Comedies Essay Examples
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‘Ferris Buellers Day Off’ is one of the most popular teen comedies of the eighties containing quotes that were constantly repeated. It was released in 1986 and directed by famous director ‘John Hughes’.The film is a study of a charismatic teenager played by Matthew Broderick. His character pretends to be ill to get the day […]
Romeo And Juliet TragicIt is known that in Shakespeare’s tragedies main characters die in the end, and in his comedies people marry. Since Romeo and Juliet are a tragedy, Romeo and Juliet are going to die in the end. Some events have to lead to their deaths, and someone makes these events happen. The person(s) […]
Commedia Dell’ Arte was a distinctive form of stage art in the 1600’s and the famous playwright Moliere furthered its acceptance and import throughout his life. Originating in Italy, the popular art form spread quickly with the aid of traveling troops. One area that was greatly affected by this form of theater was France. The […]
It could be seen that it is a valid interpretation that Petruchio’s methods of “taming” Kate are comic. Petruchio’s methods of “taming” Kate may have been appropriate comedy material for the 16th Century audience, but most modern audiences find Petruchio’s “taming” methods to be neither amusing nor acceptable. A contemporary audience would have found Kate […]
In the 1991 comedy, What About Bob? Bill Murray portrays a peculiar and anxious man that is isolated by his multiple phobias and excessive dependence on therapists. Bob Wiley’s (Bill Murray’s character) fears range from germs to fear of having a heart attack or his bladder explode spontaneously. He will pretend to have Tourette syndrome, […]