Many students are faced with the problem of finding ideas for writing their essays. This website contains a database with more than 50 000 essay examples, using which you can easily find inspiration for creating your own essay on Discourse Community.

Here you will find many different essay topics on Discourse Community. You will be able to confidently write your own paper on the influence of Discourse Community on various aspects of life, reflect on the importance of Discourse Community, and much more. Keep on reading!

Undecided Audience Outcome Essay Example
288 words 2 pages

Other readers might include professors and administrators who would probably be less likely to agree with the author how a viewer cans use the rhetorical situation to analyze an image? The targeted viewers are people in the United States, but also in other parts of the world, who read this newspaper either online or in [ā€¦]

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Audience Discourse Community Writer
Community Discourse Analysis Essay Example
1496 words 6 pages

Introduction In his book, ā€œGenre Analysis,ā€ John Swales defines a discourse community as the set of values as well as assumptions that define the mannerism of communication. Therefore, his claims indicate that there are strategies that define the communication process in a group of individuals to meet their objectives and purpose of their undertakings through [ā€¦]

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Discourse Community
Australiaā€™s ā€˜War on Terrorā€™ Discourse Essay Example
1745 words 7 pages

Abstract Kathleen Gleeson, a political science PhD holder, has authored ā€œAustraliaā€™s war on terror Discourse,ā€ a book that delves into political changes, democratic participation, and political and social discourse. Gleesonā€™s work encompasses an examination of Prime Minister Howardā€™s government and their utilization of the ā€˜war on terrorā€™ concept to garner public backing. Given the context [ā€¦]

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Discourse Community
Discourse Community Ethnography Essay Example
1135 words 5 pages

Every discourse community utilizes various communication prospects and models specific to their system. Consequently, comprehending the underlying aspects of an individual that can be recognized and understood across different systems is crucial. Assessing the community and identifying unique communication and values is crucial to understanding the principles needed in the systems of a discourse community, [ā€¦]

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Discourse Community Ethnographic Ethnography
Assessing Social Change Essay Example
1231 words 5 pages

The result of the mock interview on the issue of mental health care and the stigma that surrounds the topics yielded some important data, and this data will form a key part of the final project (Stringer, 2007). For instance, while all the respondents were in agreement that mental illness and the stigma that surrounds [ā€¦]

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Discourse Community Group Work Social Change
The Concept of Protestant Clergy Essay Example
1119 words 5 pages

The main Protestant denominations in the world today include the Baptists, Methodists, Lutherans, and the Presbyterians. The Protestant clergy usually constitutes the formal leaders in their respective churches. Their functions and roles differ with regards to the specific traditions in the different denominations, which often revolve around the teaching of religious practices and doctrines as [ā€¦]

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Baptism Discourse Community
History of LGBTQ community in Pacific Northwest Essay Example
996 words 4 pages

Seattleā€™s social fabric has a deep interweaving of non-normative sexuality, which has its roots in ancient times and makes up its long history. During the late 19th century, Seattle experienced an increase in sodomy cases primarily due to a larger population of transient men compared to women. In 1893, as a result of increased immigration [ā€¦]

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Community Policing Discourse Community Double Consciousness Historiography Lgbt LGBT Š”ommunity
Health Care Essay
654 words 3 pages

Introduction Health care involves providing medical services to improve physical and mental well-being. The operations in hospitals, clinics, and government agencies differ from other workplaces. Thus, understanding healthcare systems is essential, including classifications, hospital structures, long-term care provisions, insurance coverage, legal considerations, and the roles of healthcare professionals. Gaining knowledge in these areas is crucial [ā€¦]

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Care Discourse Community Health Care
Practice Experiences with Marginalized Individuals Essay Example
650 words 3 pages

Basically marginalization is a process in which some people are pushed to the edge of group and given lesser importantance (J, 2013). Marginalization can involve a society being involved in global level while communities and classes can actually be marginalized from dominant social order. This paper asserts to discuss my practice experience with more marginalized [ā€¦]

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Discourse Community Never Give Up
Community Partnership with Police in Responding To Violence Essay Example
585 words 3 pages

Community policing, as defined by the COPS Office, involves proactive approaches to address public safety concerns like crime, social issues, and fear of crime. It promotes problem-solving and collaboration between law enforcement and the community. The specific strategies used to enhance problem-solving and police-community relationships vary greatly among organizations and are not covered in this [ā€¦]

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A Policeman Community Policing Discourse Community Public School
Social Capital Essay Example
635 words 3 pages

Introduction Social capital is the collective trust and cooperation that emerges from the web of associations among individuals involved in organizations and community group. Private exercises, not government ones, foster social capital. The term civil society is some of the time utilized as an equivalent word for the connections that make social capital. In a [ā€¦]

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Discourse Community Group Work Social Status
Impact Of Spiritual Beliefs On Patients Health Essay Example
568 words 3 pages

Spirituality is often used to describe a relationship with a higher being or God, as well as the personal quest for understanding life, relationships, and the significance of the sacred or transcendent. The involvement of an external community in spiritual matters is not mandatory. Spirituality encompasses various beliefs and practices that involve an individualā€™s connection [ā€¦]

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Discourse Community Social Anxiety
Sectors of Higher Education Essay Example
488 words 2 pages

Higher Education is essential for the United Statesā€™ economy to thrive. It has improved key aspects of society, including open discussion, acceptance of different viewpoints, and the sharing and creation of knowledge. The higher education system in the USA receives significant support from various stakeholders, which has contributed to its strong performance in the sector [ā€¦]

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Discourse Community Student Loan
Leaderā€™s Expression on Advocacy Essay Example
427 words 2 pages

Martin Luther King was an American Baptist, politician, and activist who dedicated himself to advocating for the civil rights of the Black community in America. Both Malcolm X and Thomas Hobbes were influential figures in their respective nations, advocating for political rights and human equality. Malcolm X, an African American leader and activist, dedicated his [ā€¦]

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Discourse Community Letter from Birmingham Jail Martin Luther King Thomas Hobbes
Career Choice and Place in Society Essay Example
231 words 1 page

During the past nine years, I have gained significant expertise in speech therapy by working with children aged 1 to 14. This profession is both fulfilling and educational for me. I am captivated by the genuine kindness, enthusiasm, and diversity exhibited by children, which distinguishes them from adults. My career choice has greatly enhanced my [ā€¦]

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Discourse Community Persuasive Speech
College Admission Essay Sample
273 words 1 page

Over the past nine years, I have been employed as a speech therapist assistant, providing assistance to lower income families and volunteering at Vogel homeless daycare center. Throughout this period, I have maintained a consistent position with the same company for nine years while also undertaking PRN work with another company for five years. Additionally, [ā€¦]

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Discourse Community Volunteer Experience

Popular Questions About Discourse Community

What are some examples of a discourse community?
Linguist John Swales defined discourse communities as "groups that have goals or purposes, and use communication to achieve these goals". Some examples of a discourse community might be those who read and/or contribute to a particular academic journal, or members of an email list for Madonna fans.
What is discourse community do you Belong to?
Discourse communities can include anything from members of the American Psychological Association to frequent Starbucks consumers. They can be formal or informal, small or large, silly or academic; as long as they adhere to the six criteria mentioned above. You probably belong to more discourse communities than you think.
What defines a discourse community?
A discourse community is generally defined as a community of people who use a particular kind of language or discourse. Many different examples of discourse communities illustrate how versatile this term is. It can describe a group of people who have common interests, or a group of highly trained scientists or technicians.
Why are discourse communities important?
Discourse communities take place all over the world and play a vital role in communication. It is important to understand what a discourse community is because each person is involved in at least one discourse community in their life. By being involved in more than one discourse community a person can learn much more.
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