Good Country People Essay Examples
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In the short story, âGood Country People,â Flannery OâConnor tells us that everyoneâs lives can be torn by acts of weakness and evil. Everyone has a weakness of some sort, just like the characters of this story did. People often put on fronts and they donât act themselves. Evil is everywhere. Everyone has their faults [âŠ]
My initial response to the storyâs title is that the short story was going to be about a happy family that lived in the country and drama to make the story interesting. At the start, it seemed as if anybody that was from the country were âgoodâ and never did anything wrong throughout their entire [âŠ]
In âA Good Man Is Hard To Findâ, OâConnor introduces the reader to a family representative of the old and new Southern culture. The grandmother represents the old South by the way in which she focuses on her appearnace, manners, and gentile ladylike behavior. OâConnor writes âher collars and cuffs were organdy trimmed with lace [âŠ]