Many students are faced with the problem of finding ideas for writing their essays. This website contains a database with more than 50 000 essay examples, using which you can easily find inspiration for creating your own essay on Nazism.

Here you will find many different essay topics on Nazism. You will be able to confidently write your own paper on the influence of Nazism on various aspects of life, reflect on the importance of Nazism, and much more. Keep on reading!

Buchenwald Essay Example
873 words 4 pages

Buchenwald was a concentration camp during the holocaust. It was not cool. People died. Yup. Sucks doesnā€™t it? MmmmHmmm. Well Iā€™m bored. Got to finish this paper though. So Iā€™ll keep writing. About Buchenwald. And stuff relating toā€¦ā€¦Buchenwald. There was some stuff that happened at Buchenwald. But I canā€™t remember anything about it. I did [ā€¦]

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Holocaust Nazism Research Society
Maus Analysis Essay Example
341 words 2 pages

Approximately six million Jews perished in the Holocaust. The book Maus depicts Artieā€™s endeavor to write a book about his father Vladekā€™s World War II and Holocaust experiences. The characters in this graphic novel are depicted as animals, with mice representing Jews and cats symbolizing Nazis. This allegorical representation suggests that dogs symbolize superiority over [ā€¦]

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Animals Antisemitism Business Operations Cat Finance Holocaust Million Nazism Risk World War Ii
Book Report on the Boy in the Striped Pajamas Essay Example
533 words 2 pages

The title of the book is The Boy in the Striped Pajamas and the author is John Boyne. The genre is Fictional History and the setting is in Berlin in a big house and in a house in Poland near a Concentration Camp. This book is about a boy that is called Bruno. His father [ā€¦]

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Antisemitism Book Report Boy Nazi Germany Nazism
Swing Kids Essay Example
831 words 4 pages

In 1939, the autonomy of German youth was critically threatened by Nazi Germany. However, a faction known as the ā€˜Swing Kidsā€™ emerged from the turmoil of the battlegrounds. This group comprised rebellious youth who used American-originated swing music to oppose the Nazis. The new swing music era brought about additional punishments for the young by [ā€¦]

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Fascism Nazi Germany Nazism Society
Subculture Swing Kids Essay Example
558 words 3 pages

The Swing Kids (German: Swingjugend) were a group of jazz and swing lovers in Germany in the 1930s, mainly in Hamburg (St. Pauli) and Berlin. They were composed of 14- to 18-year-old boys and girls in high school, most of them middle- or upper-class students, but some apprentice workers as well. They sought the British [ā€¦]

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Fascism Fashion Geography Hamburg Nazi Germany Nazism
Apush America and the Holocaust Essay Example
811 words 3 pages

In 1933, Adolph Hitler launched a program to ā€˜cleanseā€™ Germany of Jewish influence. 1936 this program was extended to countries occupied by Germany, and in January, years later, the ā€œFinal Solutionā€ policy was adopted. The massive industrial annihilation of Jews in Concentration and extermination camps only reached the American public after the war ended. The [ā€¦]

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Antisemitism Holocaust Nazism World War Ii
The Holocaust Essay Example
1427 words 6 pages

The Holocaust was a form of genocide, which refers to the intentional, systematic extermination of six million Jews by the Nazis and their collaborators between 1933 and 1945. The Holocaust in Nazi-occupied Europe did not happen suddenly. It was the end of a long process of anti-Semitism and the belief in the pseudo-science of eugenics. [ā€¦]

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Antisemitism Holocaust Nazism
The Book Thief Analysis Essay Example
753 words 3 pages

The Book Thief is narrated by Death and is centered around a nine-year-old girl called Liesel Meminger, itā€™s set in Mulching (fictional town) just outside of Munich, Germany. Liesel and her brother had been given up by their mom to her foster parents, Hans and Rose Huberman, however on their way there Lieselā€™s younger brother [ā€¦]

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Nazi Germany Nazism The Book Thief
Between 1933 and 1945 Hitler and the Nazi Part were successful Essay Example
3336 words 13 pages

Hitler realised the need to recreate German society to form an ideal Nazi community, in order to create his 1000-year Reich. His new society is more commonly known as the Volksgemeinshaft, which can be literally translated as peopleā€™s community. Such society would be classless, a racially pure community, with no division where people had the [ā€¦]

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Adolf Hitler Nazism Success
How much can we learn about Nazi Germany Essay Example
3132 words 12 pages

Architecture encompasses the scientific discipline of creating and arranging structures. Over time, different societies, civilizations, and geographical areas have established unique architectural styles and characteristics. With its ubiquitous presence, architecture profoundly affects individualsā€™ lives by influencing their surroundings every day. Given that buildings are widely observed and experienced by numerous people, the impression they give [ā€¦]

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Adolf Hitler German Germany Nazism
Industrial Nations in the Slump Essay Example
1285 words 5 pages

The most significant consequences of the Great Depression were experienced by industrialized nations. Countries that relied on raw materials production had lower living standards before the Great Depression. As a result, they were not as heavily affected by income reductions or job losses. On the other hand, industrialized nations with wealthier economies had become accustomed [ā€¦]

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Adolf Hitler APA Law Nazi Party Nazism Politics Society Weimar Republic
Schindlerā€™s List Essay Example
1758 words 7 pages

The Holocaust was the Nazi attempt to annihilate the Jews of Nazi occupied Europe between 1939 and 1945. Six million Jews were savagely murdered as a result. Most were sent to concentration and death camps where they were forced into harsh labour, and if they were not capable of undertaking this, they were shot or [ā€¦]

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Antisemitism APA Christianity Finance Holocaust Jews Judaism Million Nazism
Sonderkommando ā€“ Special Forces Formations in Nazi Germany Essay Example
3503 words 13 pages

The work of the sonderkommandos8 Revolts within the camps10 Survivors12 Resources16 Introduction When one thinks of concentration camps, the link to the gas chambers will be made without difficulties. However, do people really know how they worked and who where needed to let these killing machines function? The answer is no, some can still tell [ā€¦]

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Adolf Hitler Holocaust Judaism Nazi Party Nazism Society
Nazi Germany Totalitarian State Essay Example
8690 words 32 pages

  Then into this devastated land, truncated by the Oder-Neisse borderline and hardly able to sustain its demoralized and exhausted population, streamed millions of people from the Eastern provinces, from the Balkans and from Eastern Europe, adding to the general picture of catastrophe the peculiarly modem touches of physical homelessness, social rootlessness, and political rightlessness. [ā€¦]

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Germany Nazi Germany Nazism
The Holocaust Argumentative Essay Example
566 words 3 pages

Adolf Hitler, the German dictator in World War II, started the Holocaust which was a genocide of six million Jews. The Holocaust, characterized by irreversible cold-blooded murder, can provide valuable lessons for future generations. By gaining knowledge from previous errors, we can effectively prevent any potential recurrence. To preserve the memory of this devastating event, [ā€¦]

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Holocaust Nazism Schindler'S List
Why Did Propaganda Used by the White Rose Movement Fail to Change Hitlerā€™s Regime? Essay Example
1009 words 4 pages

The white rose movement was a non-violent resistance group operating in Nazi-Germany from June 1942 till February 1943. The movement used propaganda in an attempt to change the views of Germans and Austrians against Adolf Hitler. The movement received a lot of support from German youths who had been conscripted into Hitlerā€™s Youth Armies. However, [ā€¦]

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Change Fascism Nazi Germany Nazism Propaganda
Albert Speer and the Nazi Party Essay Example
1102 words 5 pages

ā€˜History is about winnersā€ how accurate is this statement in the relation to the personality you have studied. Historians are divided on the extent to which Albert Speers contributed to Nazi Germany during World War 2 and prior to it as Hitterā€™s architect. Speers was a winner as he became Reich minister of armaments and [ā€¦]

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Adolf Hitler Nazi Party Nazism
Hitler Youth Argumentative Essay Example
1024 words 4 pages

The Nazis led campaigns and rallies to show their hatred towards the treaty and what they could do to help. The Nazis soon became very liked by everyone except for the Jews, as they were blamed for the problems Germany had faced up to this point in time. 933-1938 was a period of time which [ā€¦]

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Adolf Hitler Nazi Party Nazism
Adversity ā€“ Something to Appreciate or Despise? Essay Example
2603 words 10 pages

A gun is fired from down the hall, and one can hear the panicked screams of children and adults alike. There is a shooter in the school. You only have a minute at most before the shooter makes his way down to your classroom. Itā€™s too late for a lockdown. Children are crying and you [ā€¦]

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Adversity Bullying Holocaust Nazism
Social And Political Factors That Led National Curriculum Education Essay Example
2896 words 11 pages

The formation of the Education National Curriculum in Britain can be understood by considering various historical factors such as the socio-economic structure, political trends, religious climate, and international standing over the past three centuries. These aspects, along with significant events and legislations in the 19th and 20th centuries, provide insight into why and how the [ā€¦]

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Education Nationalism Nazi Germany Nazism Politics
Adolf Hitler- Long Live Germany Essay Example
460 words 2 pages

The ruler, commander, leader, ā€œGod likeā€ image to all of German in between his rising years, 1928-1935, had great power over all living being in Germany at the time. German flags would be raised wherever you may travel in German; Naziā€™s over-ruled the people in many streetsā€¦ Here is a poster of Adolf Hitler, during [ā€¦]

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Adolf Hitler German Germany Nazism
In God We Trust Essay Example
559 words 3 pages

The major economic assets of the great powersā€™ cities were significantly destroyed during the Second World War, leaving them in ruins. According to Lee ; Robin (348), the United States of America emerged as the sole city with an intact economy, establishing itself as the worldā€™s economic powerhouse. This advantage stemmed from the fact that [ā€¦]

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Nazism War on Drugs
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