Chicago Essays
Many students are faced with the problem of finding ideas for writing their essays. This website contains a database with more than 50 000 essay examples, using which you can easily find inspiration for creating your own essay on Chicago.
Here you will find many different essay topics on Chicago. You will be able to confidently write your own paper on the influence of Chicago on various aspects of life, reflect on the importance of Chicago, and much more. Keep on reading!
In the book, it is depicted how America lost its innocence in different ways – both positive and negative. On one hand, America emerged as a plausible contender on the global stage and Chicago was recognized as a magnificent city. However, citizens also became aware of the presence of real evil in their midst. The […]
Since their establishment, the Chicago Bulls have shown exceptional performance in the Eastern Conference Central division of the NBA, making them a successful basketball team hailing from Illinois in the USA. The Chicago Bulls Basketball team has established themselves as one of the most accomplished and triumphant teams in the NBA since their founding in […]
The existence of street gangs and their relationship with the trade of illegal drugs have long been argued within the circles of criminal justice, academe, media and society in general. While the issue of assembly or gathering among people with common interests is not totally associated with negative implications, history accounts and actual events led […]
The Port Chicago Disaster occurred on July 24, 1944 when Captain W. wrote a memorandum. In a report to Rear Admiral W. R. Purnell, USN, S. Parsons detailed the most devastating explosion known to have occurred on American land up until that point in time. Captain Parsons was chosen for the job of Liaison Officer […]
In The Poem “Chicago” . the poet Carl Sandburg uses personification. enunciation. and imagination to demo his love and pride for his place metropolis of Chicago. In the first stanza “HOG Butcher for the World. / Tool Maker. Stacker of Wheat. / Player with Railroads and the Nation’s Freight Handler ; / Stormy. Eskimo dog. […]
The Devil in the White City by Erik Larson The Devil in the White City recounts an unforgettable story set during the 1893 World’s Fair in Chicago. Erik Larson masterfully organizes the book, transitioning smoothly between events and scenes and introducing characters with diverse behaviors and motives. The author merges two plot lines and tackles unresolved […]
This book written by author, William J. O’Malley asks the questions about God and the existence of God. O’Malley tries to show people why faith in a God is important and in this book he goes through atheism, science, and different world religions to make a case for the profound significance of God.
There are two primary types of Employee Stock Ownership Plans (ESOPs): a stock bonus plan and a leveraged plan. Both types involve the establishment of an ESOP trust that is tax-exempt according to the Internal Revenue Code. In a stock bonus plan, the company provides either stock or cash to the ESOP funds, which are […]
To protect celebrities from unwanted invasion of their privacy, stricter limitations should be imposed on paparazzi. These photographers are willing to go to extreme lengths, disregarding the celebrity’s emotions and even endangering their own lives, just to capture a valuable photograph. A paparazzo is a self-employed photographer who relentlessly pursues famous individuals to capture candid […]
Tardiness means to be late, slow or sluggish and is a form of misconduct. Have you ever experienced being tardy to class? Does tardiness do any advantage to you? What do you get for being tardy? Does tardiness means that you are not smart? Why are there a lot of students who like being tardy? […]
Famous blues singer, Etta James, known from songs such as At Last and Something’s Got A Hold On Me died in southern California. According to Lupe De Leon, James died early Friday, at Riverside Community Hospital in Los Angeles. The cause of her death was complications of leukemia. She had been undergoing treatment for leukemia […]
Our suggestion to Benihana is to expand the target market and include a young generations as well as open new chain of family friendly restaurants. Gaining younger generations market could be accomplished by development of a mix of Japanese-Chinese quick cuisine restaurants/ food courts. Younger generation is very familiar with Chinese food, which is affordable, […]
Grace Abbott is most known for her work in children’s welfare and immigrant welfare. Throughout her life the importance of general equality had always been enforced. With this, plus her knowledge of women’s suffering, she made it her life’s work to make the lives of women, children and immigrants better. She managed to make the […]
Thurgood Marshall delivered a speech on “The Legal Attack to Secure Civil Rights,” at the National Association of the Advancement of Colored People Wartime Conference, in Chicago, Illinois, during July 1944. In the speech Marshall gives an overview of antidiscrimination law and expresses the importance of understanding the laws in place to protect the civil […]
September 11, 2012 My essay will be about the tragedy of Selena Quintanilla, Selena was a famous Mexican/American singer and song writer. Selena Quintanilla-Perez was born in Lake Jackson, Texas on April 16. Selena’s brother, Abraham Quintanilla and Selena’s sister Suzette were little kids when Selena was born. Abraham always had a passion for music, […]
The 1947 murder of Elizabeth Short has remained one of Hollywood’s most notorious unsolved cases in Los Angeles history. The cold case has been passed down from detective to detective searching answers or any clues to help put the case to rest. The Black Dahlia was actually Elizabeth Short: a young, aspiring actress from a […]
On 2 May 2002, The New York Post published an article about the use of surveillance cameras in public places written by William D. Eggers and Eve Tushnet of the Manhattan Institute, a high-profile right-wing think-tank. Entitled “Big Brother’s Eyes” and printed on The Post’s opinion page, William (Bill) Eggers was born in 1967 and […]
Devil in the White City, an book written by Erik Larson, tells the true story of the construction of the 1893 Columbian Exposition World’s Fair in Chicago, which is considered the most significant fair in the United States. Larson also delves into the narrative of H. H., a psychopathic murderer. Holmes employed his World’s Fair […]
“If to be mad is to be in error, there’s a kind of contradiction there, between what it is to be mad in the eyes of the world, and what it is to have these experiences in which you are having a sense of revelation, and you are noticing other features in the world that […]
The term sport tourism has become increasingly common in the tourism industry over the past five years; it is a lucrative segment of the tourism business. Lavalle (1997) estimated that sport tourism is a 845 billion industry. Sport-oriented vacations, however, are really nothing new. After all, the Romans and Greeks traveled to and participated in […]
The Pullman Strike of 1894 was one of the most important events of the Labor movement of the 19th century. Despite rampant corruption and disregard for the common worker, the Pullman Strike was only one of a very few labor strikes which possessed any real size and possibility for effecting change. The change that the […]
Neil Smith’s article, “New City, New Frontier: The Lower East Side as Wild, Wild West” discusses the core of what may be characterized as the revitalization of the urban frontier in New York City, with a detailed and intricate exposition and emphasis on the very concepts of the frontier myth and the process of gentrification. […]