Have no time? Stuck with ideas? We have collected a lot of interesting and useful Maintenance essay topics for you in one place to help you quickly and accurately complete your college assignment! Check out our essay examples on Maintenance and you will surely find something to your liking!

Software Maintenance and Change Control at McBride Financial Essay Example
2104 words 8 pages

When undertaking any software project a critical aspect is to have successful software maintenance and change control plans in place. An optimized and sustainable maintenance plan can help to reduce software project costs as well as provide consistency and repeatability when tackling future similar projects. Furthermore, a plan that controls changes, tests, and implements those [ā€¦]

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Computer Software Maintenance Personal Goals Risk
The Influence of Durkheim on Modern Criminological Investigation Essay Example
1428 words 6 pages

The ā€˜father of academic sociologyā€™ (Hopkins Burke, 2006), Emile Durkheim believed that crime was an important necessity in every society as it played important functional roles in the maintenance of social cohesion, the continuity of social progress and the establishment and reinforcement of societal norms. He stated that criminality was a normal phenomenon, its influence [ā€¦]

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Crime Emile Durkheim Maintenance Science Social Science
Airlines Maintenance Program Essay Example
54 words 1 page

The new age aircraft is a massive sized transport vehicle getting strength from powerful jet engines which can keep the plane afloat for more than 24 hours at a stretch. These aircrafts are wonderful mix of technology, performance and worthiness which not only requires advanced production facilities but also best possible maintenance technology.

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Aircraft Aviation Maintenance Transport
Carlo Recio Essay Example
894 words 4 pages

Carlo Recio has been a member of the maintenance crew for 8 years. Initially, he worked part-time due to his uncle arranging it because his uncle was a national sales manager for the infant formula plant. After completing vocational school, Carlo transitioned to a full-time position. He started with janitorial tasks and eventually progressed to [ā€¦]

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Compensation Human Resources Maintenance Management Working Time
Tool Control Essay Example
709 words 3 pages

Tool control affects safety. Leaving a tool in an aircraft, engine or a piece of support equipment is not just an inconvenience, it is a safety risk. Realizing this, in our aircraft maintenance department superiors enforce some sort of tool control procedures. They realize that establishing and enforcing a tool control program can provide numerous [ā€¦]

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Aviation Maintenance Safety Transport
Spare parts and sub assemblies Essay Example
3025 words 11 pages

Queensland, a remote island and being the workshop and maintenance manager in a large mining company; my daily work involves maintenance, repairs and operations of excessive plant and machinery. The job is critical as some of the machineries costs hundreds of millions of dollars thus, importance must be given to their care and maintenance and [ā€¦]

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APA Maintenance Marketing supply chain management
Boeingā€™s spare PART marketplace Essay Example
574 words 3 pages

Electronic Commerce ā€“ Application Case: Boeingā€™s spare PART marketplace Boeing was motivated to create PART in order to improve customer service, specifically for maintenance needs and spare parts. Prior to the establishment of the PART marketplace, customers faced a complicated and expensive process to obtain the specific parts they required. Orders for these parts were [ā€¦]

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Boeing Computer Network Customer Customer Service Hardware History Internet Maintenance Marketing Telephone
Total Productive Maintenance Essay Example
2495 words 10 pages

The case study examines the implementation of total productive maintenance in three different companies. It focuses on the reasons behind their decision to implement this approach and how they went about it. This paper analyzes the implementation of total productive maintenance in these three companies. Discussion: Summary of the case study These three companies adopted [ā€¦]

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Business Process Education Employment Maintenance

Popular Questions About Maintenance

What do we mean by maintenance?
1 : the act of maintaining : the state of being maintained : support The building has suffered from years of poor maintenance. 2 : something that maintains at least half of them are living parasitically on the other half instead of producing maintenance for themselvesā€” G. B. Shaw.
Which is correct maintainance or maintenance?
Maintenance is the correct word. However, due to its pronunciation, people, at times misspell it as ā€œmaintainanceā€.
What is a maintenance service?
Maintenance Services means routine maintenance, repair and replacement of existing facilities, structures, buildings or real property.
What is an example of maintenance?
The definition of maintenance is providing support or upkeep to something. An example of maintenance is a janitor keeping a school clean.
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