Social Science Essays
Many students are faced with the problem of finding ideas for writing their essays. This website contains a database with more than 50 000 essay examples, using which you can easily find inspiration for creating your own essay on Social Science.
Here you will find many different essay topics on Social Science. You will be able to confidently write your own paper on the influence of Social Science on various aspects of life, reflect on the importance of Social Science, and much more. Keep on reading!
Religion and religious institutions play a powerful role in influencing a society and the lives of its members. The sociological traditions of Marx and Durkheim view religion totally differently, yet they both agree that religion is a very important aspect of a society. During his career, Marx spoke little on the subject of religion. However, […]
The auditor must select suitable types and methods of testing to ensure the client’s financial statements are fairly presented and the client has maintained effective internal control over financial reporting. The chosen procedures must be persuasive, appropriate, sufficient, relevant, and reliable. Additionally, the auditing team inquired about the economic lives of the client’s lists and […]
Where were you – your soul, your spirit – before you were born? If the soul is immortal, did it have a “life” before your birth? Plato believed that the soul existed prior to our existence in human form. In Plato’s theory, “ Our souls possess knowledge of the Forms before we are born, and […]
1. Various articles discuss `oppression’. Using those articles and the text discuss the concept of `oppression’. What would you consider as the essence of oppression – and how does that relate to race, class, and gender?Oppression basically differs from it is from or depends on the origin of oppression. Oppression is an act of pulling […]
As a requirement for our Introduction to Philosophy class, I just finish reading 95 percent of the book “Sophie’s World” by Jostein Gaarder. Indeed, this book is phenomenal because of its huge success and as a literary breakthrough in the world of Philosophy. Also it combines the teaching and appreciation of Philosophy with a simple […]
Much has been written about radicalisation in Pakistan without emphasis on the conceptual grounding of what radicalisation really is. The Oxford dictionary, till 2006, did not provide a definition of `radicalisation`, `radicalism`, or even `radicalise`, which clearly shows the recent evolution of the term. It does, however, list these terms as derivatives of `radical`, which means […]
Meaning and relevance of Philippine History History is the science whose business is to study events not accessible to our observations, and to study these events inferentially (Philippine Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences 1993). History is not merely the records of past events: it is the record of what one’s age find worthy of […]
The theorist that I resonated the most with was Viktor Frankl. Reading Frankl’s biographical influences on his theory really inspired me. Through all the horrific struggles, Frankl never lost hope. He always had a good head on his shoulders and the right mindset. Frankl’s theories developed after surviving the Holocaust, believing that “those who had a […]
In the essay “The Step Not Taken” by Paul D’Angelo, the narrator takes the reader on his personal journey to find a satisfactory way to respond to another’s suffering. This story follows the basic plot structure of a monomyth: the separation, the struggle and initiation and the return and reintegration. In the beginning of the […]
Mental Models refer to the representation, image, or schemes that humans have regarding how they perceive and understand the world around them. A mental model is our internal understanding of how something works. It consists of ideas, beliefs, and verbal descriptions that we consciously or unconsciously have acquired from our own experiences. These mental models […]
There are five modifiers of voluntary Act. These are Ignorance, concupiscence, fear, violence and habits. When we say ignorance, it is lack of knowledge which man ought to have of his moral duties and responsibilities. Concupiscence which is also called as passions, it has strong tendencies towards the possession of something good. Fear refers to […]
Thomas Szasz declared that while many people talk about discovering themselves, the truth is that the self is actually built and not found. According to popular wisdom, selfhood is not innate but rather nurtured and cultivated over time. An excellent demonstration of this idea can be found in Francis Bacon’s timeless essay “Of Studies.” While […]
Have you ever felt the pressure or need to be perfect? We live in a society where perfection is a paramount and the slightest flaw separates you from the norm. Cecelia Ahern depicts this remarkably in the novel ‘Flawed’. Flawed is set in a powerful society where perfection is valued above humanity, and the protagonist […]
Faulks and Wolfe present the perpetual desire and greed, imperatives which have driven characters within their novels “A Week in December” and “Bonfire of the Vanities”. Faulks presents London as multicultural though distinctly uncultured metropolis in the opening page of his latest novel “A Week in December”. From the opening sentence, we as the reader […]
‘The philosophers have only interpreted the world in various ways; the point, however, is to change it. ‘ German playwright, Bertolt Brechts object was to apply this to the theatre. Living through the social and economic turmoil in the 1920’s in Germany, Brecht helped develop a radical new theory of drama. He was one of […]
“The Imp. .. ” is a story that demonstrates on many levels the theme of Perversity. It begins with a very impersonal, discursive tone, examining humanity’s tendency to be perverse in the style of a metaphysical essay. The language here deliberately unsettles the reader with its use of rhetorical questions and superfluous repetitions: “If we […]
John Smith is 33 year old and he suffers from a lot of disorders. He has epilepsy (seizures), cerebral palsy (paralysis), blood circulation problems, osteoporosis (weak bones), scoliosis, chest infection and nasal polyps (build-up of mucus). John and his family has provided a care plan that is essential in order to properly look after John, […]
Throughout their lifetime, scientists have created clones of mice, sheep, and monkeys, which raises the question of whether humans could be next. Currently, researchers are focusing on human genetic engineering and therapeutic cloning, which involves obtaining stem cells from a human embryo, often acquired from aborted fetuses or the umbilical cord at birth, leading to […]
The application of Appeasement to British Foreign policy post World War One remains a highly debated topic amongst historians, mainly regarding the use and reasons for the policy and its ineffectiveness. Appeasement generally refers to ‘The policy of settling disputes by peaceful means and compromise rather than by resort to war’1. It is mostly associated […]
Coherentism is all about fitting our beliefs to make a network of them; they are all linked and fit in together. E. g. I receive a postcard but there is nothing on it apart from my address and the postmark. The only person I know who will send me a postcard with nothing on is […]
It was clear to see that the moral issues facing this character, Adam Sandler (The Waterboy), were that he either had a social life where he goes out with his friends, goes to the movies, has fun and plays and trains for football on the weekend or stays at home with his mum and does […]
“The Son’s Veto” basically revolves around the relationship between a mother and son. This short story offers us, the readers, a very insightful critique of the social class system in-place in England during the nineteenth century. The plot begins where the story introduced the protagonist, Sophy, who is a rather “humble” human from a rural […]