Social Science Essays
Many students are faced with the problem of finding ideas for writing their essays. This website contains a database with more than 50 000 essay examples, using which you can easily find inspiration for creating your own essay on Social Science.
Here you will find many different essay topics on Social Science. You will be able to confidently write your own paper on the influence of Social Science on various aspects of life, reflect on the importance of Social Science, and much more. Keep on reading!
The Augustinian theodicy, originating from St Augustine, is grounded in biblical references, particularly in the narratives of creation and the fall in Genesis. Its central premise consists of two assertions: firstly, that evil did not stem from God, as His creation was without imperfections and absolute; secondly, that evil is a consequence of human free […]
Known as one of the world’s greatest mysteries, Atlantis is a legend written by the Greek philosopher Plato. The legend was written thousands of years ago, but it is still talked about today (Smith Michael and Debora Smith). Scholars often argue that Atlantis existed, but those that do not agree remind those scholars that there […]
Practice Questions for FALL FINAL Biology KEY Note: These are a few sample questions that you can work through for more practice with genetics and experimental design. You should also review the evolution and experimental design quizzes and exams. These questions do NOT cover all of the material covered this semester. Completion of these questions […]
Having completed the unit of philosophy of religion, you are now ready to respond to an article written by an actual atheist. This article, titled “On Being an Atheist,” was written by H. J. McCloskey in 1968 for the journal Question. McCloskey is an Australian philosopher who wrote a number of atheistic works in the […]
Culture refers to the cumulative deposit of knowledge, experience, beliefs, values, attitudes, meanings, hierarchies, religion, notions of time, roles, spatial relations, concepts of the universe, and material objects and possessions acquired by a group of people in the course of generations through individual and group striving. Culture is the systems of knowledge shared by a […]
Exile not only forces a person into isolation but also instigates an enlightening journey in which the person learns to draw certain conclusions about society. For instance, in The Road, the man and the son are completely isolated from the rest of the world by their status of being the “good guys;” however, this experience […]
The story’s setting of a historical Philippine period portrays strong Marxist undertones that display the social class system and the different types of oppression that was evident during the Commonwealth era such a physical oppression, emotional oppression, intellectual oppression and indirect oppression. Over the years, people all over the world have been oppressed and have […]
The Feminist Movement (also known as The Women’s Liberation movement) is a social movement organized around the belief that both men and women are equal in every way. The role of feminism in the 20th century changed the lives of many women, opening new doors to greater opportunities such has: jobs, education, and empowerment. Many […]
Plato introduces his concept of justice and the Good in his 10 books, which describe the ideal state and, which, in turn, embodies that justice (Plato 360 BC as qtd in Book Notes 2004). Justice is an inherent and unavoidable social and political concept in the ideal society and state. “The Republic” describes justice as […]
One important application of research into memory is eyewitness testimony (EWT). EWT is used as evidence in criminal trials in countries all over the world. Juries tend to pay extra attention to eyewitness testimony and generally see it as very trustworthy and convincing. However, a great deal of research in cognitive psychology tells us that, […]
Why does anything at all exist? G. W. Leibniz, codiscoverer of calculus and a towering intellect of 18th century Europe, wrote: “The first question which should rightly be asked is “Why is there something rather than nothing? ” -“The Principles of Nature and of Grace, Based on Reason” His conclusion was that the answer is […]
“Steerpike and Fuchsia are more than narrative devices. There are means by which Peake can examine the very nature of humanity”. Discuss.”Tradition becomes our security, and when the mind is secure it is in decay”- Jiddu KrishnamurtiSuch has been the case with Gorhmengast over the many years of its existence. Many Earls came and went, […]
Critics have said that in the first movement (Acts I-III):”Hermione and Paulina are models of feminine strength”and”Hermione’s passivity is dwarfed by Paulina’s dynamism”* How do you respond to these different views of Hermione and Paulina?* What is your opinion of the impact of the two characters on an audience?These two views present conflicting arguments with […]
Abstract Introduction Introducing Apple Inc. (One of the largest company in computer industry), and the meaning of Key Success Factors as well as the main objective of the Research Paper. Relation to Previous Research By analyzing different researches, we can have a whole picture of Apple’s success and see whether there have any managerial implication. […]
Being unemployed and fired, I am contemplating my next steps while troubled by pessimistic thoughts about my future. Unexpectedly, my landlord arrives uninvited to demand rent payment in a rude manner, leaving me defeated and uncertain. While pleading with the landlord, my voice trembled as I promised to pay in full within a week. However, […]
A mythological fiend skulking in our subconscious minds. Das Unheimliche is an Essay written by Sigmund Freud in 1919 in which he approaches the uncanny from various interesting angles. But as this is an essay about uncanniness in art, I will only explore the theories that are applicable. I will firstly and thoroughly define the […]
Pie Glue: The Sanctimonious Institution of Marriage Gregory Corso’s poem “Marriage” is a lucid example of how John Clellon Holmes described the Beat Generation: a display of “moral degeneration. ” The speaker of the poem is torn between submitting to the non-conformity of the Beats and conforming to society’s strict views about marriage and social […]
Deontological moral systems are characterized by a focus upon adherence to independent moral rules or duties. To make the correct moral choices, we have to understand what our moral duties are and what correct rules exist to regulate those duties. When we follow our duty, we are behaving morally. When we fail to follow our […]
The Mysterious Banana Included in many literary works are objects, which may seem meaningless, contributing to the theme of the work. In Samuel Beckett’s “Krapp’s Last Tape”, a dramatic work which falls into the category of Theatre of the Absurd, the banana is a discreet object which eludes to the meaning behind why Krapp chose […]
Harold S. Kushner wrote “When All You’ve Ever Wanted Isn’t Enough” in 1986 and was awarded the Christopher Medal for it in 1995. Although this book was very successful, Kushner is actually better known for writing his bestseller, When Bad Things Happen to Good People which has been translated into fourteen different languages. Kushner received […]
The question of whether International Relations is a distinct discipline has been a matter of consistent controversy. However, any field of study needs to fulfill certain criteria in order to be classified as a distinct academic discipline. Accordingly, I believe, that International Relations is indeed a ‘Distinct Discipline’ since it has many characteristics of a […]
Introduction The La Brea tar pits have been well-known for over a century. Before the rise of European settlers, local Indian tribes used the tar to caulk canoes and waterproof tents. As the Industrial Revolution took off the early 1900s, the tar pits attracted oil men, as asphaltum is often associated with petroleum. Then, when […]