Have no time? Stuck with ideas? We have collected a lot of interesting and useful Tradition essay topics for you in one place to help you quickly and accurately complete your college assignment! Check out our essay examples on Tradition and you will surely find something to your liking!

Swamp Dweller Kearlie Essay Example
1062 words 4 pages

The play The Swamp Dwellers portrays the clash between traditional and modern lifestyles in Africa, showcasing the previous harmony that existed among individuals and society in southern Nigeria. It also explores the conflict between tradition and modernity, reflecting the challenges faced by swamp dwellers while emphasizing the importance of accepting new ideas. Additionally, the play [

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APA Education Nigeria Religion School Tradition
Tim Winton and Zohra Saed Essay Example
1030 words 4 pages

Many authors use their literary works as an outlet for their personal feeling and opinions on issues present within their cultures, history and personal lives. Zohra Saed’s poems, Nomad’s Market: Flushing Queens and What the Scar Revealed, published in 2003, both address issues that she finds significant in her Afghani refugee context. Tim Winton uses [

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Animals Anthropology Australia Civil Liberties Computer Software Cultural Anthropology Culture Database Event Government Human Rights Law Social Science Technology Tradition Value
Alexander Mcqueen Victimisation Report Essay Example
494 words 2 pages

The contemporary designer whose design philosophy best reflects Evan’s analysis of McQueen’s representations on the theme of ‘Victimisation’ is the label Victor & Rolf. Victor & Rolf’s design philosophy is ‘originality and traditions, glamour, avant-garde, conceptual- couture’ (FashionTraveler. com, 2011:1). The Victor & Rolf collection I have chosen from is Autumn/Winter 2008/2009 in order to [

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Abuse Support Aesthetics Bullying Children Clothing Design Education Health School Tradition
Explication of Women Essay Example
625 words 3 pages

In “Women”, the speaker discusses a women’s purpose: objects in place for support and satisfaction of men. May Swenson conveys the traditional passivity of women through physical placement of words, concrete imagery, and submissive tone. The first notable characteristic of “Women” is the physical form of the poem itself. The shape of the poem strengthens [

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Education Health Horse Human Sexuality Poem Poetry School Tradition
Responsible Tourism Essay Example
2811 words 11 pages

While responsible tourism is fast becoming a global trend nowadays, some may wonder if it makes better business sense than traditional mass tourism. By defining the words “business sense” from Cambridge dictionary, it means an understanding of the ways in which business works successfully and/or if something makes good business sense, it will help a [

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APA Business Operations Business Process Education Management Natural Environment School Tourism Tradition World Tourism Organization
Harold Innis and the Oral Tradition Essay Example
714 words 3 pages

Harold Innis’ theories successfully characterize the many different ways of human communication throughout his lifetime. Now commonly referred to as media, communication technologies have evolved and become as complex as humans themselves have changed throughout time. Recalling a question asked by his philosophy professor, why do we attend to the things in which we attend, [

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Internet Time Tradition
Eli Lilly: The Elvista Project Essay Example
643 words 3 pages

1.What is a “heavyweight project team” and how does it differ from the traditional approach used for organizing projects at Eli Lilly? Their traditional approach was much less organized and personal. Heavy weight teams at Eli Lilly were setup so that specialized individuals would work on one project (as opposed to several) led by a [

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Business Operations Business Process Education Health Care Management Medicine School Tradition
Super Bakery’s Costing Methods Essay Example
654 words 3 pages

Assigning cost can be a tedious process, and traditional costing methods such as job order and process order costing systems will not accurately assign cost. Super Bakery, Inc. , a company that produces nutrient enriched doughnuts, had to restructure their costing system in order to appropriately price their products. It was eventually decided to use [

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Business Process Children Cost Accounting Costs Education Evaluation School Tradition
A Raisin In The Sun and Everyday Use Essay Example
1315 words 5 pages

Lorraine Hansberry’s “A Raisin In The Sun” and Alice Walker’s “Everyday Use” are both stories that are connected by the common factor of family values. Although both stories have their own individual qualities it is the heritage and importance of family that brings both stories together. The similar personalities of Beneatha from “A Raisin In [

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A raisin in the sun Conformity Social Psychology Tradition
What Is Civilazation Essay Example
596 words 3 pages

Civilization, as proposed by Will Durant, is a societal structure promoting cultural growth. He identifies four key pillars of any civilization – economic survival, political system, moral customs, and the quest for learning and arts. He believes these factors are at the core of every civilization’s foundation. To corroborate his theory, he urges us to [

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Civilization Education Law Politics School Society Tradition
Belonging Place Essay Example
1024 words 4 pages

Finding a sense of belonging to a place can influence an individual’s sense of acceptance within the community and culture or opposingly can enhance their sense of isolation and alienation from society. This is reflected through Raimond Gaita’s memoir Romulus My Father and Manfred Jurgensen’s poem Bonegilla 1916 through extensive literary devices. We learn individuals [

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Australia Children Health Perception Reflective Sense Tradition
Emails from Mohja Kahf: A version of Scheherezad Essay Example
710 words 3 pages

Satirist writers are here to stay! That seems to be Kahf wanted to convey the public. And essentially, when she said words are to die for but realistically it is – to live for. Her style is very much contemporary despite of her traditional cultural values. In her book Emails from Scheherezad, the reader would [

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Anthropology Education Human Love Poetry Race Religion School Science Social Science Society Tradition
Traditional Costing Versus Activity-Based Costing Advantages and Disadvantages Essay Example
1160 words 5 pages

Traditional costing versus Activity-based costing Advantages and disadvantages Costing systems are the programs that supply information about the value of direct labor hours and numbers of units produced. With the help of data such as product cost, the managers can generate estimation of cost associated with different activity carried in the organization. The costs systems [

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Cost Accounting Labour Economics Purchasing Tradition
All Saints Day Essay Example
251 words 1 page

In many countries, All Saints Day is a solemn holiday set aside to remember the dead, in the Philippines the holiday is a day of festivities. November 1 marks the beginning of the Filipino “Araw ng mga Patay,” the celebration of the Day of the Dead. The celebration continues through the next day, All Souls [

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Christianity Holiday Kids travel Tradition
Cultural Differences Analysis Essay Example
1714 words 7 pages

Differences between cultures are wide-ranging and there are also many differences among cultures that are geographically close. The noticeable differences are from the uniqueness of specific cultures or of an individual influenced from belonging to his or her family culture. Families have tremendously strong connections for an individual to remain within and follow the customs [

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Family Nonverbal Communication Tradition
Beetle on a String Essay Example
246 words 1 page

Vince Gotera’s Poem “Beetle on a String” refers to the Philippines cultural traditions of a father teaching his son how to catch and tie beetles as pets. The author explains it to be a Filipino children’s sport. This is a cultural aspect of the Philippines is with very strong family values and traditions. It is [

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APA Body Art Education Fashion Poem School Tradition
The Evolution of Self in Asian-American Women in the USA Essay Example
4552 words 17 pages

The conflict of a typical mother/daughter relationship exists in many cultures. This conflict for many Asian-American women was further exasperated as these women were forced to also deal with adjusting as first, second, and third generation Americans in a sometimes unwelcome society. As a child, Japanese-American Janice Mirikitani, was interned, along with her mother, at [

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Evolution Mother Tradition
Origin of Calypso Essay Example
420 words 2 pages

Calypso is one of the most significant traditions in Caribbean music. Calypso began on the twin island nation of Trinidad and Tobago. The rhythms of calypso can be traced quite back to the seventeenth century. This was when the first enslaved Africans were brought to Trinidad to work on the sugar plantations. While the Africans [

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Education Popular music School Tradition
Alternative Ending of We’re Very Poor by Juan Rulfo Essay Example
309 words 2 pages

Looking back on memories decade years ago, Tacha couldn’t help but smiling over her childlike manifestation of hopes and dreams to keep away from poverty and hardships in life as she believes in our tradition that by having marriage (or the dowry before the marriage in particular) can make her live a wealthy life. She [

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Education Marriage Personal School Social Institution Tradition
Jonkonnu in Jamaica Essay Example
1472 words 6 pages

According to Pamela and Martin Mordecai, they opined that culture is referred to “whatever traditions, beliefs, customs, and creative activities characterize a given community. ” Every group has its own specific culture, its own way of seeing, doing and making its own traditions. Jonkunnu is a Jamaican traditional dance of African origin. Cheryl Ryman postulated [

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Dance Jamaica Music Tradition
Stamp Collecting Essay Example
665 words 3 pages

Cathy Song’s poem entitled “Stamp Collecting” is an illustration of culture of several countries. The narrator discussed the use of stamps – to sell tourism in a country. The narrator gave various examples to justify the claim. She shows that stamp collecting is a depiction of cultural heritage. Not just a simple part of the [

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Literature Poetry Tradition
Damro: Reach the Globe with Furniture Essay Example
392 words 2 pages

Established in 1986, Damro has come a long way from its humble beginnings. It’s current vision is to be among the world’s largest furniture manufacturers offering a diverse range of modern and traditional furniture. It has expansion plans for over 150 Showrooms globally, while already there are over 50 showrooms in India alone. According to [

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APA Brand Business Process Education Manufacturing School Tradition

Popular Questions About Tradition

What is the best meaning of tradition?
1 : the handing down of information, beliefs, or customs from one generation to another. 2 : a belief or custom handed down from one generation to another. tradition. noun. tra·​di·​tion.
What is an example of tradition?
The definition of a tradition is a custom or belief that is passed down through the generations or that is done time after time or year after year. An example of a tradition is eating turkey on Thanksgiving or putting up a tree on Christmas.
What is another meaning for tradition?
custom, practice, convention, ritual, ceremony, observance, wont, routine, way, rule, usage, habit. institution, principle, belief. formal praxis.
What is tradition and culture?
The main difference between culture and tradition is that traditions describe a group's beliefs and behaviors that are passed down from one generation to another. Culture describes the shared characteristics of the entire group, which has been amassed throughout its history.
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