Essays About God
Many students are faced with the problem of finding ideas for writing their essays. This website contains a database with more than 50 000 essay examples, using which you can easily find inspiration for creating your own essay on God.
Here you will find many different essay topics on God. You will be able to confidently write your own paper on the influence of God on various aspects of life, reflect on the importance of God, and much more. Keep on reading!
Ancient civilizations of Mesoamerica may seem entirely equal at times, but the truth about these civilizations is that the differences may be nearly secret or completely obvious. What comes to mind as two nearly identical cultures from Mesoamerica, the Aztecs and the Mayans have many other differences and similarities that help distinguish one from the […]
Religion and morality have been seen as inseparable since the advent of Western thought (http://plato.stanford. edu/entries/religion-morality/) – religion’s fundamental characters being frequently ethical in nature, and morality often viewed as a derivative of religion. However, the relationship is not as clear cut as many people would like you to believe. A very old and important […]
The Universe Next Door: Ethics and Worldviews A worldview is the set of beliefs that is fundamentally grounded in each person’s heart whether they realize it or not, whether they hold true to it or not. Put simply, it is the basis on which a person lives his/her life. Therefore, ethics, the defining of right […]
Abstract This essay seeks to definitively answer if contents from the Holy Bible condemn Homosexuality. Within the essay is a clear definition of homosexuality and the debate between Conservative Christians and Liberal Christians about the answer. Biblical verses and passages are analyzed from a Conservative and Liberal point of view, including Genesis 1:27-28 (the passage […]
‘The world is so orderly that God must have created it. ’ Discuss. The world can be a magnificent place and many would say that it is the most intricate and complex creation to ever exist. There are many examples of ‘order’ and design in the world. Some people believe that these designs are so […]
We prominently witness the basics of the Anglo-Saxon culture in regards to religion throughout Judith and The Dream of the Rood. The Anglo-Saxon church believed strongly in the moral idea of martyrs. In Christian terms, the theory of a martyr is one who surrenders their life for Jesus Christ, willingly suffering death for his honor […]
The diversity of meanings and implications for different global communities makes it challenging to describe religion. The topic of the best or most “correct” religion is often a subject of heated debate among people. Religious institutions and freedom have been at the center of wars and conflicts throughout history. Despite this, few people can succinctly […]
In The Color Purple, Celie’s Pa advises her to never speak of certain things because it would greatly distress her mother. Therefore, Celie resorts to communicating with God through letters. Celie writes letters to God not only because she is commanded to, but also because she’s uncertain about how to deal with being a victim […]
This article aims to present the key points in Saint Augustine’s Confessions, which shed light on religious beliefs after the fall of Rome. Despite possible differences with the general opinion of his contemporaries, Augustine’s views offer valuable information on how thinkers like Neoplatonists interpreted God’s message. The outline will cover Book I., which includes: Augustine’s […]
Christian symbolism in Beowulf within the poem Beowulf, the poet utilizes the Christian religion to symbolize the elements of good and evil and Heaven and Hell. Beowulf is the oldest known English epic poem. The manuscripts date back to about 1000 A. D., when two scribes wrote it down for posterity. The poem was handed […]
The piece of literature “The American Wilderness: Why It Matters” expresses Robert F Kennedy, Jr’s concern about the American Wilderness. Within this piece of literature, Kennedy is addressing the general American public. This piece of literature was not meant for anyone but Americans. You can see this by the usage of his language. He continually […]
Losing My Religion: Exposing the Hypocrisy of Religion in Emily Dickinson’s “Some keep the Sabbath going to Church-“ Who does society consider the faithful? Is it the man on the street corner screaming for everyone to repent their sins before the apocalypse? Is it the zealot who straps a bomb to his body, and walks […]
Monotheism and polytheism are two very different belief systems. Monotheism is the belief in one god and polytheism is the belief in more one than one god. The concept of morality can and does exist within cultures that have only one god, as well as cultures that have multiple gods. Without morality, the world would […]
Metaphors: Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God “Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God” by Jonathon Edwards is an important piece of early American literature. The purpose of this sermon, written in 1741, was to persuade congregations to devote themselves fully to Puritan beliefs.It is characterized by the author’s use of emotional […]
The novel River God by Wilbur Smith is set in Ancient Egypt, during a time when the kingdoms were beginning to collapse and the Upper and Lower Egypt were separated between two rulers. The story is in the view-point of Taita, a highly multi-talented eunuch slave. At the beginning of the story, Taita belongs to […]
In their book Lead Like Jesus Ken Blanchard & Phil Hodges encourage readers to ask themselves three key questions: 1)Am I a leader? (pg. 4) 2)Am I willing to follow Jesus as my leadership role model? (pg. 11) 3)How do I lead like Jesus? (pg. 19) The authors try to define who is a leader. […]
Dreams and Humanity Since the beginning of time, the interpretation of dreams has been used as a means to provide guidance for future actions or as warnings. Some dreams are so bizarre that they have often been ascribed to the soul having an out of body experience (Tedlock, 1987). While dreams are often defined as […]
In 1608, a group of Christian separatists from the Church of England fled to the Netherlands and then to the “New World” in search of the freedom to practice their fundamentalist form of Christianity (dubbed Puritanism). The group of people known as the Native Americans (or American Indians) are the aboriginal inhabitants of the Northern […]
‘A comparative analysis of ‘Absolution’ and chapter one of ‘The Great Gatsby’ with emphasis on F. Scott Fitzgerald’s style and the role of chapter one as an introduction to themes and characters’ The short story ‘Absolution’ begins by focusing on the Priest character, and Fitzgerald explains a few unusual factors about him which helps to […]
In Jane Eyre Bronte uses descriptions of the inside of Thornfield Hall to create a Gothic atmosphere in which Jane feels uncomfortable. The isolation and large uninhabited spaces of the manor remove it from the outside world. Strange entities and details as well as metaphor make the house seem unknown and plagued with the supernatural. […]
Various gods, including Yahweh, Isis, Zeus or Astarte have been attributed to the creation of the heavens and earth. The beliefs surrounding these ancient deities have raised questions about their religious and political motivations. An individual’s worldview is shaped by early influences from parents, teachers and peers regarding what they see, feel and hear. Major […]
Within African cultures, there is a common perception regarding the connection between humans and the spiritual realm. This perception emphasizes a deeply personal interaction. In the wider African spiritual sphere, individuals are believed to be constantly influenced by other individuals, their ancestors, minor deities, the Creator, and different natural forces. The belief in an interactive […]