Essays On Mahatma Gandhi
Many students are faced with the problem of finding ideas for writing their essays. This website contains a database with more than 50 000 essay examples, using which you can easily find inspiration for creating your own essay on Mahatma Gandhi.
Here you will find many different essay topics on Mahatma Gandhi. You will be able to confidently write your own paper on the influence of Mahatma Gandhi on various aspects of life, reflect on the importance of Mahatma Gandhi, and much more. Keep on reading!
‘What Educated Women Can Do’ by Indira Gandhi, published in the Selected Speeches and Writings of Indira Gandhi from September 1972 to March 1977 (WordPress. com 2011) stresses on the importance of women’s education and their neglect not only in India but around the whole world. In this speech, Gandhi provides many strong stances on […]
The LifeBuoy Story While brands have managed to upgrade their image and evolve together with their consumers – Lifebuoy is a great example, having moved from a carbolic, sweaty association to desirable health imagery – there has been no example of a brand that has moved to the top of the pole after residing at […]
In “My trip to the Land of Gandhi” Martin Luther King states we should help India preserve her soul thus help to save our own. India was struggling with several national problems, and according to this article, Martin Luther King is describing India’s issues and reasoning why we should help them. At the first of […]
In this essay I am going to focus on how minority groups are represented in film and television. I would also like to look at how bollywood films have been infiltrated by western culture. Also how the media and their representations have changed over the years. I will be commenting on these films/programs: East is […]
How is Britishness represented in East is East, this is England and Enoch Powell’s rivers of blood speech? In its most simple form; Britishness is simply living within the nation of Britain, with a British passport and obeying and abiding to the laws and rules of the land. However, many people have and still do, […]
Every successful movement through speeches has always conveyed a more in depth message of the writer’s true purpose. There are many ways in which a writer uses rhetorical devices such as diction, style of word arrangement, purpose, and tone in order to achieve his effects upon his audience. Although there are different uses of rhetorical […]
A private citizen without health died on January 30, 1948. Mohandas K. Gandhi fell after being shot three times at the age of seventy-eight. Many people looked up to Gandhi. To pay respect, humanity followed by the UN lowered their flags to half-mast. Almost a million people waited near Jumna, not far from New Delhi, […]
To Be Violent Or Not To Be Violent? As long as there have been people on earth, there have been societal injustices. Societal injustices occur when one segment of society believes it ways are better than another segment of society and tries to oppress them. Eventually, the oppressed will revolt against the oppressors. When this […]
Sixty years ago, in the summer of 1948, our nation, then newly born, was struggling for its very survival. In January, Mahatma Gandhi had been murdered by a Hindu fanatic. The act had shocked many Indians, but apparently it had the approval of some. According to one news report, the jailed assassin, Nathuram Godse, received […]
According to Ghandi, one should “be the change you want to see in the world”. This quote implies that to create change globally, individuals must first change themselves. In other words, expecting others to take action is insufficient; instead, they should aim to inspire and initiate change within themselves as a model for others. Gandhi […]
Jawaharlal Nehru (1889-1964) was a great Indian nationalist leader who worked for independence and social reform. He became first prime minister of independent India, a position he retained until his death. He initiated India’s nonalignment policy in foreign affairs. Jawaharlal Nehru was born on Nov. 14, 1889, in Allahabad into a proud, learned Kashmiri Brahmin […]
The status of women in India has undergone significant changes throughout history. While they were previously viewed as equal to men in ancient times, their position deteriorated during the medieval era. Nonetheless, gender equality was advocated by several reformers who have left an indelible mark on Indian women’s history. Today, women have held esteemed positions […]
The title of the article is the first thing that catches the attention of the reader. In this article, we can see only one side of the story. The article throws light upon many aspects. Even though Gandhi is called the father of our nation that is India, the writer still seems to find something […]
China and India were the two most powerful colonies under Western Rule in Asia. Western Countries often annexed many empires to their ‘colonies’. The wealth and resources were drained from such colonies in order to fund other projects in the ‘Mother Country’ (the colonizing country). This often left the locals of the land in poverty. […]
From my perspective, leadership is a quality that requires various skills and personal dedication. Prior to attending this leadership class, I expected the coach to discuss exceptional leaders and their unique qualities. It is important to note that good leaders are not born naturally but rather developed, as mentioned in the lecture notes. Today, I […]
Mohandas Gandhi was a religious man, however, his religious beliefs did not come from his childhood but from his studies that he began as a political activist in South Africa. Upon his return to India from England, he had had a rough start as a lawyer and accepted an offer to work on a case […]
Quaid-i-Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah, also known as the father of the Nation, achieved the establishment of Pakistan, overshadowing all his other accomplishments in his 42-year-long public life. However, he had a diverse persona and achieved many other successes. He excelled in various roles including being a highly respected lawyer, an advocate for Hindu-Muslim unity, a […]
A. P. English- George Orwell Critizism BY eitse778 George Orwell uses the example of Mohandas Gandhi to attempt to make an argument on why human beings should avoid sainthood and Just accept “imperfection”, because when it comes down to it, every human being is imperfect. Orwell develops his own position on this theory through an […]
Abdul Kalam was born in a very poor fisherman’s family on 15 October, 1931 in Rameshwaram. Though he was a legatee of adversity and poverty yet he was not born to shatter. His father Jainul Abden was a hawker and used to sell newspapers. By dint of his intelligence and diligence he obtained a degree […]
The industry of motion picture has gained an undeniable significance to people’s lives and the society in general. This is because film business has evolved from an unassuming yet straightforward beginning around the world until it has reached its current relevant status. In fact, it is natural for countries to have respective movie industry hence […]
The renowned Mahatma Gandhi, possibly the most significant figure of the past nineteen hundred years, uttered one of my preferred quotes: “Be the change you want to see in the world.” He imagined a society where ethics and values are embraced on a daily basis. Nevertheless, even after over fifty years of independence, is this […]
By answering these 20 questions about Gandhi, you will write an amazing essay: Gandhi was a very inspirational leader. How did he motivate people to follow him and would these same techniques work today? Are there leaders that invoke the same ideals? For Gandhi, the concept of civil disobedience was extremely important. In what ways […]