Essays About God
Many students are faced with the problem of finding ideas for writing their essays. This website contains a database with more than 50 000 essay examples, using which you can easily find inspiration for creating your own essay on God.
Here you will find many different essay topics on God. You will be able to confidently write your own paper on the influence of God on various aspects of life, reflect on the importance of God, and much more. Keep on reading!
Racism, the prejudice and discrimination against individuals based on their skin color or religion, can result in verbal abuse or physical harm. In modern society, racism is deemed groundless since there are no inherent dissimilarities between people of different races apart from their skin tone. The Church of England and the Roman Catholic Church both […]
The Augustinian theodicy, originating from St Augustine, is grounded in biblical references, particularly in the narratives of creation and the fall in Genesis. Its central premise consists of two assertions: firstly, that evil did not stem from God, as His creation was without imperfections and absolute; secondly, that evil is a consequence of human free […]
Siddhartha Gautama lived many different lifestyles which ultimately led to his ideas and beliefs on how to proper live without human suffering, selfish cravings, and being enslaved to individual desires and passions. He began life in a wealthy lifestyle, moved ahead to a life with a wife and child of his own, left his family […]
Studies in the Life of Elijah by J. Hampton Keathley III hamptonk3@bible. org Biblical Studies Press www. bible. org 1995 J. Hampton Keathley III, Th. M. is a 1966 graduate of Dallas Theological Seminary and a former pastor of 28 years. Hampton currently writes for the Biblical Studies Foundation and on occasion teaches New Testament […]
Having completed the unit of philosophy of religion, you are now ready to respond to an article written by an actual atheist. This article, titled “On Being an Atheist,” was written by H. J. McCloskey in 1968 for the journal Question. McCloskey is an Australian philosopher who wrote a number of atheistic works in the […]
In Westminster Abbey Let me take this other glove off As the vox humana swells, And the beauteous fields of Eden Bask beneath the Abbey bells. Here, where England’s statesmen lie, Listen to a lady’s cry. Gracious Lord, oh bomb the Germans. Spare their women for Thy Sake, And if that is not too easy […]
John Haught’s What is God aims to provide “a simple ‘mystagogy’… an ‘introduction to mystery’ (116). The importance of mystery to Haught’s work may be traced to his main assumption that the existence of God is evident in the existence of “a cognitive ‘feeling’ of inexhaustibility” that an individual experiences in relation to the experience […]
There are various factors that contributed toward the vulnerability of Eve to be seduced by Satan to taste the forbidden fruit. The foremost among them is her separation from Adam as Adam was a source of support for her. Satan was hankering after such a moment but he had no hope of that. He sought […]
As the archetype of Romanticism, Nathaniel Hawthorne displays the beauty of his artistic school by straying from reason and science and, instead, entertaining emotion and the institution of religion. The Minister’s Black Veil uses the significance of sin, which is objective and invisible which is in turn transformed to the visible reactions of the characters […]
People could not live without desires for their life. To have a happy life, first of all it has to be desired. There is another aspect of life that opposite desire, duty. Both of them create life. Jasmine is the main character of the same name novel of Bharati Mukherjee who struggle about what she […]
The meaning of one’s life as seen through the eyes of God is what determines their personal faith and religious identity, such as that of Damien of Molokai. Religious purpose refers to the ways in which an individual lives out their faith and puts it into practice, representing their recognized purpose in life. The concept […]
This week we have the first of two perspectives on the Role of the Worship Team. I thought we should start by explaining… who is… or should be considered part of the ‘worship team’. This may seem rather obvious, but the people on the praise and worship team are those directly involved with the praise […]
Benjamin E Mays believes that each person is born with a singular and exclusive mission, which will remain incomplete if not achieved. My peers and I found it challenging to understand the philosophy since it is not usually encountered until adulthood. As there was no strong father figure in my Christian household, I lacked proper […]
Elie has been a follower of God ever since he was brought into this world, and truthfully I cannot imagine him ever giving up hope in his God. I would have to say probably the only thing in the world that could have ever managed to make Elie even doubt his God one bit would […]
Romantic poetry expresses the self – originating and emotional poetry of the Romantic period. In William Blake’s life, he had an ever so mind changing an occurrence. After William Blake became married, he had an altercation with a man, John Schofield. After Schofield pressed charges and Blake was acquitted, Blake carried the burden of the […]
Examining the Christian nature of “The Rime of the Ancient Mariner”, this essay discusses how Coleridge depicts isolation as a prevailing theme. The Mariner is portrayed as a Wanderer, embodying a Romantic archetype, who is cursed to wander alone due to his past sin. Even God seems distant from him, as he remarks that God […]
Allama Iqbal didn’t limit himself to certain themes but explored a variety of ideas in his poetry, including God, man, nature, and religion. In his poem “Modern Man,” he describes the new world that man has created for himself. This can be contrasted with “God and Man,” where Iqbal depicts a conversation between God and […]
Arundhati Roy’s novel The God of Small Things follows the growth of Estha and Rahel, exploring their relationship from early childhood through to adulthood. In the following piece, I will closely examine Roy’s use of language and structure, as well as the intertextual references present on pages 193-198 that convey the innocence of youth. Roy […]
Vernon ‘God’ Little plays the protagonist in the novel written by DBC Pierre; the author inhabiting a teenage mind. Vernon reflects the mindset of Pierre since a conventional teenage boy from the USA is accurately portrayed. Vernon is instantly introduced as a guilty man; ‘I’m the first one they rounded up so far’, which suggests […]
An Ecological Model of the Trinity Within The New Cosmology Advancement of modern technology and scientific discovery, as well as the sociological developments of the past century, has changed the way humanity relates to the world. Human culture, particularly American culture, has developed a predominant world-view of earth’s resources and human relationships as things to […]
INDEPENDENT STUDY Religious Syncretism in Singapore: Phra Phrom worship among Chinese Singaporeans. Abstract Since the 1980s, there has been a growing popularity amongst Chinese Singaporeans who worship the Thai deity Phra Phrom (commonly known to them as the “Four Faced Buddha”) and making regular pilgrimages to temples in Thailand. (Hoon 2001) My research will seek […]
a) Explain how the theodicy of Irenaeus differs from that of Augustine. One of the main arguments used by non-believers against the existence of God is the presence of evil and suffering in the world. The term ‘evil’ is often used to describe something that is morally wrong. Philosophers make a distinction between moral evil […]