Social Science Essays
Many students are faced with the problem of finding ideas for writing their essays. This website contains a database with more than 50 000 essay examples, using which you can easily find inspiration for creating your own essay on Social Science.
Here you will find many different essay topics on Social Science. You will be able to confidently write your own paper on the influence of Social Science on various aspects of life, reflect on the importance of Social Science, and much more. Keep on reading!
For Sigmund Freud, the founder of psychoanalysis, our personality is rooted in the dynamics of our unconscious; all the ideas, thoughts, and feelings of which we are normally unaware. Freud identified sexual and aggressive instincts as the primary unconscious drives that determine human behavior. According to Freud, personality is made of three structures: the id, […]
The Universe Next Door: Ethics and Worldviews A worldview is the set of beliefs that is fundamentally grounded in each person’s heart whether they realize it or not, whether they hold true to it or not. Put simply, it is the basis on which a person lives his/her life. Therefore, ethics, the defining of right […]
Introduction The White Heron is a spiritual story portraying great refinement and concerns with higher things in life. A 9 year old girl once isolated in the city found fulfillment in a farm surrounded by nature. Too those less unfortunate, money charm and other attractions can be intoxicated; Sylvia did not bite. She could have […]
Reason is a way of knowing in which we construct meanings together through modifying and improving individual opinions and ideas, in order to reach a plausible or logical conclusion. In other words, reason is the ability to help people decide what is true and what is not. Most of the time, reason is more commonly […]
Edward B. Tylor A discussion of a nineteenth-century theorist in anthropology cannot be conducted without insight into the environment from which he/she came. As in any science, environment and time period is an influential part of any individual’s developing theory. To appreciate the theories of Sir Edward Burnett Tylor (1832-1917), his social influences must also […]
A Reluctant Master Girish Karnad says that, though the English writers and the thought of writing in English influenced him, it was unknowingly that he became a playwright and started writing in Kannada. ‘Yakshagana’, the traditional folk theatre of Karnataka, influenced him. Karnad’s plays, Yayathi, Hayavadana, Tughlag, and Nagamandala certainly reveal this influence. Two Folktales […]
I will be reading you an inspiration poem from Douglas Malloch. Malloch was an American poet, short story writer, and associate editor of American Lumberman magazine. In this poem he is telling us that we should not worry about what happened yesterday, or what may happen tomorrow, but to live one day at a time! […]
Chapter 1: Theoretical Approaches to International Relations Since the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989 and the tumult of the Central-Eastern European Theater there has been a major shift in the international community. The social science community studied the international state based on a bipolar framework present during the Cold War. Movement from Bipolarity […]
The purpose of this paper is to prove that Socrates is successful in replying to the objections of Simmias and Cebes in Plato’s Phaedo, and in proving the soul to be immortal. Simmias’ objection basically challenges Socrates’ claim that the soul is immortal. Simmias inquires why the soul is not similar to a lyre and […]
The meaning behind the statement prior to the question is uncertain. There is uncertainty about what is meant by “science,” in what capacity science is ‘supreme,’ and what “knowledge” entails. Due to limitations of space, I will make logical deductions about the intention of this statement. Defining knowledge, for the sake of addressing this question, […]
“Cultural Mosaic“ There are many different types of ethnicities throughout the world, all of which have their own system of living, praying, and joining with one another. We as humans refer to this as culture, culture sums up everything that we do as citizens or do differently as persons in one word. This word is […]
Will M. Annie Dillard’s “The Wreck of Time” Annie Dillard’s “The Wreck of Time” is a unique piece of writing. The essay has no clear thesis statement, lacks transitions between paragraphs and provides no obvious connection between its various subsections. Upon first reading Dillard’s piece, one might think that it’s little more than a series […]
Aphorism 341 An important underlying assumption of discovering that one’s life is stuck in a cyclical eternal recurrence is that one will not be able to carry over one’s memory in any way from one cycle to the next. Thus the revelation of the demon is only pertinent in shaping one’s behavior and thinking for […]
The ‘father of academic sociology’ (Hopkins Burke, 2006), Emile Durkheim believed that crime was an important necessity in every society as it played important functional roles in the maintenance of social cohesion, the continuity of social progress and the establishment and reinforcement of societal norms. He stated that criminality was a normal phenomenon, its influence […]
Social Psychology defines persuasion as a combination of persuasive arguments and the number of arguments used in a message to influence the persuasion. There are two routes to Persuasion and they are the Central and Peripheral. The central route states that by using arguments that are direct and pertinent the likelihood of successful persuasion is […]
Plato’s Guardian Class Guardians are put into place to defend morality and rule society because they know the truth and posses the knowledge and wisdom of true forms. In order for there to be a just state, there must be a balance between the different types of people, namely; reason dominated, spirit dominated and appetite […]
Kubla Khan Coleridge worked out an own theory of imagination, which can be divided into a Primary one, in other words the faculty by which we perceive the external world, and a Secondary one, which regards the faculty that a poet has to idealize. Fancy is instead inferior to it, because it’s just a logical […]
1. What is your evaluation of Chung’s performance? Chung has been operating under what he feels are the established norms for his culture. Ted’s relationship with the Taiwanese client exhibits the Chinese management principles of paternalism, particularism, and insecurity. The patron-client relationship is based in a sense of mutual obligation, where the client is expected […]
“Actions speak louder than words” Essay I firmly believe that actions speak louder than words because when a person does something, everybody who is around will judge the result of the action and will connect it to the person who did it. In my opinion it is better to prove someone that you are a […]
Type Public (NYSE: BRKA, NYSE: BRKB) Founded1839 (as Valley Falls Company) Founder Warren Buffett Headquarters Omaha, Nebraska Area servedUSA Key peopleWarren E. Buffett (Chairman) & (CEO) Charles T. Munger (Vice Chairman) Industry Property and casualty insurance, Diversified investments Products Conglomerate focused on insurance Market cap US$ 196 Billion (2008) Revenue ^ US$ 118. 245 Billion […]
Petersburg underprivileged environment of poverty and sadness. It focuses on Irrationals and his struggle In life after he commits the murder which portrays his psychological dilemma throughout the novel. The novel also focuses on equally sinful Sonic who works as a prostitute and her saintly behavior makes Irrationals accept his guilt. In this paper we […]
Emma is a novel about a young woman who develops a passion for matchmaking which does not always end up as planned. During the time the novel was written, social status was determined by a combination of family background, reputation, and wealth and of course marriage was one of the mall ways In which one […]