Song Essays
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Song Profile: Paranoid Android by Radiohead Radiohead is a five piece alternative rock band formed in 1985 in Oxfordshire, England. The group is comprised of lead vocalist, guitarist and band figurehead Thom Yorke, guitarist and keyboard player Jonny Greenwood, guitarist and vocalist Ed O’Brien, bass player Colin Greenwood, and drummer/percussionist Phil Selway. Radiohead rose to […]
Have you ever thought of a time when a beautiful sound or sight made you lose track of what was going on around you? What do you think about dangerously beautiful music? Is Lorelei only a legend or something more? Close your eyes and imagine this beauty. ‘The Lorelei’, on the bank of the Rhine […]
The song “My Walking Stick” by Golden Gate Quartet is described as being performed in a barbershop style, featuring four male singers accompanied by a guitar. The song begins with the guitar playing an arpeggio to establish the key, while the singers sing a chord that matches the highest pitch played by the guitar. The […]
To make up for the holiday concert missed, I went to church on Sunday, Jan. 20 to critique the choir there. It was at Life Center in Tacoma, with the choir being made up of about 20 people; there were equal amounts of men and women singing. The service started at 10:30 a. M. , […]
Fix You by Coldplay, is one of my number one song that I’ll never get tired of listening it. It seems to relate to my life and this song reach out to my feelings. It seems to also inspire me in a way that its okay sometimes to feel sad. I read in a magazine, […]
Has been received as being more typical amongst their albums, inferior to the band’s previous release, or some even describe it as being confusing— overall, just not their best work—but I have personally chosen this album to talk about because it caught my attention through the different styles of music present in the album and […]
Hullabaloo in the Guava Orchard Kiran Desai, author of ‘Hullabaloo in the Guava Orchard’ is an excellent writer with a flexible style of writing that can alternate between a invading, noisy tone mimicking the dirty cities full of loud inconsiderate people and a beautiful, dreamlike tone mimicking the heavens. Her novel is full of vivid […]
“Can you cook books and feed them to your husband? Stay at home with your mother. Learn to cook and clean. Grow vegetables. ” – Tambu ‘s father quote and “And these days it is worse, with the poverty of blackness on one side and the weight of womanhood on the other. Aiwa! What will […]
The other day I was shopping for groceries when a man bumped into me. On impulse I rendered a quick “I’m sorry” which was followed by him excusing the matter before going about his business. As I proceeded to checkout, it occurred to me: What was I sorry for? Sorry I’m not seven feet tall […]
It is, quite honestly, one of the best-written books I have ever read, ever. I think it took me such a long time to read because the first few pages or so didn’t really attract me, in terms of plot, but Chabon’s sentences, my goodness. His sentences are flawless. I want to marry his sentences. […]
CASE STUDIES CASE: Tom’s of Maine: “Doing Business” Means “Doing Good” Questions: 1. Does the Tom’s of Maine experience prove that one can “do business with principles,” or are there business realities that make it hard for others to copy this principled management model? Yes, because what Tom’s of Maine did is that they made […]
Garbage first joined the music scene in the year 1995 to a better level of critical acclaim. I really appreciated their first two albums as they enjoyed a lot of commercial success all around the entire world. However, the scheme was lost with the release of their following two albums. They did not achieve the […]
John Francis Bongiovi is an American rock musician who is well known for his rock songs since the beginning of the 1980s. Some of the well known anthems by this artist are ‘Wanted Dead or Alive’ and the ‘Livin’ on a Prayer’ up to date remains to be among the most popular hits which are […]
`Michael Joseph Jackson is the official names of the singers in America, dancer, songwriter, producer and actor who are commonly known as Michael Jackson the pop king. His great music, dancing and fashion made him to be a great celebrity globally for over forty years. He was born in august 29th, 1958 to the family […]
This is a soft rock music, broken down into four parts, the hook, melody, bridge and the chorus. It is heartland rock genre music; it is characterized by having a straightforward music style. The verses of the song are some kind of a narrative that describes a person undergoing hard times and the choruses have […]
The transatlantic slave trade proved to be one of the most socially and psychologically challenging ordeal for the Africans captured and those left back at home due to the separation with their loved ones. Africans had deep cultural beliefs and practices; they had deep faith in their religion and cultural norms. Those who got captured […]
Introduction Changes was produced after Tupac was shot dead in a runaway shoot in Las Vegas. It was among the many songs that were not released by the rapper but was released later after his death. It raises the curiosity why he did not have released yet it is the most selling song as compared […]
The song “Waving Through A Window” is from the musical Dear Evan Hansen. Dear Evan Hansen is written by Benji Pasek, Justin Paul (music and lyrics), and Steven Levenson (book). The show opened on Broadway at the Music Box Theater in December of 2016. Before it opened on Broadway, the show debuted in Washington D.C […]
Robert Schumann – Die Die Schöne Müllerin Journey Motives in Piano The piano plays a vital role in this song cycle that singers cannot be sung without piano accompaniment. The musical structure is so intertwined between voice and piano that either party cannot completely represent the character or set the scene of the song cycle. […]
What’s going on is a song written but Marvin Gaye, who was a soul singer and songwriter during the 1960’s and 1970’s. He would produce his own records and most to of the time his songs talked about controversial themes. The song what’s going on was released on May 21, 1971. This song does talk […]
When listing the names of music legends, Aretha Franklin, the queen of soul, is among that list. Born in Memphis, Tennessee 1972, no one expected someone from such background to make huge hits that will shake the nation to its core. She was the fourth of five children to Baptist preacher Reverend Clarence la Vaughan […]