The Electoral College is a system in the United States of America that elects the president and vice-president by electors who are appointed by each state. The number of electors for each state is equal to the number of representatives and senators that the state has in Congress. Although this system was established centuries ago, it continues to be a point of debate today. In this essay, we will discuss both pros and cons associated with the Electoral College system. One major benefit of the Electoral College is that it gives small states more representation than they would otherwise have if there were only popular votes being counted towards selecting a new president. Smaller states are less likely to see their interests represented if candidates had to focus entirely on winning big populous areas since those areas contain most of the voting population. Additionally, since there is no direct correlation between electoral votes and population size, every voter’s vote carries equal weight regardless of where they live or how large their community may be. This means that an individual from a rural area can still have just as much influence over choosing elected officials as someone living in an urban center. Another advantage associated with using the Electoral College system is that it provides some stability when deciding who should become president or vice president because it ensures that whichever candidate wins receives at least 270 electoral votes which allows them to gain control over government without having won a majority popular vote (in case one exists). The purpose behind this rule was originally intended to limit decisions made by factions within federal government which could potentially undermine democracy itself; however, this also means that candidates do not need broad support across all regions in order to win office making it easier for presidents elected through this method to remain in power even if they lack sufficient public support elsewhere outside their base constituencies However, with these advantages comes several potential drawbacks associated with utilizing such an antiquated governmental structure including its tendency toward favoring certain populations over others due to regional politics influencing outcomes unfairly; for example: winner take all systems allow certain regions greater say than others even though total votes may actually have been split evenly among multiple candidates nationwide”this happens often enough under our current arrangement so as make us question whether or not any given election truly reflects consensus opinion among citizens nationally rather than merely reflecting desires expressed locally Additionally, many critics argue against allowing such an institution continue functioning whereby voters are technically electing electors instead directly electing their leaders themselves due primarily because some people feel like they don’t get proper say when choosing leaders-for instance: despite widespread calls change during 2020 presidential elections adhering strictly traditional process left millions feeling unheard/powerless leading up November 3rd 2020 Finally–the fact remains controversial topic must decided upon entire nation lest risk further polarization/alienation felt amongst minority groups/nonvoters alike whose voices otherwise go unrepresented–meaning ultimately decision rests hands.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Electoral College Essay Example
1198 words 5 pages

Like any other electoral body, the United States’ Electoral College in charge of the elections and checks the populace of the parties involved, that is the republican and the Democratic Party. People have the confidence in the fact that the Electoral College will rectify any of the mistakes they have done in the election and […]

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Electoral College Pros And Cons
Issue of the Electoral College Essay Example
510 words 2 pages

Should the president be elected through a popular vote? The Electoral College in the United States states that electing the president based on popular vote results in the candidate with the most votes from voters becoming president. This method is simple and allows all voters to understand how their vote affects the election process. It […]

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Electoral College Pros And Cons
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