2 Implementation Training.
2.5.2 Implementation of all forms of training, including course / seminar / workshop / briefing are:
a) Strengthening the expertise of specialized expertise and broad expertise. Example : Financial Courses, Courses Land, ICT Courses.
b) General expertise focused on culture-related courses and improving work organization and teamwork.
2.6 Basic Training
Human Resource Management Division will provide two forms of basic training to officers and staff recruitment is through Induction Course and General Induction.
Induction Course is a short-term training to introduce and expose officers and staff to the working world.
General Induction Course was a complete course and covers a longer period and to meet the needs confirmation in service.
2.7 Evaluation and Improvement Training
a) Each course will be organized through an assessment evaluation form. Course evaluation will be done by the participants to the course based on several criteria such as the following:
1. The effectiveness of the course modules.
2. The effectiveness of the delivery of lectures.
3. Facilities and equipment support.
4. Travel courses overall.
b) From this evaluation course secretariat could make an assessment exercise course and seek a different approach to improvement courses for the session ahead.
2.8 Monitoring Staff Training
a) The monitoring throughout the
year for all types of training conducted Human Resource Management Division will evaluate the necessity of a course / workshop is continued and included in the training plan for next year and the years to come.
b) This is intended to give the effect of each course is held.
2.9 Monitoring Staff
Monitoring is intended to identify any of the officers and staff who have yet to attend a course or courses not enough number of days per year.
2.10 Annual Financial Provisions / Budget Training
To realize the plan, prepared and laid out, the financial provision is required. For 2009, the Human Resources Management Division MPAG has been allocated a budget of RM134, 401.45 and in 2010 amounted to RM168, 875.37. Financial allocation is for operating expenditure for the course / training organized by the Human Resources Management Division MPAG.
To realize the plan, prepared and laid out, the financial provision is required. Financial allocation is for operating expenditure for the course / training organized by the Human Resources Management Division MPAG as in Appendix A.
3. Opinion or comment
My opinion is, MPAG has provided training / courses adequate to all employees. MPAG members are required to attend at least 7 days in a year. With the availability of training in accordance with the terms of reference, it can improve the performance of employees in addition to producing a quality product or service to the organization or customer.
However, the training should be reviewed on an appropriate and frequency. This is to avoid the tired staff should attend the same course every year. My suggestion
is have a team building every two or three years for strengthen the relation of employees.
Through training, knowledge, skills, attitudes and personal values of an employee can be increased in line with the changes that occur within the scope of their career (Hellriegel, Jackson and Slocum, 1999).
4. Conclusion
With the implementation of this MPAG Training Operational Plan, the following matters, namely :
- Setting Direction Training / Course;
- Ensure Organizational Capacity;
- Makes the Officers and Staff MPAG quality;
- Developing Competencies and Staff Officer;
- Performance Management, Recognition and Rewards, and Establishment of the Excellent Work Culture.
Will be achieved and thus will generate services to achieve aspects of high performance work culture characterized by commitment, fun work, trust, pro-active and openness, minimal complaints about corruption and misconduct of public service. Customer requirements and stakeholder expectations of current and future, through ongoing environmental survey and linking up close and friendly communication.
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