Many students are faced with the problem of finding ideas for writing their essays. This website contains a database with more than 50 000 essay examples, using which you can easily find inspiration for creating your own essay on Personal Computer.

Here you will find many different essay topics on Personal Computer. You will be able to confidently write your own paper on the influence of Personal Computer on various aspects of life, reflect on the importance of Personal Computer, and much more. Keep on reading!

Operating System and Internet Browser Essay Example
4084 words 15 pages

Microsoft is the world’s largest supplier of computer software for personal computers (PC’s), may have engaged in anti-competitive conduct and created anti-competitive effects of its past unlawful conduct. Microsoft sells and licenses PC operating systems throughout the United States and the world and delivers copies of its operating systems to PC manufacturers (often referred to […]

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Microsoft Windows Operating Systems Personal Computer
Management and Technology Essay Example
4691 words 18 pages

Technology has transformed the business world of the twenty first century. Business practices are affected in every level whether marketing, merchandising or human capital; new innovative technological ideas have improved companies infrastructure and management processes. The purpose of this literature review is to explore the influx of technology into the business sector and to determine […]

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Cloud Computing Computer Management Personal Computer
Trusted Platform Module (TPM) Essay Example
4786 words 18 pages

Trusted Platform Module (TPM) is a term used to define a chip or microcontroller. This chip or microcontroller can be placed into a motherboard configuration such as devices like mobile devices, or a personal computer (PCs). The requirements and application was presented and established by the Trusted Computing Group (TCG), to deliver a solution where […]

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Computer Cybercrime Information Technology Mobile device Personal Computer
The Current Trends In Computer Hardware Platforms Computer Science Essay Example
2492 words 10 pages

Mobile platform: more and more business computing is moving from PCs and desktop machines to mobile devices like cell phones and smartphones. Data transmissions, Web surfing, e-mail and instant messaging, digital content displays, and data exchanges with internal corporate systems are all available through a mobile digital platform. Netbooks, small low-cost lightweight subnotebooks that are […]

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Computer Science Microsoft Windows Mobile device Personal Computer Science
Literature Review About Types Of Operating System Computer Science Essay Example
3833 words 14 pages

The Windows 98 is the upgrade from Windows 95 and is Graphical operating system is designed for the workstations at home or business. When during the development Windows 98 was code named as “Memphis” and at previous it also called “Windows 97” based on the earlier production schedule. However, the Microsoft believes that user wants […]

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Literature Review Microsoft Windows Operating Systems Personal Computer Science
Installation Of Windows 7 Computer Science Essay Example
1121 words 5 pages

It choosing an operating system operating system, one must not only consider the features of his/her PC personal computer but also the compatibility of that PC with the OS of his/her choice. Windows 7 is compatible with almost all modern computers. The installation of Windows 7 is much easier and takes a shorter time than […]

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Computer Science Microsoft Windows Operating Systems Personal Computer Science
Mark I and Mark II: Electro-Mechanical vs. Electronic Computers
3803 words 14 pages

The first is that Mark I and Mark II were electro-mechanical rather than electronic; the second one is that Aiken was never convinced that computer programs should be treated as data in what has come to be known as the von Neumann concept, or the stored program.It is not proposed to discuss here the origins […]

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Computer History Integrated Circuit Personal Computer
Dawn Of The Digital Age 18536 Essay Example
3189 words 12 pages

The beginning of the Digital Age is upon us. The history of computers can be traced back to the birth of the abacus, which occurred approximately two thousand years ago. An abacus is a wooden device consisting of two horizontal wires with beads strung on them. By manipulating these beads according to memorized “programming” rules, […]

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Computer Computer Components Computer Data Storage Computer Science Memories Personal Computer
The Digital Abacus 18535 Essay Example
2697 words 10 pages

The history of computers dates back about 2000 years, starting with the abacus and astrolabe for navigation. Blaise Pascal built the first digital computer in 1642, followed by Gottfried Wilhelm von Leibniz who invented a computer capable of addition and multiplication in 1671. As technology rapidly advances, questions arise about what lies ahead. Will we […]

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Computer Computer Components Computer Data Storage Information Age Memories Personal Computer
Windows 95 Beats Mac 13799 Essay Example
380 words 2 pages

There has been a longstanding debate over which computer platform to choose: the PC with its Windows environment or the Macintosh. The release of Windows 95 for the PC has intensified this debate, as it has brought major arguments to each side including hardware configuration, networking capabilities, and operating system. When comparing the Pc and […]

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Computer Database Information Age Microsoft Windows Personal Computer

Popular Questions About Personal Computer

What is called personal computer?
Personal computers are often called PCs - originally classified as microcomputers. A desktop PC usually comes with a tower that holds the main circuit boards and disk drives of the computer, and a collection of peripherals, such as a keyboard, mouse, and monitor.
What is a personal computer and examples?
The definition of a personal computer is a small computer with a microprocessor, designed for use by an individual. An example of personal computers are desktop computers used in homes, schools and small businesses.
What is a personal computer used for?
Businesses use personal computers for word processing, accounting, desktop publishing, and for running spreadsheet and database management applications. At home, the most popular use for personal computers is for playing games and recently for surfing the Internet.
Is a laptop a personal computer?
A laptop, laptop computer, or notebook computer is a small, portable personal computer (PC) with a screen and alphanumeric keyboardalphanumeric keyboardFor instance, a keyboard or computer mouse is an input device for a computer, while monitors and printers are output devices.
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